Top 10 Best Ben 10 Aliens
The world of Ben 10 is full of some of the coolest, most unique aliens out there, and every fan has their favorites. From the fast-paced, sleek designs to the monstrous powerhouses that can take down just about anything, the Omnitrix has given us a ton of options to choose from. So, which ones are the best?Maybe you love the classic aliens from the original series, or perhaps the newer ones introduced in later seasons are more your style. Either way, this is where fans like you come together to decide which Ben 10 alien is the ultimate favorite. Is it the ones with the flashiest moves, the most memorable personalities, or the ones that have saved the day more times than you can count?

Diamondhead has been awesome since day one. When I watched the original series as a kid, I always saw him as the best one. Most of the others were cool too, though I personally never got the appeal of Four Arms. But Diamondhead always stood out the most to me.
He had some of the best fight scenes, including Vilgax's Robot, Sixsix, Kraab, Tetrax, the chase scene in A Change of Face, The Mummy, the Lenopan Ex-Boyfriend, and Eon. Even when the sequel shows did things with him that I disliked (I still loathe his UAF design), I still enjoyed seeing him in action.
Honorable Mentions: Cannonbolt, Rath, Way Big, Gravattack, Atomix, Ditto, Blitzwolfer, Frankenstrike, Brainstorm, and Eye Guy.

Heatblast is my favorite alien. He deserves to be the first on the list. He could definitely beat XLR8 in a fight. Diamondhead may be a challenge, but I think Heatblast could still beat him. He can even fly, and his moves are more fatal than most aliens.
This alien is Ben's first and most-used alien. He is also the one Ben has the most control over. Also, who doesn't think an alien who can use fire or become fire isn't cool? This is why I think this alien is the strongest and the one Ben has the most experience with.

XLR8 is an amazing alien because he can move at speeds so fast that it seems like nothing is moving around him. He could definitely beat Heatblast just by running around in circles so fast that Heatblast loses all of his oxygen and burns out. His long black and blue striped tail could smash enemies if he ran at you really fast. His hands are like little blades that could slice you in less than a second. This guy is strong!
This guy is really fast and strong! He can run 500 km in an hour, run over water or walls, and create tornados. And what about the way he kicks? His kick is at hyper speed and is awesome! His tail is really strong and fast too. He can easily beat bad guys. He also chops things with his claws. Plus, he can recover really fast. Most of all, his voice is so sexy to me. I can't breathe when I hear him.

Ben's strongest alien is Alien X. In the episode "The Forge of Creation," Kevin mentions that it can just blink, and you will be gone, so it deserves to be the strongest. It is so strong that it doesn't have an ultimate form because it can do everything, even make a copy of the entire universe and everything in it. It doesn't have an ultimate form because there is nothing else that can be added to it. It can already do anything.
He is by far the strongest alien that we know of. He can wish to have people unexisted just by blinking, has tanked an atomic bomb meant to destroy the universe, and is literally a god. And because the Omnitrix has Ben turn into the strongest version of its race, we know that Alien X is basically the strongest of its kind.

Ghostfreak is creepy, moves his eye in the black lines in his body, and is awesome.
Of course, the whole "true form" thing and him becoming a villain was dumb, but he's still the best alien.
He's very strong in his true form. He can shoot a laser, has awesome tentacles, and can phase through anything. He can scare anyone, just so long as Za'Skare minds his own business. He's the best alien.
He's awesome for a start, the most complex, and he became a villain. He's easily the scariest and one of the most deadly Ben 10 villains.

I love Rath more than any other. He may be non-stop anger, yelling, and fighting, but he's funny as hell, and he still cares about things like in his premiere episode.
Plus, he's just funny and kicks ass.
I don't know of any other alien that has as many things as Rath. He has a catchphrase, talks in the third person, and knows every wrestling move in the universe! What's not to love?
Rath is awesome. He's so funny and makes the show more entertaining. I also like when he says, "Let me tell you something." I enjoy characters who are stupid and aggressive.

One of the best designs of a character I've seen! It's also different from the others and is more likely to exist in real life (not all beings are humanoid!). Original powers too that are awesome, kind of make me remember Daredevil! Classic alien deserves a better ranking.
Why isn't Wildmutt in the top 10? He just looks awesome, for starters, but he has superior smelling and hearing abilities that make up for his lack of sight. He can climb well, jump high, and bite things to death (if he wanted to) and much more. Yay Wildmutt!

15? 15!? What's better than being indestructible, shooting fire, controlling plants, and having incredible strength? By the way, Swampfire is a mix of Wildvine and Heatblast.
He has both pyrokinesis and chlorokinesis. He creates vines from the ground and rings of fire while releasing a foul stench that knocks anything nearby unconscious.
Swampfire should be in the top 10. He can shoot fire, grow plants, control plants, and regenerate. He is like a mixture of Heatblast and Wildvine.

Are you kidding me? He must be at number 1 or 2. He is super cool. Oh yeah!
He should have been higher up on the list. He can lift things several times his weight.
He deserves to be ranked number one. He can defeat any alien. He is the strongest of all the aliens.

Upgrade may seem to be only of any use around technology, but his stretching allows him to dodge attacks and get through small places, similar to Goop. Upgrade may not be invincible like Goop, but Goop relies entirely on his anti-gravity projector. All in all, Upgrade is an amazing alien.
Upgrade can combine with any machine to copy its form and make it an advanced piece of technology! Not to mention the endless powerful weapon possibilities! Plus, even in his normal form, he can regenerate and move around like liquid. He even has a laser in his head as standard.
The Newcomers
He can survive a nuke. A NUKE! He could probably survive the coronavirus without even worrying! He should be at least top three.
He is one of the most powerful species in the whole universe. He can't be defeated by any Marvel character, any DC character, or any Dragon Ball character. It's true. Understand?

