Top 10 Reasons Why Dovewing is Better Than Ivypool (Warriors)
This is StarClan's fault but it still makes her chapters much more exciting than Ivypool's boring ones. Dovewing fans should take over the 'Why Ivypool is better than Dovewing' list so that it's the opposite. Dovewing is really cool though. - Moonstar of ThunderClan
Dovewing really isn't responsible for this. Ivypool is a jealous monster.
Alright, let's get real about why Dovewing is way smarter than Ivypool, because it's honestly pretty clear.
I know Ivypool gets a lot of attention for her bravery and her role as a spy, but when it comes down to actual intelligence and strategic thinking, Dovewing is in a league of her own.
First off, Dovewing's ability to think ahead and anticipate problems is on another level. She's not just reacting to situations. She's analyzing and planning for the future. Her powers give her an edge in terms of awareness, but even without them, her strategic mindset is impressive. She's proven time and again that she can handle complex situations and make decisions that benefit the Clan in the long run. Her role in the Dark Forest conflict showed that she's not just fighting battles. She's playing a bigger game, thinking several steps ahead.
Ivypool, on the other hand, while brave and loyal, often acts on impulse and emotion. Her role as a spy was important, but it was also risky and sometimes driven more by personal vendettas than by clear strategic thinking. Dovewing's decisions, by contrast, are more calculated and less influenced by personal conflicts. She's got the ability to see the bigger picture and make choices based on what's best for the entire Clan, not just based on immediate concerns or grudges.
Moreover, Dovewing's approach to her leadership potential and her interactions with other cats shows a level of emotional intelligence and empathy that's crucial for any leader. She's able to understand and manage the dynamics within the Clan and deal with complicated relationships without letting personal feelings cloud her judgment. Ivypool's emotional responses sometimes get in the way of her strategic thinking, which can lead to less effective decision-making.
In short, Dovewing's intelligence isn't just about being book-smart or having cool powers. It's about her ability to strategize, foresee potential problems, and handle complex... more
Okay, let's be real here: Dovewing is such a better sister than Ivypool, and it's honestly frustrating how Ivypool treated her. Dovewing had no control over the powers she got or didn't get, and Ivypool's whole attitude about it was just ridiculous.
First off, Dovewing got these incredible powers, and she didn't ask for them or choose them. It's not like she went around bragging or rubbing them in Ivypool's face. She was just trying to navigate a complicated situation with what she was given. Instead of supporting her sister or being happy for her, Ivypool chose to push her away and act like a total brat. It's not Dovewing's fault that she was given these abilities, so why should she be punished for it?
Ivypool's jealousy and bitterness were pretty out of line. Instead of trying to understand or be happy for her sister, she just let her resentment build up and drove a wedge between them. It's like she couldn't handle that Dovewing had something she didn't, and instead of working through it, she acted out in a way that made everything worse.
Dovewing, on the other hand, was consistently the bigger person. She didn't let Ivypool's jealousy push her into being mean or retaliatory. She tried to be a supportive sister and didn't let Ivypool's attitude affect her own behavior. Dovewing showed a lot of maturity and understanding by not letting the situation turn into a bigger feud. She didn't let Ivypool's behavior define their relationship, and she kept trying to reach out and mend things even when Ivypool was being totally unreasonable.
In a nutshell, Dovewing handled the whole situation with way more grace and patience than Ivypool deserved. It's clear that she was the better sister by far, trying to keep their relationship intact despite Ivypool's childish behavior. Ivypool should have been the one to step up and support her sister, not let her own issues get in the way. Dovewing definitely deserves way more credit for how she managed... more
I think she got jealous once when Tigerheart winked at Ivypool. But that was normal because she was worried that Tigerheart liked her more than Dovewing.
This is so true! Dovewing always saw the good in her sister, and Ivypool has little to no good in her at all. Dovewing wouldn't be jealous at all! Dovewing probably has one of the most tragic lives of any warrior cat ever!
Idiotpoop gets pampered and two apprentices when she was a young warrior, for StarClan's sake! Idiotpoop also envied her sister! - Moonstar of ThunderClan
I hate Ivypool for making Firestar lose a life. It was terrible.
What if Dovewing did not have her power? She wouldn't know about the beavers and even if someone did, wouldn't be able to go with the others on the quest!
