Top 10 YouTube Screamers
Screamers are on YouTube where it's calm then a face pops up.If you're curious about the backstory, this is one of nine commercials aired by the German coffee company K-fee as part of an advertisement campaign. Thankfully, they don't air anymore due to numerous complaints. The zombie in this ad is American actor Brad Johnson, which is surprising since I honestly thought it was a German woman for a while. Four of the nine commercials featured a gargoyle instead of the zombie, played by Brad's brother, Adam. You can find behind-the-scenes footage that makes the commercials less scary, but I don't have the courage to watch it myself, heh.
That's some info for you if you're wondering. You're welcome.
I nearly experienced it. I was going to watch another video, but I accidentally clicked the wrong one. Fortunately, thanks to my good memory, I went back. I later learned that the video I nearly watched is one of the scariest videos on YouTube, but I doubt I'll ever be so lucky again.
I didn't like Disney before, but now I don't like it and I think it's scary!
I don't mind it with the volume down, but the scream haunts me. However, there is a way to get onto level 4. When you read this, go on YouTube and type How To Get onto Level 4 on the Scary Maze. It worked for me, and I got away with it at school.
The first time I saw the face, I wasn't scared. But then my friend showed me it, and AHH! I flipped out. I ran to the couch and flipped over.
You people do know that scary face is the demon girl from The Exorcist, right?
I saw this a few years back. I didn't know what was going to happen, but when the face popped up and screamed, I jumped. I turned off my iPad, stood up, and saw that my hands were shaking. This video got me good.
This one is the worst because the screamer runs to the screen instead of just popping up. But the scream isn't that bad.
Oh my goodness gracious, this is probably the scariest screamer I have seen in my entire life!
My friend showed me this, and my face flew back from the computer. I always read comments now and will be more careful with short videos.
I almost fell for it, but when I looked at the comments because I was on YouTube, I told my sister to watch it. Now she's scarred for life! I watched it afterward, and now, before watching any video, I always check the comments.
Ugh, I hate that one so much. It got me. Every time I watch it, it scares me less, but still, it's a scary video. I would recommend showing it to a little brother or sister close to Christmas time.
Scared the hell out of me. I'm in an internet cafe, so I had to keep my mouth shut. RESULT: involuntary shaking afterward... Damn.
You have to turn the volume all the way up to hear the song, and then a face pops up and scares the crap out of you! I hate it!
Oh my god! It almost gave me a heart attack!
The Newcomers
FIRST SCREAMER! I was 4 years old, and my cousins were showing me funny videos when they showed me this... scarred!
This appeared on The Amazing World of Gumball on the internet.
This literally made me jump off the couch and scream my lungs out. It was the loudest I have ever screamed. My poor dog woke up because of how loud I screamed. It was even scarier because I was home alone at night with the lights out and blinds down. I dare you to watch this video at night.
The only thing on the web that scared me. Even though in screamers, the faces aren't scary, the sudden appearance on the screen shocks the viewer, causing a feeling of fear.
This was my first screamer, and it scared the crap out of me! Now I watch screamers all the time, and they don't scare me anymore.
When I was 4 or 5, my grandma showed this to me, and it scared the poo out of me. Man, that was terrible! Gosh, never watch it! I hate screamers. They are stupid!
I was going to put in Michael Jackson's Ghost (yes, there really is one called that), but then I remembered this. This is the first one to really scare me. The fact that the song is backmasked is bad enough, but then POW!
P.S. Scary Maze isn't scary at all. I hardly even flinched.
So scary! The zombie scared the crap out of me! So scary!