Best Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Quotes

The Top Ten
1 Green is not a creative colour!

How Is this not already on the list? It is priceless!

"Green is not a creative colour"- the most remembered, simple quote in dhmis

Read the first quote then the second quote

It's the least creative color ever

2 It helps us make pizza

This is the best quote by far.

3 I am a file and you put documents in me
4 And must leave through the cap flap. Rude!

Rude mainly got it here

5 I might paint a picture of a clown
6 There's over 3 things to do

Games, youtube, and this list

Oh look a bar graph...

8 We all worship our king

His name is malcom

9 Don't touch meeeeeee!
10 A little baby pigeon
The Contenders
11 I'll teach you how to buy a canooooooeeee!
12 Its EZ2B a clever smart boy like me.

Its easy to be not EZ2B

13 Pesky bee!

That should be on No.1. Most iconic quote

14 Cm'on guys stop mucking around/There' a time and a place for mucking around
15 I'm friends with my dad.

How can you be friends with a father like roy

I thought it was spending time with my dad

16 My dad is a computer
17 I wonder what will happen.
18 And you could have a dream about burning your friends!

And you can have a dream YouTube banned your account

19 Planets live inside the moon
20 I use my hair to express myself
21 You could have a dream about drowning in oil
22 I live in my house!
23 Now let's all agree to never be creative again
24 You’ll end up with your teeth all grey
25 Is it in the sky
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