Top 10 Best Countries to Visit

I'm sorry, but the US first? Since when does the US have a more interesting background than countries like Italy or France? Since when does the US have better food than France? France is an amazing country.
Paris, the city of love, the city of lights, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, the city of fashion, because excuse me, but the USA didn't create fashion. Italy, France, and the UK did.
But what about the south? The beautiful beaches, Cannes, people, food, life... Then we have Mont Saint Michel in the north of France, and the center with mountains. So many beautiful places! France is the most visited country, so why is it here? It should be in the top three (at least).

Don't argue, "Oh, they're so racist, I never want to go there!" First of all, over half of the country is Democratic and supports Muslims, LGBT rights, and believes in equal rights.
And the reason why it's at the top is because of its variety. People are always arguing that countries like the Bahamas are beautiful because of their beaches, which I always find pathetic. The United States has something for everyone. Lush jungles with colorful plants, freezing bays with small huts, bustling cities with billboards and stores surrounding you, beautiful blue beaches with bouncing dolphins, peaceful towns bordered by mountains - anything you want!

Italy covers an area of 301,338 km². With almost 62 million inhabitants, it is the third most populous EU member state. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares... read more
Why is Italy not first or at least third? Italy is beautiful and so full of life. I'm Canadian, and really, people need to snap into reality and realize France is not the best country in the world. France is so stereotypical.
I went to France, and I will never go back. Anyway, Italy is my favorite place, more than my own country! Ti voglio bene.
Italy should be in first place. It has good landscapes, like all the beaches, for example. It has good food. It has the best monuments and art cities.
Only Rome is as good to visit as the United States. I understand France, but the United States shouldn't be at the top.

My aunt, her husband, and my two cousins live in Brisbane. When I was two years old, I visited them with my mother. It was a great time!
We stayed there for half a year, and now, 11 years later, I realize that Australia is definitely my favorite country to visit. I hope to visit my aunt and my cousins again.
I was in Sydney for two weeks. There was so much to do and nothing that I didn't enjoy. The Harbour Bridge, the Opera House, the Botanical Gardens, and many other attractions are all there!
And I would recommend some very fine restaurants, beaches, and tourism ferries. I loved Australia when I went there. So I reckon that you will too!

CN Tower, Great White North, Arctic Beauty, Niagara Falls, the Canadian Rockies, evergreen wilderness, the lakes, St. Lawrence River. Polar bears, anyone?
The great lushness of the taiga forests bears enough beauty to marvel at.
Gorgeous country, great food, kind people, many nice landscapes, and activities. It's multicultural, so you're bound to find someone to help out if needed.
I live in Ontario and love Canada. It's an amazing place to camp in the wilderness. If you don't love animals, you're not Canadian.

I live in California, and it's no match for the mighty Japanese culture! I will admit, San Francisco is great (LA is way too smoggy and weird), but if you ever go to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Yokohama, Hiroshima, and more, you will realize the intense beauty and spiritual depth, coupled with a wild nightlife as well. It's just so great!
The people are very polite, the food is amazing, and the technology they have is simply incredible. The girls are more than special, and the anime and manga industry is rapidly growing thanks to Japan. The beauty of Sakura trees, temples, and shrines is breathtaking. Lastly, it has everything America has and more, like amusement parks, beaches, mountains, and snow, not to mention the amazing nightlife of Tokyo!

The United Kingdom comprises four countries: Scotland, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland (or the Republic of Ireland). From London, you can take a train to France (Paris) and then a boat to Germany and Spain. It's like an all-in-one vacation to all of Europe, or an easy flight to Canada, America, or Australia. Britain has toured the world and has connections to almost every country, being a country made out of countries itself.
Truly the center of the world and history, London features the Churchill War Rooms, National Gallery, Piccadilly Circus, and British Museum. The best, most ethnically diverse, and delicious food is in London, and the people are very nice.
Cornwall has beautiful beaches and coastline. The Midlands offers beautiful countryside.
Scotland boasts the most rugged and beautiful mountains, and Wales features great national parks with lots of hiking and pubs. The UK is the best place in the world.

India is a mix of a lot of different cultures. You'll be surprised by the forts here. It has a very natural look, unlike some countries that look picture-perfect. It also has a lot of greenery.
The food is definitely something you should try. India has beaches, mountains, rivers, and deserts. The Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders, is in Agra.
Every city is different from the other in some way, making it a very popular tourist destination. You should definitely try coming here.
India is one of the best countries in the world, with beautiful scenery, exciting animals, a beautiful ocean, and the opportunity to get a beach house. You can see many attractions such as the Taj Mahal, the best attraction in the world, or relax in an ocean-view beach house.
Or sign up for the military and serve and protect the country! For India!

One of the most highly advanced countries in all of Europe. Basically, the Japan or South Korea of Europe.
Now, Germany is the second most visited country in Europe after Spain. They overtook France.
France is the most visited country in the world, ahead of Spain and Germany. Just saying.