Atomix is Ben's second strongest alien, right next to Alien X. The power to manipulate atoms is, quite frankly, just plain awesome. Too bad Gutrot isn't high on the list, though...
I think he is the best. He looks so cool too, so I really think he should be number one.
I agree. He destroyed Billy Billions' tower and killed the evil version of Ultimate Spider Monkey, frying him like a piece of toast in a frying furnace.

Feedback looks like a beast, first of all. He is Ben's favorite alien and is super cool-looking and confident. Plus, he's like an electric ninja. His powers are to absorb, channel, and shoot back energy.
The design is great, and he took down many villains. He is very powerful and is Ben's favorite.
Feedback is a pretty sweet alien. He can absorb electricity through his plugs and shoot it back out. He's also athletic and can move easily and quickly, and he moves faster on electric wires.

Way Big is the strongest and biggest alien for Ben 10! When Way Big turns ultimate, he grows twice his size and becomes stronger. Way Big can shoot lasers by making an L shape with his hands. He is also super fast. So fast, in fact, that he can walk on water. Way Big is the best!
Beats Vilgax, does little damage to Dagon but still more than any other alien, and is well, big. He beats anyone. But he is not good for secret missions and spying, things like that. I don't even think an Anodite could beat him. Maybe only an electrical alien if they attack him on the head-fin.

An alien that has a locked-up box on his head has to be awesome. I can't wait to find out what he is like and what he can do.
Toepick is so powerful that he can also defeat Ultimate Way Big because of his scary face.
When I first saw him, I said, Who the hell is he? But he scared Zombozo, who feeds on fear, so that's a plus.

One thing about this alien is that it has no special powers. It's an alien that can roll up into a ball and do just about anything a normal ball can do, with a hard protective shell that can bounce off certain attacks. Plus, it was the first of the original aliens to get an ultimate form.
Cannonbolt is one of my favorites. He is a giant rolling ball and was one of Ben's strongest aliens. He defeated the giant tick and fought Kevin 11. He is like an unstoppable rolling hamster.
Cannonbolt is amazing! I can't imagine an alien better than Cannonbolt. He rolls so fast, flips so well, and is so cool! He is brilliant.

I switched from Ghostfreak to Big Chill when I first laid eyes on him. I mean, come on, the dude's intangible, can handle temperatures from both extremes, and his ultimate form is so hot it's cold.
Not to mention, his design is just so cool.
He has the same powers as Artiguana but can fly, breathe underwater, is immune to temperature, turn both intangible and invisible, and is very strong, as he can singlehandedly stop a rolling car. He's basically Ghostfreak, Articguana, and Ripjaws combined. His voice is awesome.

He can fly at a fast speed and can shoot out snot. Stinkfly is cool, but he should be lower than number 17.
He can shoot snot out of his eyes. What's cooler than that?
Why so low, people? I just wanted appreciation for him!

Blitzwolfer is definitely the best alien ever! His jumps are crazy. He can do that sweet sonic blast thing. He's also strong and fast. He's got built-in weapons (claws and teeth), plus he can aim his sonic blast at the ground to jump even higher. This alien is number one or two in my book, even though Ben never really named it yet.
Benwolf is one of my favorites. He can shoot sonic blasts from his mouth, he can climb and is fast, and is good in close combat. He should have appeared more on Ben 10 (same with Benvicktor and Benmummy), and he got a stupid name, Blitzwolfer, in Omniverse.

He's very strong and big, but not too big. He's still small enough to fit in enemy places like ships and bases. He can also grow himself up to 60 feet, but I'm not sure if he can still do this.
He is the best alien to go to when Ben has a tough situation requiring high physical strength.
The strongest alien in the Ben 10 series.

He can freeze anything with an awesome blast. It was also revealed in Omniverse that 16-year-old Ben unlocked him. He can even make useful sculptures out of his ice, like a slope!
He breathes ice like a dragon breathes fire. He appeared in Ben 10,000 and can freeze almost anything, including magma.
I think Arctiguana is a really cool, iguana-like alien! The ice power this species has is really incredible.

Chromastone has the power to absorb and utilize a lot of energy at a time. Beyond this, his other abilities - flight, extreme durability, and "energy intangibility" - make him outclass his other notable energy absorber, Feedback.

I like Ripjaws because, in the third episode of the original Ben 10, he actually looked like the Krakken in child form. I think he is the best. He can beat Alien X any day.
He's my favorite too, and it's so sad that Ben was rarely ever Ripjaws in the original episodes. I think that Goop, Big Chill, and Ben Mummy are pretty underrated too.
Ripjaws has always been my favorite and is one of the most underrated aliens of them all.

He's pretty awesome because he can shoot energy beams from his mouth and plasma whips from his hands. His powers are just like Jetray's from Ben 10 and Starfire's from Teen Titans.

He is a puddle of goo, with a hover device that shapes him. He is pretty strong and can squeeze through small places. Also, when he's hit, he can instantly come back and kick ass!
Come on, guys, you know Goop is a lot more dangerous than Swampfire. Goop should take his place.
Goop is my favorite alien by a long shot. Such a cute baby.

Ben 10,000 is the best because he is better than Ben 10. While Ben 10 transforms into any alien, Ben 10,000 has a variety of 10,000 aliens.
He has 10,000 aliens plus a Biomnitrix to mashup his aliens. Plus, he is the most powerful as he has Alien X too.