Top 10 Toy Story 4 Characters
I watched Toy Story 4 already at an early screening. It was good and had some pretty tolerable characters. Let’s talk about them.
Bo Peep hasn't been a very interesting character in the Toy Story films, but she really shines in this movie. They actually gave her personality. While she can be a bit of a jerk at times, she still has a heart. I love how they made her so tough. She reminds me of Rey from Star Wars.
They really improved Bo Peep in this movie. I love her so much.
She's so much better in this movie than in all the others she was in.
I really like what they did with her.

Yee-haw! Woody has always been such a great character in the Toy Story franchise. I'm not gonna spoil any major plot points that happen in the film, but he has some excellent moments in this film. Woody shows how much he cares about Bonnie by making sure Forky is safe. He gets to spend time with Bo Peep after not seeing her for nine years. Their relationship is very well developed.
This is also Tom Hanks' best performance yet, and that is saying a lot. I nearly cried at the end. Just so good.
Of course, he's the best character. His actions of trying to help all the other toys and what happens to him at the end made me almost cry.

Buzz Lightyear's mission in this film is to search for Woody. What they do with Buzz here is pretty interesting. He constantly figures things out by listening to his "inner voice," which is actually just his built-in voice recordings that are activated by pressing the red button. It was pretty funny at times.
Other than that, Buzz hasn't really changed much. He's still the same Buzz we know and love. Definitely an awesome character who really cares about Woody, even though Buzz's voice actor is a racist.

Man, Keanu Reeves is in everything these days. Duke Caboom is a pretty cool character with a pretty cool design. He's also given a backstory that, while not emotional, really gives him more of a personality. He's definitely one of the better new characters.
He delivers a lot of laughs, and he's just very entertaining. Reeves gave an excellent vocal performance here.
Honestly, he's my favorite new character. At least he has some backstory and did a cool jump, so yeah.

Not much to say about her. She's just very funny and very cute. Her voice actress is also extremely attractive. Giggle McDimples may be small, but she is a big character to an extent.

Gabby Gabby is the antagonist of Toy Story 4. I didn't think I would like this character, but she actually has an understandable motivation. She wants to be loved by a kid, so she tries to steal Woody's voice box to attract the attention of a little girl. Definitely not a good thing to do, but it's understandable why she did it.
I won't spoil what happens with her, but it's executed in a very great way.
While she was seen as an antagonist at one point, she has both a heartbreaking and heartwarming moment in the movie. It's at least understandable why she did what she did.

I didn't put him on the list because I like this character. I put him on the list because of his purpose. Bonnie was upset about going to kindergarten, but when she made a toy during orientation, she felt a lot better. Forky makes Bonnie happy, so he definitely has an important role in the movie.
Unfortunately, the character himself is Jar Jar Binks-level annoying. However, unlike Jar Jar, he doesn't take up too much screen time. Still, I just couldn't stand him. But he definitely did have a purpose in the film. That's the only reason I included him.

Ducky, voiced by Keegan-Michael Key, is basically only in the movie for comic relief. He and Bunny, voiced by Jordan Peele, do get a few laughs, though, especially during the credits.
They don't serve much of a purpose outside of comedy, though.
The Newcomers

I liked Bonnie ever since Toy Story 3, but I thought she was much better here because I'm sure most of us can relate to her. I nearly teared up seeing her being sad about going to kindergarten. I remember being like that.
One thing that really bothers me about her in this movie, though, is that she pretends Woody doesn't even exist despite her making a big deal about having Woody in Toy Story 3. Weird. I guess it's just part of being a kid. We don't know why kids do certain things.

She was pretty funny when the toys were in charge of directing the camper.
She's funny in the moment when the toys control the truck.

Rex is so funny. He tries to make everything right but always messes up.

Slappy the Dummy was partially the inspiration for Benson and the other dummies. That explains why they bear such a striking resemblance.

Cute, bold, and friendly at the same time.