Top 10 Best Call of Duty: Black Ops Weapons

In your opinion, which is the best weapon in COD: Black Ops? The following 10 weapons are my top picks. If you think a gun is missing, feel free to add it and vote for it.
The Top Ten

The Galil is best suited for those who like the mid to long range fight. Coupled with a suppressor and a reflex sight, you can effectively hit targets across the map. Its fire rate at mid to close range keeps rushers at bay without any problems.

I constantly achieve scores greater than 20-0 with this weapon. However, I tend to play very methodically and get a bit campy.

Although it can run out of ammo, it is probably the greatest gun on Black Ops! I have always used it in multiplayer and in zombies if I get it. It has really good rapid fire, pretty good damage, pretty good range, and accuracy. Barely any recoil also.

Overall, the best gun ever made!


The FAMAS kills like no other! Get the Sleight of Hand perk, Ninja perk. The other perk doesn't matter. It's like a two-bullet hit kill at short, medium, and long range.

Use the dual magazine attachment, and you will be unstoppable!

It's got some recoil, but a red dot sight will somehow lower its recoil. It's, in fact, like the ACR from MW2 because it can still shoot through walls without Hardened.

For long distance, three-round burst the gun, and you'll be all set.

Very high fire rate and good damage. The AUG comes very close, but if you want a weapon that gets you kills quickly, accurately, and efficiently, then the FAMAS is the best weapon to use.


The Commando is a great rifle. It has attachments that help improve its shot and damage. The Commando also has a bigger damage impact than the FAMAS.

It may have more recoil, which moves the gun a little when you shoot, so you have to hold the trigger button for no longer than three seconds. The Commando has at least 10, 15, 20 more impact damage than most guns and is good for long distances, whether you have the ACOG Sight or the Infrared Scope, but I would recommend the Commando. Besides the FAMAS being in first place, every position and place for all these rifles are great!


I've only been playing Black Ops for a few days and have read a few reviews on the best gun. Just unlocked the AK74u, and it seems it's unstoppable. I play it with a suppressor and larger magazines, and it works well.

However, as I'm only on level 18, I'm yet to unlock a lot of other weapons. But you can't go wrong with this choice.

I think the AK-74u is beast at medium to short range. I would suggest grip with rapid fire. For long range, I would highly suggest the AUG or AK47.

If you want to stick with a close, medium, and long range gun and win all gunfights, I suggest the AUG because it has a high rate of fire and low recoil. But the top guns, I think, will be SMG: AK-74u, MP5K. Assault Rifle: AUG, Galil, AK47. Shotguns: SPAS 12. Snipers: PSG1. LMG: Stoner-8.


I love this gun because it is so powerful. All it needs is extended magazines and maybe a silencer. It takes a while to get used to, but once you get the hang of it, it is a beast.

It's the best AK47 on any Call of Duty. I don't like it on MW3 because there's too much recoil, and it looks too big. It's not bad on Call of Duty 4, though.

Good damage output and good ammo loadout. Awesome with dual magazines and the suppressor. It takes some time getting used to.

The gun is accurate but moves up and down and resets. If you can get used to this kick, then you can dominate.


The AUG has the second highest damage per second as proven in the Call of Duty Wiki (the highest being the M60). Little recoil mixed with its awesome fire rate and high damage makes it the best gun there.

Excellent at firing in burst for long range and shred them to pieces with a dropshot at close range! Combine with Sleight of Hand Pro and say hello to a 2.18 K/D ratio like mine!

An incredible Assault Rifle. It has the second highest DPS in the game. I always use an ACOG on it.

You can fire it accurately at all ranges. Although you need to burst fire it at long range, it only takes a couple of shots to kill anyway. It absolutely destroys on maps like Nuketown, often killing people before they even finish the scoping animation.

Stoner 63

Really, I was torn between the M60 and the Stoner, but in the end, the Stoner is barely a better gun. It's more practical and feels like an AR with LMG upgrades. The biggest issue I have is how little ammo it has, carrying a total of 120 bullets with 30 bullets in a mag (60 with extended mag).

This thing will blow through ammo in no time. But I think it has amazing iron sights, despite what people say, and is brutal when firing from a crow's nest. The reload time isn't all bad either. I recommend using Extended Mag and Tactical Insurgent with this bad boy. Have fun winning.


The M60 is a great gun. Forget Sleight of Hand. The capacity is very large at 100 bullets.

The gun is also the strongest automatic weapon, killing in just 2 shots within medium range. Try using Flak Jacket with Warlord and Tactical Mask. You can make your enemies cry.

My go-to gun. Use Warlord, Flak, and Second Chance (Pro for all three). With Warlord, you get two attachments. I use the grip and an improved sight.

I mainly use a red dot (changed to teal), but a reflex sight when there's a contract is just as good. An ACOG when there's a contract, but it's not as easy for me.


Dual Python is like a shotgun up close, extremely strong but with poor accuracy and range, which is exactly like a shotgun. If you feel like there should be a secondary shotgun, pick Dual Python.

Spammy, high-damage revolver that you could throw on a speed re-loader? Hell yeah.


This is easily the best gun in the game. Personally, I dislike all iron sights except for the Kiparis's.

This gun only takes maybe one or two shots (since it shoots three bullets per shot) to kill from long range, medium range, to close range. If enemies rush you and get close enough, they will get you, but if you aim at them, they are dead. Equipping an ACOG allows you to snipe across the map, and using a dual mag should eliminate the need for Sleight of Hand. You can rush with it too.

Additionally, it has a lot of power. With about a week or two of practice, if you solely use this gun, you can easily master it.

