Top 10 Best Call of Duty Zombies Perk-a-Cola Ideas

Vote for your favorite fan-made Call of Duty Zombies Perk-a-Cola idea. Feel free to add your own ideas too. I only came up with Amm-O-Matic and Diluted Barley. I also edited Reconnai-Shake and Perk-Twist-Cola.
The Top Ten
Double Tap Root Beer 3.0

This new Double Tap also gives you double your normal ammo! For example, with the Ray Gun, you would get 320 rounds instead of 160.


It costs 6,000 points and gives you max ammo on ONE weapon (i.e., the weapon you're currently holding). You must switch to the desired weapon and pay another 6,000 points to refill its ammo as well. Additionally, max ammo as a drop will rarely appear.

Diluted Barley

This perk floods the zombies with a wave of water every 20 seconds, both in front of and behind you. You are protected by a force field that the perk provides. If you check out my fan-made zombies map, Tour Eiffel, you'll see that it would make sense.

Downer's Delight

This Perk-A-Cola allows the player to have a non-pistol weapon out when downed, the ability to cycle weapons when downed, and grants them ten more seconds before dying.

This perk will be extremely useful for players who get downed frequently, or when teammates cannot reach the drinker within the regular bleed-out time (this has happened to me and my friends so many times).

The color scheme is light green-teal. The perk is the same color as the primary color and tastes like assorted vitamins. Since this Perk-A-Cola can be life-saving, it will cost 3500 points to purchase. The icon is of a person who is downed, holding a PM63.


Med-Juice-Er is a perk that can be activated by pressing both analog sticks together. When pressed, a snake will appear out of the player's shoulder. The snake will hypnotize an individual zombie for a period of 15 seconds and has a 50-second cooldown.

This perk can be used to put the last zombie to sleep instead of risking its death by throwing a grenade. It can also be used to pacify that one pesky zombie that appears out of nowhere, for example, above the gondola on Mob of the Dead. The snake does not damage the zombie. However, if not looking at any zombies when activated, the ability will be useless.

Gun Trade Tonic

Gun Trade Tonic allows a player to swap guns by aiming their crosshairs at another player and then holding "Y." The gun's name and ammo count will be displayed on the other player's screen. They may accept by also holding "Y," after which the guns are swapped instantly and teleported to each other with a burst of lightning. Only one of the two players needs to have this perk to initiate the gun swap. This perk is extremely useful if a player dies and is left without a gun or if they run out of ammo or money to buy another gun.

Banana Colada

This would be a good perk in Black Ops 4 because of all the stairs on IX and Blood of the Dead. It brings back the classic feeling of one of the best wonder weapons, the Sliquifier (sorry, totally spelled wrong), back into BO4.

Reconnai Shake

After obtaining this perk, you are given a mini-map that shows you every type of enemy near you, including normal zombies. There will be a color scheme for each type of enemy. For example, normal zombies could be red while hellhounds are blue. It costs 5,000 points and is the second most expensive perk you can get - after the one I made, Amm-O-Matic.

Fuse Booze

The perk increases explosive damage and Monkey Bomb detonation time, as well as crossbow bolt damage (upgraded or not). The increased detonation time will draw more zombies, and the increased explosive damage will kill more zombies and cause greater damage to survivors.

However, this perk has a negative effect: it will be more difficult to create crawlers. But excluding this one negative effect, it will help players who use explosives quite a bit and will be extremely useful if a player is downed.

When the Monkey Bomb is thrown, it will take longer to detonate, giving the revived player and the reviver a few extra seconds to buy a perk and get away. The color scheme is red, gold, yellow, and a bit of white. The perk is scarlet in color and tastes like smoky whiskey. The perk will cost 2500 since it increases damage and will help players in killing zombies.

Akimbo Juice

(The name isn't very good, I'm open to suggestions.) This perk costs 4,000 points. It lets you dual-wield your weapons. For guns that are already dual-wield, it has no effect. You do not receive any extra ammo but gain more firepower. You aren't able to aim down the sights, so it is not ideal for snipers. It also decreases your accuracy, so the perk has both advantages and disadvantages. It should not be on the same map with Mule Kick or Double Tap 2.0. It might also decrease your sprinting speed. Great for wonder weapons.

I love akimbo, so this sounds like my kind of perk! For example, dual-wielding the Lightning Staff! AWESOME.

The Newcomers

? Homewrecker Horchata

- Cost: 3500

- Every barrier or debris on the map will cost half the price.

- Once you drink the perk, a Sledgehammer Power-Up will appear around the map. Finding it and pressing the "Use Key" will let you grab it. Pressing your "Fire Button" on a perk machine or Pack-a-Punch will break it, giving you a 25% discount.

- Design: The symbol's exterior and interior will be dark black with two yellow construction tapes over it. In the middle, there will be a white sledgehammer, and a small white hand will appear in the left corner holding it.

