Top Ten Worst Big Brother Canada Players
He played the game way too FAST. After he won the first HOH competition, he started thinking, "Who would people take to the final two? The bad guy! ", well you haven't even made it to Jury yet so it's really dumb to think like that. He should have played the weak, nice guy floater strategy. He's a REALLY bad player...
Thought he was a gangster but he was just a fool
YES. PLAYED SUCH A BAD GAME, this man was all over the place in bbcan2
Pretty bad player, all she did was cry and she only won head of household the first week was by chance, anyone could've picked up the phone ringing.
Am I the only one that thinks this guy is a huge douche? Also he was an 100% emotional player.
This guy is an emotional wrecking ball and had one of the worst gameplays ever
Total airhead with 0% social game
First week she should've just stayed low but instead she did crazy things that made the other houseguests uncomfortable and so she was evicted.
I am from the US and I thought that the fans thought she screwed up on the vote and she should've votes for Gary. But then, I saw the video and SHE was the one that screwed up and she wanted to vote for Gary! LOL
Oh hell no topaz was a godddess.
She was basically lied to a million times by Jillian/Alec/Peter. she played a good game and stayed loyal to those who were loyal to her. I felt bad for her when big brother screwed her over during that instant eviction
Only Big Brother player ever to screw up the final vote, but it worked out in the end, the more deserving player won.
Made a lot of people mad and then volunteered to be a pawn even though the target on her back was already huge.
I loved it when she was evicted. Her reaction was so dramatic
Played a really aggressive game too early and ended in his own demise
Atrocious player. Turned his back on his ally Mitchell because Jared and Kelsey told him too. Helped Jared win the point of view when he was a possible replacement nominee, then was put up on the block and decided to cut ties with Jared and Kelsey at that moment and then was voted out. Those are just a few examples of bad moves. Not to mention he was annoying.
Did anyone else take the time to think that if Raul had of won the veto, he could have saved Jared and someone other then Raul would have been named the replacement. He should be way higher! How the hell is Ika in the top 10, she is one of the best players ever!
Canada evicted her for a reason.
The Newcomers
Thinks he is way cooler than he is. That is all.
Yea Mark is a complete idiot who thinks he's like bbcan winner Kevin.
The Sonja Christopher of Big Brother Canada
Worst player in Big Brother history. She did everything anyone told her to do and gave up on comps...
Worst player ever, literally had no idea what show she was on.
Yes, Gary is incredibly popular, but Gary's moves were NOT good a lot of the time. Not attempting to throw the veto to Danielle in the week she was evicted (Where Gary knew Danielle could easily go home, regardless of who she was beside, and that she would most likely use the veto) and just generally not going with what people in the house were wanting. The latter was also Gary's downfall in Season 5, where Gary would constantly go against the house and paint a bigger and bigger target until Gary's eviction in week 4.
What the heck, she is one of the best players
Came off incredibly disrespectful
Loveita. As her name, she is a lovable person, she seems very kind and sweet. But... She is a very bad player of the game, letting her emotions and her very big paranoia (Since Week 1) make the desicions for her.
Extremely stupid...when he put two of his closest alliances up. It doesn't make sense.
Oh hells no, Arisa I think is a way better hostess than Julie Chen here in the US
What!?!? Shes the host, she didn't play.
She a bitter person, Hates every girl for no reason.
Had no strategy, was basically Sabrina's puppet. She nominated two girls during her head of household reign and not the guys that were coming for her
Was a great social player & was pretty good in most comps! Would love to see her on all stars!
Played a great game! Made it pretty far as well
She was annoying but ran the house for awhile during the first few weeks, after her alliance members got picked off she sat around like a lump and was dragged to final 2 because anyone beside her was guaranteed the win
The brothers are hilarious. These two claims to be the most truthful and loyal people in the house but in reality they are just a bunch of liars. Hated the way Nick was being rude to Tim and Nikki saying that they don't deserve to the win game being a non-Canadian. One unforgettable act to prove the stupidity of these brothers was when they wanted to nominate themselves on the block. Seriously?! Hats-off to Nick & Phil for making this moronic act the first kind in BB history. The most undeserving winner in BB Canada. Sometimes, one brain is better than two. Tim & Cassandra deserved it way more...
No brain for the game of Big Brother.
Tries to get his, "claim to fame," by sticking his head up Neda's ass on Social media & by wearing her bad, overprices clothes. (they literally just have a cheap Walmart saying on them all.)
He could've won power of veto but he threw it and was sent home for it. Who the hell throws away the chance to be safe? He also threw topaz under the bus a million times to Jillian and emmett
Overrated and had bad game play. Thought he was in with Jillian and Emmett when they were already planning to backdoor him
If she wins, she'll be the worst winner in the history of the North American version of Big Brother. She was lucky the house was stupid enough to vote her back in over Loveita.
I just cannot get over the way he behaved at jury, he and his 4 other friends were going to rig the game so that neither Jillian nor Emmett won. If you want to be a good player or a fair player, you have to set aside differences and vote on who played better of the two. It would be a travesty if Gary were to win the season. And also who made him the voice of BB Canada when in reality taking game advice from Peter is liking taking game advice from Kaysar, just loads and loads of absolute nonsense
Completely overrated, didn't use the power of veto on topaz during double eviction, and was surprised when he was the target next week. He also voted out AJ instead of Andrew which was dumber than anything