Top 10 Ways You Know You're Greek

The Top Ten
1 Your grandmother asks you if you want some more food and you say no, but she gives you more anyway
2 Your grandparents have their table cloth covered in plastic

LOL My family's Asian and my mom covers her tablecloth in plastic ALL THE TIME! Does that mean that I'm part Greek? XDDD

3 You have seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding way too many times
4 You have olives in your ice-cream containers
5 You are always late and last to leave

Me and my family ALL THE WAY

6 Greek people talk to you and you don't have an idea what they are talking about but you just smile and nod your head
7 You always argue for the bill

I am CONVINCED that I may be part Greek. My family's Asian, and they ALWAYS argue for the bill!

8 You only go to church once a year, on Easter
9 Your grandparents have a Greek flag on the front of their house
10 You are never hungry
The Contenders
11 You have moussaka in your lunchbox
12 You are loud

Only every single Greek person I know

13 You have a unibrow
14 You are a bit too hospitable
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