Top 10 Disney Movies Walt Disney Would Be Most Proud Of

These are the Disney movies that if Walt Disney was around today would be most proud of, and will only be including movies that were made after Disney's death both animated and live action movies.
The Top Ten
1 Toy Story

Disney would be most proud of this one as it did for Computer animated movies what Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs did for traditional animated movies.

Really fit the bill of Walt's innovation, as it transitioned the medium to computers.

I mean he would be so proud

A truly ingenious idea.

2 Beauty and the Beast

Disney would defiantly love Beauty and the Beast its everything you want in a Disney movie a great cast of characters, a well told story and memorable songs.

My favorite princess and fairy tale!

I bet he would!

3 Aladdin

Walt Disney would have considered this his favorite movie from the renaissance!

4 Frozen

Based of the Hans Christian Anderson story the Ice Queen a movie Walt Disney himself always wanted to make but was never able to during his life time if he was alive today he would be happy that they were able to turn the story of the Ice Queen into a movie.

Because of this movie's morals and likable characters (except Hans), there is no way Walt Disney wouldn't approve this one bit.

5 Inside Out (2015)

It's much possible to compare to the short, Emotion and Reason, in ways.

He would love this movie because it teaches kids a lesson

6 Zootopia
7 Meet the Robinsons

One of Walt Disney quotes which included the line "Keep Moving Forward" in many ways Lewis / Cornelius Robinson is like Walt Disney who keeps looking towards the future trying new things opening up new doors out of curiosity and curiosity leads to new paths.

8 Up
9 Tangled
10 Wreck It Ralph

Its pretty good sike its great @#%&463

The Contenders
11 Big Hero 6

I don't know, this felt more like a Dreamworks movie in my opinion. Would Walt even appreciate this if he were alive today?

12 Fantasia

Best Disney movie in the entire world.

He is proud, it already has been done.

13 Coco (2017)

Walt Disney would definitely think this movie is a masterpiece

14 The Lion King

The lion king is too low on this list

15 Sleeping Beauty

Again, by Disney already

16 The Princess and the Frog
17 The Hunchback of Notre Dame

The movie may not have done well when it was first released but I think Disney would appreciate this movie for its dark tone much darker than anything he did in any of his movie.

18 The Little Mermaid

This was another story I believe Walt wanted to make but died before it could happen.

P.S.: Get Zootopia off this list! No way he'd approve of that one.

19 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

By Disney already

20 Enchanted
21 101 Dalmatians (1961)

By Disney already

22 Hercules (1997)
23 Toy Story 2
24 Chicken Little
25 Finding Nemo

Beautiful movie

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