Top 10 Most Intelligent Warrior Cats

So who would you say is the most intelligent Warrior Cats character? Now what you call "Intelligent" is really up to you, it could be; They being able to pick up one other feelings, them being very resourceful or coming up with cunning plans etc.
The Top Ten
Tigerstar Tigerstar is a villain in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Son of Leopardfoot and Pinestar, former mate of Goldenflower and Sasha, and father of Bramblestar, Tawnypelt, Mothwing, Hawkfrost, and Tadpole. This brown tabby cat almost causes the downfall of the clans. But is killed, firstly by Scourge,... read more

Though I admit that I don't really like Tigerstar as a character, I can't ignore that he is very intelligent. He was able to keep Redtail's murder and his meetings with the rogues a secret for quite a long time. It was only when he grew impatient and tried to kill Bluestar that he was finally exposed.

After he swooped in and took leadership of the suffering ShadowClan, he came up with cunning plan after cunning plan, trying to take revenge. For example, leading the dogs to the ThunderClan camp with a rabbit trail. Even in death, he was still able to manipulate other cats into doing what he wanted.

Mapleshade Mapleshade is a character in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Mapleshade is a large, tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat, with a scarred white muzzle, and white patches throughout her pelt. She is thick-furred, and her pelt is ragged, patched, and scarred. Her fur is thick around her neck, like a mane,... read more

How is Tigerstar so intelligent? Mapleshade is smarter. He's so mousebrained! He didn't even know that Scourge was the one he fought when he was an apprentice. He was really dumb not to know Firestar was already on his trail! He should also have scented someone watching, like Ravenpaw!

Mapleshade, in my opinion, is much smarter and more cunning. What has Mapleshade ever done wrong? She is the only villain that has ever completed her task, gaining vengeance on Ravenwing, Frecklewish, and Appledusk. None of them knew she was coming!


He made ShadowClan leave StarClan with nothing but wits and words! That's smart!

I mean, he manipulated ShadowClan and all that stuff using only his wits and brain! How is that NOT smart?!

He nearly destroyed all the clans by manipulating them.

Scourge Scourge is a villain the Warrior Cats series. He's the leader of BloodClan. He was bullied by his siblings, Socks and Ruby, in the past because he was the smallest out of his kin. One of his most notable features is his collar of dog teeth. Scourge is a small black tom with one white paw, ice-blue eyes,... read more

He manipulated all the old, tough, scary cats into making him their leader when he was only a kit. He also managed to get a cat to teach him how to fight without giving away that he couldn't fight at all.

He is very good at manipulating other cats. SPOILER ALERT! When he ran away from his house, he had nobody to teach him, and he became so fierce and reckless. But recklessness can sometimes make a cat not that smart, as they rely on strength and power rather than their mind. This isn't the case for Scourge. Before he fights, he plans what he is going to do to throw his opponents off and win. He also has the ability to make quick decisions.

Because he is so small, instead of moping in the corner of a yard, he uses it to his advantage. This is shown when he battles Tigerstar. Tigerstar is fierce, large, and aggressive. Tigerstar makes a move that would have killed Scourge, but being small and nimble, Scourge outmaneuvers him and gets his claw snagged near Tigerstar's mouth, ripping open his underside. If you have been screaming, "TIGERSTAR DESERVED TO DIE," then that's who did it.

Jayfeather Jayfeather is a character in the Warrior Cats series. He is part of The Three, along with Lionblaze and Dovewing, and has the power to read other cats' minds, emotions, and walk into other cats dreams, He was born blind. according to the Warrior Cats Wiki Jayfeather is a lean, mottled, pale gray tabby... read more

He's literally blind and can do things the same or even better than other cats. This has NOTHING to do with his powers, OKAY? Yeah, that's it.

This character is intelligent enough to remember his surroundings and even knows how to dodge any obstacles. Jayfeather managed to survive the Dark Forest attack while being blind and an attack from his half-brother. He was intelligent enough to know what to do with the fate of the tribe and found them a new leader in the fourth series.

I'm not quite sure how Tigerstar is number one because he was not too intelligent when he brought Scourge into the forest and got himself killed. Anyway, I think Jayfeather deserves to be the most intelligent.

Yellowfang Yellowfang was a ThunderClan medicine cat in the original series of Warriors. She initially was a medicine cat from ShadowClan, but she was banished by her son, Brokenstar. She was then found by Firestar, who was then Firepaw, and brought into ThunderClan. Her last words were "Thank you for bringing... read more

Yellowfang is smart. She knew about Brokenstar's evil plan, and she could feel the pain of others. That power would really help in healing, especially when the cat will not say what is hurting them.