Ivypool is useless! She should dig a deep well in the ground and live down there until she comes to her senses that I don't think she has! The only thing Idiotpoop is good at is driving people insane during her boring, useless chapters! She's not even one of the Three and she cannot do anything helpful! - Moonstar of ThunderClan
Ivypool is useless. The whole point of her is to drive everyone out of their minds.
Ivypool could be replaced with Spottedleaf. There, I said it. Ivypool is the worst character! She could easily be replaced by any character, animal, or even an inanimate object.
Alright, let's talk about how Ivypool could've easily been replaced by any other character as Dovewing's sister. Honestly, it's not like she brought anything super unique to the table. Seriously, any of these cats could've fit the bill just fine:
Ferncloud - She's supportive, caring, and genuinely loves her family. Ferncloud would have been a great sister to Dovewing, offering encouragement and being there for her without the unnecessary drama.
Cinderpelt - She's wise, compassionate, and always thinking about the bigger picture. Cinderpelt would've been an awesome sister who would understand Dovewing's struggles and offer solid advice, making their sibling relationship more constructive.
Squirrelflight - Sure, she's got her own issues, but Squirrelflight is fiercely loyal and would have had Dovewing's back no matter what. Her energy and determination would make for a dynamic and supportive sisterly bond.
Leafpool - Another character with great empathy and wisdom. Leafpool would have understood Dovewing's unique situation and supported her without getting bogged down by jealousy or bitterness.
Millie - She's got a strong, no-nonsense attitude and a huge heart. Millie would've been a straightforward, supportive sister who stands by Dovewing and keeps things real without the unnecessary sibling rivalry.
In short, Ivypool's role could've been filled by any of these characters, and Dovewing would've had a better sister relationship without all the petty jealousy and drama. It's a missed opportunity to explore these other dynamics that could have been just as interesting, if not more so, than what we got with Ivypool.
P.S. It's funny how most of the characters I just listed are dead.
They pamper Ivypool and treat her like she saved everyone and is the best cat ever, but really, she did nothing. She just yelled at other cats when they asked her what was going on in the Dark Forest, while Dovewing was listening with her super hearing.
- Laurel
Yes! They treat Ivypool like royalty, pamper her and adore her because she "saved them all," she gets two apprentices when she's still a young warrior, and they pay no attention to Dovewing! No wonder she (spoilers) left to go to ShadowClan! ThunderClan treated her like trash! -FierceheartOfThunderClan
Alright, let's get into it: Ivypool was actually a pretty terrible spy, and it's not just about her skills or bravery. Sure, she had some decent moments and showed guts, but the biggest problem was that she didn't use the information she gathered effectively. I mean, what's the point of being a spy if you're not going to share what you learn?
Ivypool did put herself in some risky situations, which is commendable. But here's the kicker - she kept all the valuable intel she collected to herself. She saw things that could've totally changed the course of events for her Clan, yet she didn't tell anyone. What's the point of being a spy if you're not going to use the information you gather to benefit your side? It's like she was playing a game of secret-keeping instead of actually contributing to the Clan's success.
Her failure to communicate what she saw made her role pretty pointless. The whole idea of being a spy is to be a source of critical information for your Clan. But Ivypool just sat on everything she learned, making all her dangerous missions essentially useless. Her actions were more about personal drama and vendettas rather than genuinely helping her Clan win the war.
If Ivypool had shared the crucial details she uncovered, the outcome might have been different. Her lack of communication turned her efforts into nothing more than a personal struggle rather than a strategic advantage. So yeah, she might have had some decent spying skills, but her inability to pass on vital information made her a terrible spy in the grand scheme of things.
Exactly. If she didn't believe that something was blocking the lake, why would she care who went to check it out? She should've been happy that she didn't have to go.
Also, she could've at least been happy for Dovepaw instead of just ignoring her and turning into a sour jealous brat while she was gone. -FierceheartOfThunderClan
Yeah, Ivypool shouldn't have been jealous!
The Newcomers
Yes, she is. There are a bunch of other characters who could have taken her place. She's not special or unique.
Yes! All her chapters were about her getting into trouble in the Dark Forest, which she chose to enter, and then whining about Dovewing having powers instead of her.
Yeah, Dovewing wants Ivypool in the prophecy as well as herself. I love her character as a sister.
Exactly! Such a sweet and generous sister!
I agree! Ivypool got two apprentices when she was a young warrior, and that still wasn't enough for her? Meanwhile, Dovewing had an actually stressful life!
