Top Ten "Would You Rather Own" Questions

The Top Ten
1 Would rather own a cat or a dog?

Dogs. They're protective, smart and amazing pets. I like cats as well, but I'm still going to pick dogs as usual.

I love cats. They are nice to stroke and cuddle. I love it when they purr.

Dog! They are cute, fun and great to play with. I'm all against cats.

2 Would you rather own an iPad or a laptop?

Laptop because it is much more convenient. A laptop can do what an iPad can and a laptop is better for future work.

Laptop for sure. It's very useful in College. Plus I don't like Apple, it costs too much.

An iPad. You can't have any blue screens or viruses easily with them.

3 Would you rather own a party room or an indoor swimming pool

Both. I would also turn the pool into a party room as well, so I will have TWO party rooms!

Pool, so I can have a pool party and use it as a party room as well

Swimming pool. "Party room" sounds incredibly vague.

4 Would you rather own a bed that is very comfy but tiny or a bed that's big but hard as a stone?

I rather sleep in a big bed, but I love comfy things, so uh...I don't really quite know...

Hard - there are satisfying ways to make it comfy (memory foam pads, pillows,...)

I actually already have one. My bed is tiny but very plush.

I'd use the tiny bed as a pillow so the tiny bed

5 Would you rather own a hoverboard or a jetpack?

A hoverboard. If a jetpack malfunctions, you're dead as a doornail. Also, I'm honestly not a fan of heights, but I'm not "scared" of 'em either.

Jetpack. At least you can actually fly with a jetpack

Jet packs are far too dangerous

Hoverboard. They're more safer as usual.

6 Would you rather own a chocolate fountain or a pool of Coke?

I don't drink coke but chocolate is just about my most favourite thing in the world so a chocolate fountain would be heavenly.

Totally a chocolate fountain! I would bathe in my chocolate fountain...

A chocolate fountain. A pool of Coke would just make you a sticky mess.

A pool of coke. That'll be fun and I'll swim forever if I ever go in one.

7 Would you rather own a TV or a phone?

A phone. You'll be fine with one and you'll also watch television-related shows.

Well, a phone can work as a TV and a bunch of other things, so a phone.

Hmm...I don't know. Phone?!?! At least you can carry a phone everywhere.

8 Would you rather own Pikachu or Eevee as a starter?

Eevee I could evolve it into practically in type I want

Eevee, provided it can evolve into Jolteon

Eevee is cuter than pikachu, fight me

9 Would you rather own a jar of mayonnaise or a jar of ketchup?

Lets barf at the mayo, and I don't want the ketchup. I will own the ketchup but the jar is staying in the back corner of my attic

Ketchup and mayo are bad, but mayo is 10x worse. so ketchup? Hot sauce and bbq sauce are goals though

A jar of ketchup. Tasty. I like having Mayonnaise in a bottle, thank you.

I don't like ketchup so I'll have mayo

10 Would you rather own a horse or a cow?

I'd actually pick a cow. When I was little, a horse actually bit my chest, and I've hated equestrians since.

I love horse-riding, so I choose the horse.

Horse by a long shot.

The Contenders
11 Would you rather own all the Mario games, or all the Sonic games?

Neither actually. I'm not much of a video game kind of dude. The only way I'd say otherwise is if my half-brother hacked my account. He's 30, I think (and I can't say I know for sure seeing as we were never that close) but he still loves Sonic.

I may have grown out of Mario a bit, but these games are still pretty fun to play. I guess Mario.

How about neither

Sonic, of course!

12 Would you rather own every type of food in the world or every type of game console?

Well, I'm not a foodie(as in to try out something new or eat a lot..I don't do that) and I'm not into video games either, but I'd like to own game consoles for my siblings and gift it to them as they are hardcore gamers.

Food no question, game consoles are only good when your a kid or a youtube gamer

Food I don't really see a need for every game console

Video games are infinite, food is temporary

13 Would you rather own drugs illegally or guns illegally?

Guns so I can fight crime and stop drug deals and the sex trade all by myself.

Guns, drugs are useless, guns can be used for self defense.

Guns. But why does it have to be illegally?

14 Would you rather own a mansion or a Lamborghini?

A mansion. That would be awesome. Plus, I'm only an emergency driver and for reasons that are sprinkled around this website, I can't get my license.

If I had either I'd sell them to buy 700 guitars (wink wink Music Is Win wink wink)

I appreciate people who value modesty, so neither! but that's just me!

Mansion, worth a lot more.

15 Would you rather own all Beatles albums or all Justin Bieber albums?

Lolol It would only be a matter of time until someone adds something Justin Bieber related to the list.

The Biebs is only temporary...the Beatles are forever!

Is anyone gonna pick Justin Bieber? I think not.

16 Would you rather own a Bugatti or own the most expensive clothes brands

If you own all those clothes brands you would make more than enough money to buy a Bugatti

I'd rather own expensive clothes brands. At least I would make money with those.

I'd just sell either one to be honest

I don't really know...

17 Would you rather own a bucket or a panda?

Bucket, pandas not meant to be pets and how it would be imported across the world anyway?

What you need both you need the bucket for the panda excrement

Why would you pick a bucket over a panda?

Is it weird that I would chose the bucket

18 Would you rather own a private Jacuzzi or a private golf-course?

In my opinion, pulling weeds out of ground is far more enjoyable than playing golf.

( And yes, I have pulled out weeds many times )

Jacuzzi. I need someplace to store the bodies

Jacuzzi, golf is a pretty boring game

I would rather own a private jacuzzi.

19 Would you rather own a thousand buckets or a panda?

Panda, then (I know this is cruel) kill the panda because I don't want it in my house.

Buckets for the panda I already got in another question.

20 Would you rather own hot sauce or BBQ sauce?
21 Would you rather own a tiny house in a beautiful area or own a massive fancy house in a very unpleasant area?

Probably the first one actually.

22 Would you rather own a Barbie or Bratz doll?

I don't like either, but I guess a Barbie doll.

23 Would you rather own dolls and stuffed animals or books?
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