Top 10 Things that Make You the Most Angry

The Top Ten
1 Being Blamed for Something You Didn't Do

If someone accuses me of something that I didn't do, it gets me out of my mind. If it is a joke, then no problem. However, if I get scolded by anyone, it makes me angry enough to let my rage turn into a fight in which no one can defeat me. But if I get beaten up by someone because of something I didn't do, then he has achieved getting me to a level of anger that is rare and not at all sweet or easy. I am DECEPTI, who is a very gentle boy with superpowers to turn into a powerful merciless boy, which is super rare.

2 People Who Take Credit for Your Work

I am the head of my class in language arts. I was sitting next to my friend when our teacher asked us to write something and then share it. My friend copied me. Of course, me being the lazy git that I am, I didn't share my answer, but my friend did. My teacher was very pleased with it and asked her to display it to the whole class, and tell us more about the book she was reading. I still haven't gotten over it. She wasn't a very good friend either.

This would combine with the item 'your boss.' I do all the thinking, the listening, putting a case together, and he takes the credit! And what's more, he gets paid more!

3 Liars and Lies

These are my least favorite things because some people ruin others' lives for fun and should be stopped immediately. They don't know that person. They only know what they're allowed to see, and they make other people seem horrible when they're really not. But hey, at least I get songwriting inspiration.

Yes, it's horrible when people make up lies about you, and others believe it.

It just makes me so enraged when I know someone is lying, and I call them out for it, but they just keep lying. Ugh.

4 Abusive Parents

I used to watch videos about child abuse/bullying (mostly LPS), and it resulted in me throwing tantrums like a spoiled 3-year-old! The reason why I used to throw those kinds of tantrums is because of those poor children getting abused and mistreated. Throwing tantrums are OK, but throwing a fit over a child being mistreated by an abusive, drunk, sex-obsessed mother/father/stepparent, etc., just doesn't work. Whereas, donating to a charity against cruelty to children works SO much better.

I feel thankful that I'm not getting abused.

5 Bad Drivers

Idiots! My school timings are from 7:20, and the school van comes to take me at 6 am. A new driver was driving at that time, and he was driving so slow that I could see cycles going faster than our van!

There are even lots of crazy, bad drivers in my little village. But I'm pretty sure that there are lots more in bigger cities.

Most bad drivers are people with their cell phones out, or they text while they drive. It makes me want to shout, "Get off your cell phone!"

6 Knowing You're Right, but Others Don't Believe You

This is really frustrating. It's like telling people that you did something great, and they don't believe you. It's best to try and ignore it, though. Those people are a waste of time.

7 Ignorance

Just don't speak about something you don't know about! First, investigate and then you can share your opinion! It makes me fume when people have ignorant opinions.

8 Screaming Children

This is why I want to be single with pets instead of getting married and having children. I dislike toddlers and babies. Babies just pee, poop, barf, scream, and cry. And toddlers just cry, whine, scream, and are brats. I'm okay with little kids as long as they don't bother me.

My cousins constantly scream, and it's really irritating. That's why I carry earbuds with me whenever I'm around them.

When I hear a screaming child, I feel my heart beating faster, and then I get angry.

9 Animal Abusers

Who would ever even try to do this?! The only reason why a dog would try to attack you or someone else is because YOU raised it wrong! It gets scared and uses self defense. Maybe the dog would be nicer if the people actually didn't abuse their dog. It sickens me to even think about this and the people who abuse the dogs have NO right to do such a thing. I can see if they did something wrong, they need a punishment sometimes but you don't abuse the dog, just say firmly "No" or just give them a little hard pat, not too hard. The dogs don't deserve to be treated like that. If you were going to do that, why did you adopt him/her anyways?

10 Nosiness

Everyone around me is effin' nosy! My dad constantly stares at my phone, and my teachers are always spying on my computer! Can't I just get some freaking privacy?!

My dad stares at my computer screen, and when I was in high school, my special ed teacher would stalk me everywhere I went.

My sister won't get out of my face in school and at home, and probably in my sleep because she is so nosy.

The Contenders
11 Slow Loading Screens

Every time I try to get on Musically or any other app, I have to wait 5 thousand hours. So, finally, I have to delete the game! Did you know they made iPhones 6, 7, 5, and iPhone 4 all slow? They got sued for that. So, I was just like, Pssh, get an iPhone X. But I have an iPad, so lucky me!

Out of all anger-inducing things in the world, I've never felt quite the rage that I get from seeing the continuous spinning ball of death.

Yeah, this is very frustrating. I have this when the internet connection isn't working properly. Who doesn't hate slow internet anyway?

12 Someone Revealing Spoilers

Yes, so annoying. It diminishes the experience.

13 People Who Think They're Right and You're Wrong

There is no need to give an explanation for that, and there is no need to get angry. If some people think that, you can't change their minds. There is no need to think about it. That'll be just futile.

Don't bother - people's words don't matter. Why? Because their words won't define you, so just ignore such people.

It is so annoying when people always say they're right and they know that they're wrong but they keep saying I'm wrong!

These people need to fall into a hole!

14 Bullies
15 Haters

I don't know. Sure, we are supposed to ignore haters, but when they're hating on something you're super passionate about, it makes you mad!

They're not wrong, however. The show is bad.

Oh well, haters are everywhere.

16 Friends Who Aren't There for You When You Need Them

One example is when a friend doesn't help you when you're about to get your house robbed. But once you fight them off, they demand you fight back because they just want to fight them.

17 People Generalizing Everything
18 People that Talk During Movies

It gets on my nerves so much. I think that people who talk during movies shouldn't go to the movies in the first place. Except if the other person they are talking to has a mental or physical condition, then I am perfectly fine with it.

Some annoying little kid was laughing about a movie trailer when someone ripped their pants. During the whole movie, he was giggling and saying, "Rip!" I hated it, and it ruined an otherwise really great film for me.

I came here to see a movie, not listen to you talk on your phone with your friend.

19 Having Siblings

YES! My 19-year-old sister lost it and started shouting and swearing at and insulting me last night over blueberries! Apparently, I ate out of the wrong container.

Even worse, she got my mom angry at me as well. She told my mom, who also decided to yell at me for it.

Siblings can definitely be a pain in the ass sometimes.

And that's how a certain somebody punched his sister in the arm for touching a model plane.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm destined to be an oldest sibling...

20 People Who are Morons

I know some very intelligent people who are also absolute morons. They may have a high IQ, but that doesn't prevent them from making stupid, foolish decisions.

Ugh, morons! I hate these people with a burning passion.

I wish these people never existed.

22 People Who Steal Your Jokes

People shouldn't get angry about this.

23 Attention Hogs
24 Racism

I saw on the internet a nasty racist comment against Chinese people with extreme language, which made me super angry. I flipped out and screamed violent things until I made my mom mad as well.

I'm either Chinese, Japanese, or not Asian.

25 Being Used

Yes, this is one of my least favorite things.

Sounds terrible. Should be higher,

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