Top 10 Reasons Why Lexi Bunny is Better Than Amy Rose

I like Lexi Bunny from Loonatics Unleashed.But, I HATE Amy Rose!!!! Lexi is WAY better than her!!! Here are reasons why!
The Top Ten
1 Lexi Bunny is a better person

I love both of them but my favorite it is lexi

2 Amy is a stalker

She scares me

3 Amy can't control herself

She probably has to desperately go to a doctor in general, thanks to her silly anger issues, feeble excuses and mad crush on Sonic the Hedgehog when he does not want to lay her.

4 Amy always wears the same stupid dress.

Not always, but frequently these days. Also, the dress would have been a lot less stupid with a skirt being like Jessica Rabbit's instead of sticking out like a tutu. You said it yourself, and I find Miraculous to be a mixed bag.

5 Lexi is prettier
6 Amy's love obsession
7 Amy is annoying
8 Lexi is nice to others
9 He is nowhere near as overrated
10 Lexi has a better reason to exist as a character
The Contenders
11 Amy trusts Sonic to protect her more than others!

That's a big fat lie.

12 Amy is overrated while Lexi is underrated
13 He did not criticize other characters for doing what he forces him/her to do
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