Top 10 Biggest Problems with Disney Live-Action Remakes

The Top Ten
They don't capture the same magic as the originals

The Lion King remake is probably the worst live-action remake yet. I'm quite baffled that there are so many people who cut this film slack. It's literally just a shot-for-shot revisiting of the original Lion King, except in live-action.

Don't get me wrong, the realistic animation in this film is monumental, but that's to be expected from Disney because all they do every year is flex on other studios with their technical achievements. I like the animation, but that is not surprising in any way. Not to mention, they've done this kind of realistic animation years ago with the film Dinosaur. Other than that, the film had very little emotion, and the personality of the original film was practically nonexistent here. The voice acting sounded so off for these realistic-looking characters. It looked like I was watching a BBC animal documentary that was dubbed on a random YouTube channel.

You see what I'm getting at here? The original films already set a bar, and the creators don't do much to reach that bar.

They prove that recreating animation into live-action is too difficult

Disney films are among the most difficult to recreate in live-action because they had their own personalities that made them stand out in the animation industry, with their themes, settings, music, animation, and especially characters.

They are primarily cash grabs meant to pander to an older audience

A majority of the people who go see these are not kids. They are adults. In fact, you could say the same thing for pretty much any modern Disney film because, in this day and age, adults have a strong appreciation for animated films and have had a long history with Disney. Adults are going to want to pay money to see these remakes for the nostalgia factor and absolutely nothing else.

This feels like the Call of Duty series all over again. People will continue to pay for it until they finally realize that Disney doesn't care about you or their artistry. They just want your money.

They demonstrate that Disney is better at making animated movies than live-action ones

I'd rather watch Frozen a thousand times over any live-action remake from Disney. I'm not that big on Frozen, but at least the movie has personality and is original, which Disney live-action remakes do not have.

Animation is what made Disney such a successful company in the film business, way before they even bought Marvel and Lucasfilm. While the quality of their later animated films doesn't compare to their classics, a majority of them are still really good and surpass any live-action film they've ever made in general, not just remakes.

I swear, if I see a live-action remake of Frozen in the next decade...

They show that personality traits from animated characters don't fit well with real versions of them

This one is obvious. Animated traits are not going to fit well with real-life versions. With animation, you have more freedom with the style and exaggeration of characters. The same usually can't be said with real people. I'll never forget that reaction everyone had seeing Will Smith's Genie form.

Real actors cannot compare to the originals. For example, Will Smith isn't bad at playing the Genie, but I miss the craziness and fun of the 1992 version, voiced by the awesome Robin Williams and Richard Darbois (French). The same goes for every character: Belle and Beast in Beauty and the Beast, Mowgli in The Jungle Book...

They are better off following the original stories rather than the watered-down Disney versions

You know all those Disney classic films where the original stories are much darker and more messed up? If they were to make live-action versions of these fairy tales, I think they would've been better off following the original stories instead of the colorful and goofy Disney retellings.

FAR better. They're the real deal. They're original masterpieces that made everything magical. The live-action remakes have no magic value whatsoever and only garner money. They're disasters.

They fail to make the original song remakes as memorable as the originals

I don't know how you could mess this up, but the remade versions of the original Disney songs sound nowhere near as spectacular as they do in the classic films.

Enough with Beyoncé! The original soundtrack by Hans Zimmer and Elton John was already fantastic. Her song is completely useless. It's just a marketing opportunity for both sides: for Beyoncé to advertise her single and for Jon Favreau to put one of the most popular singers in his cast.

That's so true. The originals will always have the best music compared to today's remakes.

They are used as a lazy way for Disney to make more money

This is obvious. Everyone knows why Disney is releasing so many remakes year after year. Simply because they unexpectedly made so much money off of Alice in Wonderland in 2010, they've gone haywire with these live-action remakes that utilize CGI. That was the only reason Alice in Wonderland made so much money, because there was a huge CGI film craze during the time, which also applied to films like Avatar and Transformers.

Disney is taking full advantage of the CGI trend and nostalgia factor to draw people in, and it's undoubtedly working. Do I blame them? No. If you offered me a million dollars to tell you a story that you already know about, why the hell wouldn't I take it?

They are boring and soulless compared to the originals

For sure. Just wastes of magic more than anything.

For the most part, yes, but some are pretty decent, especially the ones that aren't shot-for-shot remakes.

They're running out of ideas, so they're remaking old classics while using big-budget CGI and casting a bunch of popular actors.

They can't provide the same creativity that animation can

At every level. The dynamics of the cinematic scenes, the emotions, the humor, the profundity of characters, the colors, the songs - all elements that make Disney classics great animation movies for children and adults. There is some magic in the classics we can't find in the remakes.

They never do. They're just poor copies of them and only serve to make cash. They are not entertaining.

The Newcomers

? They promote hypocritical reversed discrimination
? They portray non-marginalized groups (cisgender, straight, non-disabled white men) as punching bags
The Contenders
They are "updated for modern sensibilities"

Yep. They are so freaking woke and PC that it's insane.

Belle in the live-action Beauty and the Beast sort of lost her charm and personality because they wanted her to be a strong feminist character. This led to her being pretty mean because apparently, according to feminism, strong women can't be sweet and nice.

And of course, the race-bending. Look at Ariel in The Little Mermaid. This is forced representation. Of course, representation matters, but this is not how you do it. You do not recycle old classic characters that have already established features in the name of representing Black characters. It's also blatant hypocrisy. Imagine if a live-action remake of Princess and the Frog made Tiana white? Imagine a remake of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Will Smith's character was made Asian? Imagine if Black Panther was whitewashed? The outrage!

It's all just complete disrespect to the original character. Plus, redheads are a minority hair color, so don't they need representation? Halle Bailey's talent and beauty are being wasted.

They keep choosing the movies that people are most attached to

Sometimes it works. They are making the live-action Black Widow because so many people love the character, and she is a badass strong female lead.

Just because they want more money doesn't give them an excuse to remake the most beloved classic movies into live-action waste.

If you're going to make a live-action version of a movie, choose the ones that aren't as popular and can actually be improved with a new look. The Lion King 2 would have been a better choice than The Lion King. The Lion King 2 had terrible animation but a great story, so there is no way to screw that up.

They include some remakes that don't even feature any humans, making it pointless to remake them

For real. Who would make live-action remakes without humans? Disney's taken it too far.

The animals had absolutely no emotion, not to mention the computer animation wasn't that great. It wasn't bad, but you could definitely tell they weren't real animals.

They make kids today less familiar with Disney movies as cartoons

Kids today are going to be watching the live-action movies and thinking they're the originals, without truly knowing the classic cartoon movies.

They follow the same plot every time

Just shows the lack of originality they have nowadays.

They dominate the box office
They promote woke culture

They are using characters that don't fit the stories. This is a serious problem with society now. Woke culture is spreading across the world. These films just keep promoting it and show us that Disney refuses to make a change for the better. How careless of them.

They alter existing characters instead of creating fully original characters to represent marginalized groups
They give marginalized groups a bad name
They show a lack of creativity
They only exist to sell toys and merchandise
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