Top 10 Weirdest Questions

The Top Ten
1 9+10 = ?

Nobody else gets the "21" internet video reference?

The answer is actually nine senior citizens

2 Am I Breathing?

Is Skeeter in Doug breathing he is blue.

3 What does the fox say?
4 Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Actually, there is nothing weird about this. It is perhaps the most basic of existential questions, and goes to the heart of the most basic flaw in Darwinian theory.

The egg fell from the sky and hatched a chicken.

5 Do you know how to type?
6 Am I on the TheTopTens?

No, you are not.

7 How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
8 Do you know how to cut a paper?
9 Do you know how to place a block in Minecraft?

For all those who are noob and pros will answer this

10 Do you lick shoes!
The Contenders
11 Is the glass half empty or half full?

I see it as a piece of cake

Both half. Don't get it

12 If Pinocchio has a normal nose and tells the truth, would his nose shrink?
13 If a baby was born at midnight, which day would be his/her birthday?
14 Pete and Repeat sat on a wall, Pete fell off who was left?
15 What would happen if you were scared half to death twice?
16 If history has been in favor of men and begins with his does that mean that there will eventually be a time known as herstory which is in favor of women?

Just about everything from the legal system to the welfare system to absurd political correctness has favored women for thirty years or more. Must we also artificially revise the story of humankind?

17 If a tree falls in the woods, & nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
18 How do I type?
19 Why do our feet smell but our nose runs?
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