Yellowfang was smart in many ways. First, she saw Brokentail's plot and evilness. Second, she picked medicine duties over love. Third, she hated Foxheart. Now, that is smart.

Ivypool Ivypool is a fictional character created by Erin Hunter for the Book series named Warrior Cats. Ivypool is a common silver-and-white tabby. She spied in the Dark Forest and has dark blue eyes. She is the sister of Dovewing and the kit of Whitewing and Birchfall. Her mate is Fernsong, and she is the... read more

She was smart. I don't get why Jayfeather is number one. He's not smart. He was given a gift by StarClan. If he wasn't given that, he wouldn't be smart. Just wanted to get my opinion out on Jayfeather without voting for him. Ivypool is way smarter. She didn't have any power helping her. She made herself trusted by the Dark Forest! She spied for the clans without being caught. She knew what was going on. Nobody else knew as much as she did.

Definitely the smartest cat ever. She could hunt and fight great for one. She was able to persuade the Dark Forest to make her a warrior and convince them she was loyal. She knew exactly what the Dark Forest was planning and gave just enough information for them to believe she was loyal. She didn't give too much away either, avoiding giving them an advantage.

And by the end, she stayed loyal to the clans and (SPOILER) picked a great mate. Fernsong is so cute. And they had great kits.

Firestar Firestar is a character in the Warrior Cats series. He becomes the leader of ThunderClan after Bluestar. He is mates with Sandstorm and has two kits: Squirrelflight and Leafpool. Formerly a kittypet named Rusty, Firestar is killed by fatal wounds inflicted by the spirit of Tigerstar and a falling tree... read more

So smart because he saved all clans and managed to make peace almost everywhere.

Firestar is smart because of the things he did, and I disagree with Rainfrost. Firestar died multiple times, but all his strategies were very smart, especially the dog part.

Leafpool Leafpool is a character in the Warrior Cats series. She's the daughter of Firestar and Sandstorm, sister of Squirrelflight, mate of Crowfeather, and mother of Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf

She was destined to be smart. Well, mostly all medicine cats are supposed to be smart, and I consider all medicine cats to be smart (except Jayfeather). Leafpool probably just learned all her herbs on the first day.

The way she set it up so her beautiful kits would have a good life shows how smart and unselfish she is.

She kind of thinks of everything, and it backfires (listens to the wrong advice...). Plus, she is really good at reading other characters!


Darktail, the evil villain. I absolutely hate him down to the bottom of my soul. But he's a villain, so that's good. And he shocked me with how smart he was: holding cats prisoner, drowning cats, manipulating Hawkwing (cough cough Hawkwing is an idiot cough), getting ShadowClan to follow him (cough cough it wasn't Rowanstar's fault cough), and murdering all the awesome characters. Did I mention how much I HATE Darktail? But yeah, he was basically a cat genius.

Darktail is smart. He found his father, Onestar. By what, SkyClan... I think.

The Newcomers

? Violetshine
? Mothwing Mothwing is a fictional character created by Erin Hunter for the book series Warrior cats. She is a golden she-cat with amber eyes and darker gold dapples. She's one of the refugees currently living in ShadowClan,... read more
The Contenders
Squirrelflight Squirrelflight is a dark ginger she-cat with forest-green eyes. She has one white paw, short legs, a torn ear tip, glossy fur, and a long, squirrel-like, bushy tail. She has a scar running from her chest to the top of her hind leg along her right flank. She is a cat in the series called Warrior Cats... read more

Squirrelflight is the smartest! Without her, the clans would die. Squirrelflight is the smartest of them all! She should at least be in the top five! Squirrelflight will be the smartest no matter who you vote for or what you say! Vote for Squirrelflight!

She knew that Hawkfrost was evil and she saved Brambleclaw's life! She was smart enough to take in Leafpool's kits. She also chose Brambleclaw over Ashfur, which was a better decision. Squirrelflight, overall, is the smartest warrior cat in the whole Warrior Cats series.

Thistleclaw Thistleclaw is a villain in the Warrior Cats series. Thistleclaw is a gray-and-white tabby tom with spiky fur and amber eyes

Thistleclaw made lots of good plans, for example, doing something so another cat would like him and trying his best to become leader or whatever.

Thistleclaw is a very manipulative and intelligent cat. He manipulated Spottedkit so she would like him.