Ivypool was so pampered as a young warrior when she didn't deserve it. She did nothing to help the plot or the series.
Exactly! Whenever Dovewing does something useful or catches a piece of prey before Ivypool, she throws a tantrum like a baby (because she is one).
Yeah, especially as an apprentice. Ivypool is sometimes just a little brat.
Alright, let's talk about how Ivypool ended up getting more cats killed. It's pretty frustrating when you look at the bigger picture.
Sure, Ivypool had her moments of bravery, but her decisions and actions led to some serious problems. Ivypool's role as a spy was crucial, but she seriously dropped the ball by not sharing the intel she gathered. If she had been more open about what she knew, the Clan could have avoided a lot of unnecessary risks and potentially saved lives. Instead, she kept vital information to herself, which meant the Clan was often caught off guard.
Her personal vendettas and grudges also clouded her judgment. She let her jealousy and anger get in the way of making smart decisions. Because of this, she often put herself and others in dangerous situations that could have been avoided.
So yeah, while Ivypool might've had some bravery, her lack of communication and poor decision-making definitely contributed to the deaths of her Clanmates. She could've been a valuable asset if she had been more strategic and less wrapped up in her own issues.
Yes! If Dovewing hadn't confronted her, she might've decided that she should side with the Dark Forest and that it's a good idea.
Plus, it's not even her fault, and she was never smug about it. She didn't even want her powers.
Yes! She can hunt prey better and fight much better than Ivypool because she can hear and see far away.
Okay, let's set the record straight: Dovewing is a way better fighter than Ivypool, and here's why.
First off, Dovewing's natural abilities give her a huge edge. Those enhanced senses of hers aren't just for show - they seriously boost her combat skills. She can sense danger before it even happens and has an almost sixth sense about how to maneuver in a fight. That's a huge advantage in battle situations.
Ivypool might have had some solid training, but her fighting skills don't stack up to Dovewing's. Dovewing's agility and quick reflexes, thanks to her powers, make her a more effective and unpredictable fighter. She can dodge attacks and strike back with precision, which makes her a formidable opponent.
Plus, Dovewing's got a lot of experience fighting in high-stress situations, and she's proven that she can handle herself against some serious threats. Ivypool, on the other hand, hasn't shown the same level of consistent, high-impact combat performance.
In short, Dovewing's combination of natural abilities, experience, and agility makes her a much better fighter than Ivypool. She's got the skills and instincts that really set her apart in a fight.
Ivypool trained in the Dark Forest. Everyone knows that. She trained there because she wanted attention. Blossomfall was in the right position because her mother was a brat. When the Clans needed information about the Dark Forest, Ivypool told them nothing. - Peachdusk of ThunderClan
Alright, let's break it down: Dovewing is way more honorable than Ivypool, and it's about time we talked about why. Seriously, it's not even close when you compare their actions and attitudes.
First off, Dovewing's sense of honor is evident in how she handles her responsibilities and relationships. From the beginning, she's always tried to do what's right, even when it wasn't easy. Her loyalty to her Clan and her willingness to put herself in tough situations for the greater good show that she has a strong moral compass. She didn't ask for her powers, but she used them to help others, never flaunting them or using them for personal gain.
Ivypool, on the other hand, often got caught up in her own issues and jealousy. Instead of supporting her sister Dovewing, she let her envy and bitterness dictate her actions. This wasn't just a minor flaw. It was a major part of how she conducted herself. Ivypool's behavior wasn't just about sibling rivalry. It was a reflection of a lack of honor. Her decisions, driven by personal grudges and selfish motives, often put the Clan at risk.
Let's talk about loyalty. Dovewing was fiercely loyal to her Clan, working hard to protect and serve it, even when faced with personal challenges. She faced criticism and difficult situations but never lost sight of her commitment to ThunderClan. Ivypool, however, was a spy who didn't always act with the same level of commitment. Her role was to gather information to help her Clan, but she often kept what she knew to herself. This wasn't just a tactical misstep - it was a fundamental failure in honor. When you're a spy, your primary job is to use the information you gather for the benefit of your side. Ivypool's tendency to withhold crucial details undermined her role and jeopardized the safety of her Clanmates.
Moreover, Dovewing's approach to her relationships, particularly with her sister Ivypool, was marked by an incredible amount of grace and patience. Even when... more