Top Ten Facts That Sound Fake But Aren't

The Top Ten
1 A strawberry is not a berry, but a banana is

Strawberries are not berries. They actually are an example of an aggregate fruit , forming from a flower that has many ovaries.

Why is it called strawberry then?

2 Broccoli has more vitamin C than an orange
3 Betty White is older than sliced bread

Sliced Bread was invented in 1928, while Betty White was born in 1922. This makes her 6 years older than the food.

4 Peanuts are legumes

Peanuts are not nuts, they are legumes since they grow in the ground

5 Turtles can breathe out of their butts

Yup! The weirdest fact on his list.

6 It rains diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter
7 Mario hits blocks with his hand, not his head

Don't worry, even I got it wrong!

8 It takes 12 bees to make a spoonful of honey

So think about that next time you eat honey.

9 You can’t hum while holding your nose

I just held my nose and hummed "All-star"... it was difficult. -PastelSnowstorm

BONUS FACT : Bet you tried it.

10 You can never truly touch anything, you just feel the force from electrons

This means that if you are sitting down right now, you are actually levitating. (Imagine the memes)

The Contenders
11 Spiders have clear blood
12 Hippo milk is pink
13 There are more people living in Tokyo than in all of Canada
14 Bangladesh has more people than Russia

Definitely doesn't even sound fake, given Russia's harsh climate and how sparsely populated it is for the size of its land area.

15 People dream every night they sleep

Not everyone knows this. When they think they haven't dreamed. They actually forgot their dream.

If it's true I have bad memory when it comes to dreaming most of the time haha.

16 Pakistan is 6th most populated country
17 The piano is part of the percussion class of musical instruments
18 Hello kitty is not a cat, she's a human little girl wearing a cat suit
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