The Newcomers

? M14

This gun has high damage and very bad recoil. Throw on a grip and get Sleight of Hand, because this gun will blow you away. In the right hands, it is unstoppable. Train your finger and accept semi-auto.

So much fun to use. Great variants in every game it has been in.

This weapon is the deadliest of them all. I just love it!

? HK21

Light and accurate. Love this gun. A hidden gem.

The Contenders

The only cons of this gun are its capacity and reloading speed. It destroys at close range. Maybe pair it with Sleight of Hand to push away the problems of slow reloading and a 2 bullet capacity.

Dragon's Breath

It's cool and should be given 4th rank after Commando.

Come on, people, it shoots bullets that, on fire, blow their feet off.

This would be an awesome PaP upgrade for zombies and a good attachment in multiplayer.


An infinite damage wonder weapon, with a respectable amount of ammo. Criminally underrated in this list. The Thundergun's only weakness is the fact that it can't spawn drops.

Great Wonder weapon, but not multiplayer accessible, so I see the reason why it's this far down the list.

One of the best guns ever made. The Thundergun will get you multiple kills per disc!

Ray Gun

The Ray Gun takes me back in World at War. Best weapon till round 24. The upgraded version takes two shots in round 24! I hate this gun! Just kidding, it just has hard aiming ability and reloading is too slow. Plus, one shot takes 5.2 microseconds, not seconds!

I must say, this is a premium weapon. The best part is, it's a good weapon for second in hand, if you know what I mean. Although, I vote the M16 better.

This gun is a one-shot kill. It can shoot from long range and has a lot of ammo. The best part, though, is that if you need reviving in zombies, it counts as a pistol, so you get to keep using it.


Rapid fire and Steady Aim Pro is killer. You can get easy kills up to medium range while hip firing with this gun. Not to mention, ADS is still good.

It has decent recoil without rapid fire and solid iron sights, so you could also throw extended mags and have Sleight of Hand Pro with very fast reload, quick aiming, and very fast movement speed when paired with Lightweight. This gun is much more versatile than people give it credit for, and it's a starter gun!

This was first my favorite gun, but after I got the AK74U, this baby only got to second place. It is still one of my favorite SMGs. Good firing rate, good damage, and just an overall good performance.


The only downside of the MPL is that it has disgusting iron sights. When paired with rapid fire, its hip fire can be deadlier than the AK74u's. It is also good in ADS, even with its bad irons.

It also has a healthy 32 bullet magazine, which naturally fits with Rapid Fire. Overall, this, along with the PM63, are my favorite guns.

Beast gun, very accurate, low recoil, and good clip size. Must pair with rapid fire. Sleight of hand or steady aim is a must, depending on your play style. The iron sight is the only downfall.

By far the best SMG in the game. Low recoil, good accuracy, high rate of fire, and decent range. You don't need any other SMG besides this.


Absolutely love this gun. Packed with great damage from its deadly 3-round burst, this ugly gun is very deadly at any range.

Great iron sights, superb accuracy. The low power scope attachment is unique and easy to use, also good hip-fire accuracy. Should be number 1.

This is true, and it shouldn't be number 9. It should be number one because it is the best type along with the sniper L96A1.


Severely underrated. As a user of the SCAR in MW2, for me, this gun rings truest. Accurate at great distance with a good trigger touch and just enough power at close range with a great iron sight as well.

I have been consistently at a ratio of 2.50 with this bad boy. A+ weaponry.

It has low (although slightly inconsistent) recoil and an SMG-aim speed, making it very versatile and pretty handy up close. Perfect when prestiging and deadly at most ranges if burst fired effectively.

This gun may not be the strongest or most effective, but it sure is a fun weapon to use.


For any sniper out there like me, you played this gun because it was almost always a one-shot kill. This was the best sniper, hands down. PSG1 was a close second.

The only good sniper out there and, in my opinion, the best gun in Call of Duty history, period.

My first quad was with this. Now, even though I don't play Black Ops I, I still love this gun.


Crossbow is last? Seriously, you don't even need to hit people to kill them with this powerful gun!

When pack-a-punched, it draws the zombies away from you and to the explosive tip.

Ballistic Knife

I am really good against my really good cousin, but I beat him badly.


Best weapon in Call of Duty history. It's a buzzsaw!


The FN FAL is a great gun for a number of reasons.

First off, the long range that it has is perfect for maps like Grid, and the mobility of the weapon makes it good for maps like Summit, where the whole battle takes place in one room (for the most part). So, you have to be used to rushing and sprinting.

Second, the power of this rifle is, I believe, the highest out of any assault rifle in the multiplayer game. This, combined with long range and extreme mobility, is extremely useful and allows the shooter to kill people at all ranges in two or three shots, rather than 10 from the Famas or the Galil.

Third, it pairs well with perks like Ghost and Second Chance. As another poster had said (and I am paraphrasing), "you are already used to having to pull the trigger multiple times rather than just holding it down." This means that it is great for Second Chance because you pull out a pistol, which you have to pull the trigger multiple times to use. It pairs well with Ghost if you have a suppressor because of its long range and high power, and because the muzzle on it prevents the bullet's flash from showing on others' radar, and Ghost hides you from Spy Planes.

Finally, FN makes great guns, like the '56. Its tip is so fine that it punctures straight through bulletproof vests, and the speed makes it insanely useful. The size of the bullet allows the user to carry tons of bullets in one magazine, and is extremely effective. The design is the same as the .556, the way the bullet is shaped, and is overall an excellent weapon.


I played Black Ops for 35 online days and this was by far my favourite weapon. Unstoppable with steady aim, ghost, and hacker.

The best shotgun. Semi-automatic, high damage, and great for close quarters.

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