Top 10 Dumbest Big Brother Canada Moves
Sindy wanted to be on the good side of Canada. Otherwise, she wouldn't have nominated her ally. Although thrilling for the viewers, it was the worst move for Sindy's own game. That's why she was on her way out right after Neda. She should have backdoored Ika.
This is worse than her getting Jordan out. If Brittnee, Sarah, Godfrey, or maybe even Bruno had won the HOH, she could have been safe. But in season 5, taking out Neda meant she needed to win the Veto no matter what. She was screwed.
Great move for Ika! Terrible move for herself! She wanted to impress Canada.
Who knows what he was thinking! She was his only ally left in the house, yet he didn't save her. He claimed he played a perfect game.
Definitely one of the worst moves in Big Brother history. Not sure what was going through her head there. Has she never watched Big Brother before? I think she was too focused on flirting with the guys, thinking that would win her the game.
Oh my god! Unbelievable that Maddy is so crazy and going after Loveita, the person who applied with her. Loveita is strong, and Maddy will regret it.
They could have become Arlie's angels and run the house, but instead, they voted him out and then regretted their decision.
Honestly, that was the dumbest move in Big Brother history. He could have won the Power of Veto instead of giving it to Jared, saved one of his allies, and guaranteed his safety, but he's just a puppet for Jared and Kelsey. That's why he was evicted that night.
He was one of the biggest targets in the house, was on the block, and leading the competition. Then, out of nowhere, he quits.
What did Jackie even do to be so hated?
The Newcomers
He thought that what he did was the only way to "not throw away his game." Just dumb. Nothing more.
Is this guy crazy? He almost lost one of his closest allies in the game because of that. It's a good thing Peter was clueless.
There were definitely bigger fish to fry, and when Kelsey told Raul that Mitch was a double agent, he confronted Mitch. A terrible move, he ruined both his game and Mitch's.
The only person to ever do this. She should be at the top.
He had the chance to make the biggest move in the game by putting up the dynamic duo of Jon and Neda. Instead, he nominated the least strong duo in Big Brother history.
They are lucky they got this far. If they had been playing individually or had been split after a few weeks, Phil would have gone home a long time ago. For some reason, he doesn't get that in Big Brother, you don't trust *anyone*, especially that close to the end! Poor Nick to have a bully of a brother like that.
They also got lucky that production switched competitions.
This was Phil's mistake. It's always Phil's mistake.
I don't think he should have switched sides because two weeks later, one of his best friends in the house backdoored him.
She kept saying that in the final 6, she would cut him loose. Then it went to the final 5, then 4, then 3, and then Jon cut her loose. Well, Neda, do you regret waiting too long?
This move is worse than Jordan volunteering for the block. I don't know why that's ranked much higher than this. Yes, volunteering was a bad call, but this move takes the cake.