It is situated 1,500 kilometres (900 mi) east of Australia across the Tasman Sea and roughly 1,000 kilometres (600 mi) south of the Pacific island areas of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga. New Zealand's capital city is Wellington,... read more
I agree, hardly any crime, no racism, fresh air, and you don't need to travel for miles to get to the sea. It's the biggest city by land mass in the world, with a cool culture, kind people, great food, attractive people, and anyone would love to live in this beautiful country where The Lord of the Rings was filmed, and soon The Hobbit.
Our everyday scenery can beat the likes of any other country hands down. And best of all, it's first world!
Amazing country to visit, only it's so far from the rest of the world.
The Newcomers

The reason I like Spain is because it is guaranteed sunshine (mostly) and only a short flight away.
Another decent place with 1,000 and more beaches and nice islands. World's #2 in non-domestic tourism.
Spain is the best country to visit. Here we can see the beach, mountain, culture, running bulls, museums, good food... and perfect sun.

I live in South Africa, and depending on where you go, there are no poor people, and Ebola is a global issue, which, by the way, we were not affected by. As far as I know, that disease started in West Africa. People have a completely different perspective of South Africa compared to what it is really like. Keep in mind that there is a very big difference between the continent of Africa itself and the country South Africa.

I cannot believe that Greece isn't even in the top 10. It has fantastic islands for a great time in the summer, friendly people, exciting weather, the best food in Europe, and many other great things.
Also, Greece is one of the most ancient and historical countries in the world. We all must be proud of this country because it has contributed significantly to culture and humanity.
I do not understand why this is not first. The other countries would not be what they are today without Greece. Wake up call, they created civilization! Greece by far surpasses all but sadly, people will deny what they know to be true.
Seriously, England? I can't help but laugh.

England can trace its history as far back as the 10th century, but modern England didn't start till the Norman Invasion of 1066. In 1535, England annexed... read more
I am ashamed to say that although I am British, there are so many places I have not visited here! My favorite places are Cornwall, Devon, Isle of Wight, Wales, The Cotswolds, and Salisbury.
Also, Bath for a day trip is amazing with the Georgian architecture and, of course, the incredible street music.
I live in London and all these monuments are amazing! I visit the countryside often, and it is brilliant. Nice country.

One of the best countries to visit in the world, no contest. Norway's quality of life is considered one of the best in the world. Its crime rate is so low that crime happens very rarely. The citizens in Norway are friendly towards tourists and are even fluent in English.
Norway has several gorgeous and breathtaking places worthy for tourists to visit, especially the Northern Lights. Their public transportations are actually clean, and their cuisine is also one of the most delicious in the world. Not to mention their beautiful cold weather, a perfect escape from hot countries. Clearly, Norway is a great country for anyone to visit. It is totally worth it.

If you go to any beach, you'll realize what a nice country it is and how intense its pre-Hispanic history is. I dare say the pyramids are even more exciting to explore than those in Egypt.
Not only beaches and history. Mexico offers a wide range for every taste, from tropical rainforests to the desertic north.
Viva Mexico, with its rich culture, delicious food, good music, and gorgeous landscapes. Almost all weathers are found in this country.

A lot of shocking and unimaginable things could be seen, found, and experienced in the Philippines. I remember a friend telling me that his first experience there was indeed "culturally shocking," as if it was the world turned upside down.
But as shocking as it is, the Philippines ironically offers the most heartwarming reception that any person could get. So much so that even the term friendly turns out to be an understatement. In short, it's not just a place that gives one an awesome experience of Mother Nature. It might as well be appropriate to say that it's a place that could change you.

Beautiful place to go if you love nature and want to see the sights. Amazing natural cliffs, beaches, and hills. Also, fun castles!
Where I live, we get like 6 tourist buses today, and they all love it here!
I live here and am glad that we are getting so much praise!

Switzerland has amazing hotels and great sites to visit. You can do everything from zip-lining to swimming in lakes. You can go on long hikes to see the mountains and nature.
This is a great country to visit if you love the mountains and nature. It also has the best chocolate in the world.

It's such a beautiful place, and their beaches are gorgeous. I've been there about 8 times and I already want to go back!

I would like to see Cristiano Ronaldo and other famous Brazilian soccer players compete in the FIFA World Cup 2016! That would be fun! And then we can go to the beach in Rio, then watch the big parades!
I lived in Brazil! It's a good place, especially if you like the sun. There are many good and pretty beaches, but there is a bit of crime in the big cities like Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
The most friendly people and one of the most beautiful countries.

The most beautiful country in all of Africa. Wish I could go there one day!

Absolutely stunning with the nicest people.
I want to see their geysers and volcanoes! Too bad its food supposedly isn't anywhere near as good as that of other European countries, though.

Best people you'll ever find. Very friendly and warm. Nice nature. Nice weather all year long. Different landscape every 30 minutes you travel. Safe and awesome place to visit.

I went there twice when I was 5. I went swimming in a huge swimming pool with rocks that I rested on when I got cramps. I met nice kids there, and the food was spectacular, especially the watermelon.
They sold Coco Pops at the snack bar, and the hotel was so comfortable. Who wouldn't like Fiji?
Fiji is awesome. Beautiful beaches, great weather, friendly people. What else is there to like?