Top Ten Ways for Girls to Tell If Your Best Guy Friend Loves You

The Top Ten
1 He shows his love to you
2 He tells you things no one else can know
3 He gives you his sweater or coat
4 He takes the cold, hard blame for you
5 He glances or blushes when people talk about love around you
6 He waits for you between classes just to say, "Hi"
7 He looks sorta off when he sees you around other guys
8 He often asks how your day went
9 He listens every time you speak
10 He is concerned about your feelings
The Contenders
11 He starts to touch you a lot

When he doesn't know his bounds, it's obvious he wants to be more than just friends. He wants to get closer and have a romantic relationship with you.

12 He wants to do a lot of things for you
13 He gets jealous if you talk to other guys
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