Worst Changes Made to the Original Star Wars Trilogy

A list discussing the changes George Lucas made to the 3 original star wars films in the 1997 special edition release and releases after that.
The Top Ten
1 Jabba's palace band

There was almost no reason to replace it, but this change to horrible. The animations are over the top, the music is horrific, the monsters are annoying as hell, and everyone is in front on your face

2 Hayden Christensen ghost

Worst actor and smile

3 Luke screams like Palpatine as he falls

Would anyone ever scream if they were doing something very noble? This change doesn't fit the mood of the scene.

Note that this was only in te 1997 special edition, it was removed in later releases THANKFULLY.

4 CGI Jabba

Much of the dialogue is used from Greedo confronting Han Solo.

5 Who shot first?
6 Darth Vader screaming NOOOOOOOOOO!

The emotion of this scene was sacrificed for an unnecessary forced performance, the audience already knew what Vader was feeling without this.

It's stupid. Even if it was in the original it would've still been stupid.

7 Putting The Gungans In Return Of The Jedi
8 Ewok celebration being replaced with different song

I actually like the new song, but the old song is still great!

9 CGI added in the Mos Eisley Spaceport sequence
10 Boba Fett voice changed
The Contenders
11 Ian McDiarmid replaces creepy emperor

I personally think this wasn't a bad change as newer generations might find the creepy emperor too scary. Plus the fact they would recognise Ian McDiarmd from the prequel films.

12 Rock in front of R2 D2

How did he get in that small cave if there was a rock in the cave?

13 Sarlacc Beak
14 Showing the Wampa
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