- The Sledgehammer can only be used once.
- The Sledgehammer will appear once every two rounds.
- You can switch weapons while holding the Sledgehammer (to hold it again, press one of the empty spots on your keyboard that isn't occupied by claymores, shields, etc.).
- After the round ends, you lose the Sledgehammer (I might change this).
- This won't affect any purchases made by teammates - they have to go through the process themselves.

? Raven Marauder

- Cost: 3000

- Pressing "4" or your "Tactical Grenades Button" releases a swarm of ravens (crows) that attack groups of zombies.

- These ravens have the same damage as a normal Hell's Retriever.

- There is a 1-in-5 chance that a zombie will drop a Raven's Heart. You can walk into it to grab it automatically, which gives you one "Box of Ravens."

- Zombies are slowed and stunned during the raven attack.

- Design: The exterior and interior will be dark purple (similar to PHD but darker) with some very hard-to-see black spots. In the middle, there will be a black raven (much like Vulture Aid's vulture head, but this time showing the full body).

- You can hold a max of 2 Boxes.
- These Boxes replace any other tactical grenades like monkeys, Q.E.D., and/or Gersches.
- You can't regenerate Boxes each round like other tacticals (only Max Ammos and Raven Hearts).
- You can't stack the damage if you throw a second Box immediately after the first one. You'll just waste it, unless you throw it for the stun effect.
- Zombies drop only 2 Raven Hearts per round.

If you hadn't noticed, this was a reference to the masterpiece Bioshock Infinite, which included the Murder of Crows Vigor. I thought to myself: Vigors have a lot in common with perks... so I made this. I took the mechanic from Bioshock and added a lot more unique and interesting stuff related to zombies.

The Contenders
Scorch Scotch

Once a zombie touches you, they explode! However, your "bomb" (explosion ability) has to recharge for 5 seconds. Once recharged, the next zombie that touches you will explode again, and so on. This perk costs 3,000 points.


It's like Pack-A-Punch, but weapons deal 10 times more damage.

Copycat Cocktail
Two's a Crowd

This perk increases melee range, radius, and damage by 25%. The increased range will allow the player to slash zombies without getting too close and risking getting downed.

The increased radius enables the player to kill multiple zombies with one slash (up to 5 per slash), and the increased damage is self-explanatory. This perk will be especially useful for the medic (a player with a Pack-a-Punched ballistic knife), allowing them to defend themselves much better with their knife.

This perk's color scheme is pale yellow and dull blue. The drink is also dull blue and tastes like an overly caffeinated energy drink. The name itself is a joke on Gatorade. This perk will cost 3000 points since it is quite helpful if a player is out of ammunition.

Berserker Beer

Every kill increases your damage by 1% for 1 minute. The perk costs 2,500 points.


This is a machine that allows you to have 2 more perk slots. (This is not a perk. It's a machine like the Pack-a-Punch.)

Thor's Whiskey

Your melee weapon now deals 250% more damage and stuns a single zombie for 3 seconds. It can also instantly kill a zombie if it has become a crawler. However, the stun duration cannot be stacked. The perk costs 2,500 points.

Winter's Whisky

This perk is a lot like Trailblazers, except instead of a trail of fire being released when sliding, it releases a trail of ice, which slows down zombies that walk in it for 5 seconds.


The perk would cost 5,000 points and give you the ability to sprint backward to annihilate your trains.

Backwoods Bullseye

Costs: 4500

- Getting headshots fires the same type of bullet backward (exactly opposite to where you're aiming). Whether it's a pellet, a sniper bullet, or even a Wonder Weapon (though I think that's too OP, you decide), it will still count.

- It doesn't waste double the ammo like Double Tap 1.0. It fires the same bullet twice, like the 2.0 version, but one bullet goes forward, and one goes backward.

- The design of the exterior of the symbol will feature brown leaves and lime green paint (similar to a ghillie suit), and the interior will have an old-fashioned red target with a black dot in the middle.

Don't-Rush Rushmore

Costs: 4000

- Decreases perk drinking animation and box spinning (when you roll the box and it shows you the weapons) by half.
- Allows you to build workbench items, draw weapons with chalk, dig dig sites, and fill up soul boxes twice as fast.
- Also skips the Pack-a-Punch finger-cracking animation completely.
- You can multitask by doing two or more (if you can manage that) of the above activities simultaneously.
- If you complete any one of the above tasks, you get a 2-second speed boost (about 20% more, stacks with Stamin-Up as well).
- The design of the exterior and the interior of the symbol will be light blue with bubbles, with a white figure running in the middle, similar to the Extreme Conditioning Perk, while holding a white perk bottle.
- The design of the perk bottle will be light blue.

Note: You get the speed boost only after you've finished filling souls, not while you're filling. You can't stack speed boosts if you do two or more tasks at the same time.

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