Top 10 Most Dangerous Things In Warrior Cats

There are many dangerous things that affect the lives of the warrior cats in the series, not just cats themselves.
The Top Ten

Twolegs took over the forest. That's pretty dangerous. They killed Shrewpaw. I will never forget how he died hunting for the Clan.

Yes, humans destroyed the forest. They also are known to capture cats. They caught Graystripe twice, Leafpool, Mistystar, Pebbleshine, and many more.

Twolegs, also known as humans, destroyed the forest and captured many cats like Graystripe, Leafpool, Mistystar, and Pebbleshine. I hate Twolegs in Warriors. They are very evil.


I can't count how many cats have died from this. I know the wild cats are going to get sick because they're in the woods where there's a lot of sickness, but it just gets boring. You start to feel scared for a cat - well, they want you to feel scared for a cat - but you just can't. It's used way too much, and so many background characters die. I feel like sickness is just used to knock out some cats that need to die.

Sickness killed a lot of cats. I don't want Larksong to die. He was so eager to be a father.

Sickness has killed so many cats.


So many cats die from trees. By the way, Firestar lost two lives from trees, one in the old territory - I think it claimed his third or second life - and then his last one. A tree also killed Longtail and paralyzed Briarlight.

Trees killed Firestar, Micah, Mudclaw, Rainwhisker, Longtail, and Briarlight, and probably killed more than that. Dangerous.

Bro, StarClan is just like, "If a leader lives for too long, just shove a tree on them!" That works!


Fire alone can save your Clan, or it can destroy it.

Fire is dangerous. Nothing can stop it.

There is no living thing that can stand up to fire. It's underrated and should be higher.

Badgers Badgers are short-legged omnivores in the family Mustelidae, which also includes the otters, polecats, weasels and wolverines.

OK, the huge badger attack was kind of interesting. I have no idea where Midnight came from, though. What was she supposed to do? She told the cats, Oh no, you're in trouble. Couldn't StarClan have told them that? It's just not used every book, but they attack very, very often. I don't know why badgers are so common there.

Rats Rats are various medium-sized, long-tailed rodents of the superfamily Muroidea. "True rats" are members of the genus Rattus, the most important of which to humans are the black rat, Rattus rattus, and the brown rat, Rattus norvegicus.

Rats are evil! But they're so cute! But they're evil! And cute! Well, maybe they're evil and cute.


Water is dangerous because it drowns and destroys.

The Great Storm flooded most of Clan territory.

Bluestar died because of the water.

Foxes Foxes are small to medium sized animals and belong to the Canidae family along with other animals such as jackals, wolves, and domestic dogs. There are 37 species of fox but only 12 are considered true Vulpes. A fox's prey is small mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs, eggs, insects, worms, fish, crabs,... read more

I don't know what's up with foxes and badgers, but they are the only two that attack. Can you get a different animal that preys on cats? The cats always win. It just becomes a bit annoying. It feels like filler when a fox attacks.

Foxes are annoying. I hate them.

Fox Traps

And who put the fox trap there? Twolegs.


Deathberries/Yew berries are really dangerous. They should be second, not ten. They can be put into prey and kill cats in seconds! That's really dangerous!

Darkstripe literally wanted to feed little Sorrelkit (or Fernkit, I can't remember) deathberries!

The Newcomers

? Blizzards
? Lightning
The Contenders
Dogs The dog or domestic dog (Canis familiaris or Canis lupus familiaris) is a domesticated descendant of the wolf, and is characterized by an upturning tail. The dog is derived from an ancient, extinct wolf, and the modern wolf is the dog's nearest living relative. The dog was the first species to be domesticated,... read more

Once again, it's not every book, but normally it is used for the plot. Like, Oh no, the dog is chasing someone, so someone else has to try to save them, and then they create a friendship, and then, oh no, forbidden love.


These only happen like once in a while. A cat gets killed, but it's a pretty big problem when cats have to cross the thunderpath.

I mean, it seems like only a few cats actually get killed by monsters, but really, they get badly injured.

Yes, you're right. It only happens once in a while a cat gets killed by a monster/car.

Rabbits Rabbits, also known as bunnies or bunny rabbits, are small mammals in the family Leporidae (which also contains the hares) of the order Lagomorpha (which also contains the pikas). Oryctolagus cuniculus includes the European rabbit species and its descendants, the world's 305 breeds of domestic rabbit... read more

They are prey, but they blinded a cat, they poisoned cats, and they made so many cats suffer. Curse you, killer rabbits (not all rabbits).

A rabbit blinded a cat. Can you imagine what those bunnies will do if they are taught in the art of war?

A rabbit poisoned a cat?! What?! How?! Maybe I don't remember reading it.

The Dark Forest

The Dark Forest is so dangerous! Why is it not number one or something? I mean, the force of evil cats killed so many innocent living Clan cats, including Hollyleaf!

The Dark Forest is dangerous. It should be higher than number 17! I mean, they came back to life and killed living cats! Now that's dangerous.

Hawks Hawks are a group of medium-sized diurnal birds of prey of the family Accipitridae which are widely distributed and varying greatly in size.

Carried off many cats, just like eagles.


An eclipse made Sol seem as if he could foretell the future, causing cats to worship him so he could influence them.


Dangerous, especially in the mountains. Though in the Clan territories, the gorge is a good example.

Love-Obsessed Cats

Like Ashfur. He was dangerous just because he loved Squirrelflight too much and was so jealous that she picked Bramblestar instead of him. He killed Bristlefrost!

Love itself is dangerous. It forces cats to become disloyal to their Clan and instead to the one they love.


Like Victor and his gang from Bramblestar's Storm.

Thorn Bushes
Twoleg Rubbish

This is what made Leafpool help Mothwing. Those kits eating some Twoleg rubbish got their mother sick, and other cats brought prey poisoned by it, which made a lot of cats get sick.

Twoleg rubbish, like silverthorns, is very dangerous. They can kill kits easily. Most of them are poisonous, actually.

Power-Hungry Cats

OMG, every single book has one of these. The Prophecies Begin has Tigerstar. The New Prophecy has Hawkfrost. Power of Three and Omen of the Stars have the whole Dark Forest. A Vision of Shadows has Darktail, and The Broken Code has Ashfur.

Lack of Prey

I don't want Flametail to die! Even though it's not Jayfeather's fault, I sort of blame him.

Especially when the lake is frozen, since cats can easily fall through the ice.

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