Top Ten Worst Days In Anime History
The Top Ten
April 8th 2015 - Cocoa Fujiwara dies
June 9th 2011 - Tomoko Kawakami dies
She was one of my favourite voice actors and she dies :(
April 4th 2013 - Noboru Yamaguchi dies
September 7th 2006 - Boku no Pico is released
I feel bad for people born on this day.
A couple of days before 9/11 day too!
October 29th 2010 - Takeshi Shudo dies
September 4th 2014 - Hunter x Hunter on indefinite hiatus
January 17th 2015 - Origa dies
December 16th 1997 - Electric Soldier Porygon Incident
Not only did it put Pokemon on hiatus, but it sent over 600 Japanese kids to the hospital for seizures. Some kids took over two weeks to recover.
October 4th
2006 - Death Note is released
July 18th 2019 - Kyoto Animation Arson Attack
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