Bluestar Bluestar is a character in the Warrior Cats series. She was one of the leaders of ThunderClan. She broke the code by being mates with Oakheart of RiverClan and having her kits, Stonefur and Mistyfoot, and Mosskit. Stonefur and Mistyfoot live in RiverClan, while Mosskit died of hypothermia. She has a... read more

Bluestar is the wisest cat in all of Warriors! How do you think she kept Mistystar, Stonefur, and Mosskit a secret? Sure, she has her pros and her cons, but think about Squirrelflight! Why is Squirrelflight on this list? She did nothing! Bluestar did something! And so will you! THIS IS NOT AN AD! Except for supporting Bluestar! Go ahead and vote today!

Bluestar should be number one! Number three at least. She got her kits out of the nursery without getting caught! Playing a game (for life) called Secret Escape. Rules: You can't be seen, heard, or scented. Mosskit worried that she and her siblings were too young to play the game.

Tigerheart Tigerheart, now known as Tigerstar, is a fictional character created by Erin Hunter for the book series named Warrior Cats. He became more important to the plot after gaining his own book, Tigerheart's Shadow. He was one of the cats to have worked as a spy on the Dark Forest. Now he currently is the... read more

She cheated on her warrior assessment - she has to be smart if she can do that.

Dovewing Dovewing is a character in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. She has pale gray fur with green, pr sky-blue, or pale gold eyes. Her first appearance is in the fourth arc, know as Omen of the Stars, in the book The Fourth Apprentice. She was part of the Power of Three, and her power was to hear and... read more

Though she did make some dumb decisions, I'm gonna be blunt here: she IS smart. DONE.

Dovewing is as smart as her loyalty, meaning she is very loyal.


Alderpaw/Alderheart is often called 'sensitive.' He's quick to catch on to others' feelings and instinctively knows how to comfort them. He also always tries to do the right thing. He's just intelligent.

Actually, that was his first try. Not every character could be good at hunting. Plus, he's just a nervous character.

He's very clever in figuring out the reason for other cats' feelings, as explained in the Barnes and Noble bonus scene.

Hollyleaf Hollyleaf was one of the rare, strictly loyal cats of ThunderClan.

Her birth broke the warrior code, and she killed Ashfur in fear of him revealing the truth over her family. She lived in the tunnels for a while, before rejoining ThunderClan. Hollyleaf was slain by Hawkfrost and spent her last... read more

I think Hollyleaf is the smartest because she not only wanted to be the best for her clan, but she thought her problems through to make things better. Go Hollyleaf!

I think Hollyleaf is really smart because she stopped the fight between RiverClan and ThunderClan! All she did was make peace.

She dreamed of her power to be the wisest cat in the world.

Brightheart Brightheart is a character from Warriors by Erin Hunter. She is a white she-cat with ginger patches. As an Apprentice she got attacked by dogs and got half of her face torn off. Her mate is Cloudtail and her kits are Whitewing, Ambermoon, Dewnose, and Snowbush.

She survived the dogs because she had the wit to find her way back to life.

Mistystar Mistystar is a lithe, pale blue-gray she-cat with thick, sleek fur, a pink nose, a plumpy tail, and wide, ice-blue eyes. Her mother was Bluestar and her father is Oakheart. Her adopted mother was Graypool and her adopted father is Thrushpelt. Her sister is Mosskit and her brother is Stonefur, her adopted... read more

She knows how to lead. All her cringy decisions were justified and well-measured. Plus, she has the perfect balance of EQ and IQ. You go, Mistystar!

Cinderpelt A Medicine Cat from the book series Warriors by Erin Hunter, she is a small, fluffy, sleek, and soft-furred she-cat with a smoky dark gray coat and wide blue eyes. Initially, she started out as a Warrior apprentice but was forced to train as a Medicine Cat after a monster broke her leg on the Thunderpath... read more
Hawkfrost Hawkfrost is a villain character from the Warriors series. Hawkfrost is a dark brown tabby tom with a snow-white underbelly and ice-blue eyes. Hawkfrost was a former Riverclan warrior and member of the Dark Forest. Hawkfrost tried to kill Firestar with a fox trap but was killed by his brother Brambleclaw... read more

I'm confused about why he isn't higher. He was able to manipulate Bramblestar, Mothwing, and Ashfur and managed to trap Firestar. When he was in the Dark Forest, he was able to manipulate Ivypool and several more trainees. Even the Warriors Wiki describes him as calculating and smart.

He should be #1! He manipulated a med cat, his brother, and his leader.

Hawkfrost is really smart. He should have been number three or whatever. He trapped Firestar with a trap and then manipulated his brother Bramblestar. How IS HE NOT HIGHER??

Feathertail Feathertail is a fictional character created by Erin Hunter for the book series called Warrior Cats. She's a slender, silver-tabby she-cat with sky-blue eyes and a plump tail. She is the daughter of Silverstream and Graystripe, Stormfur's sister and Crowfeather's first love interest. She used to be... read more
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