Worst Family Guy Characters

The Top Ten
Lois Griffin Lois Patrice Griffin is one of the main characters of the American animated television series Family Guy.

I'm very happy to see she was voted as the worst character. I'm not even a fan of Family Guy, but my disdain for this character goes beyond this show. I've never liked her, and never thought anything she's done was redeemable in the slightest. When I was a kid I thought it was just funny edgy humor that caused Stewie to want to murder her. She's a worse person than all of the characters from Seinfeld and It's Always Sunny. (I enjoy those shows, but the characters for the most part were made to be horrible people)

If you know a woman like Lois, my only advice would be to cut her off right after reading this. The fact that she comes to mind when thinking of the person is enough to know she's absolutely dreadful.

Brian Griffin Brian H. Griffin, popularly known without his middle initial as Brian Griffin, is a fictional character from the animated television series Family Guy.

I think Brian gets a bit of an undeserved Bad-Rap. He wasn't really arrogant about his writing, until the episode where Stewie becomes his Agent, and he thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Everything before that was him just having faith that what he worked so hard on would be appreciated. He might be in denial, but he doesn't want to give up on his dream.
I myself am not a liberal, but I don't mind his Liberal-Agenda too much. He is an Atheist, but he didn't tell Meg to turn from her beliefs. He was just quietly content being an Atheist, and it is Meg who turns the entire community against him, to the point where they probably would've run him out or kill him. In the end, when he sees just how irrational the community is - burning books just like in Nazi Germany - he opens Meg's eyes to the rationality - or lack thereof - surrounding Christianity. He doesn't FORCE her to do it, she realizes that what he's saying makes more sense than... Well... Everything in her life paired with a Benevolent Deity.

But I do admit that Brian is somewhat annoying now a days. But I hold onto why I like him over a lot of other Family Guy characters because, unlike them, he actively tries to do better. He tries to start his career, he tries to go back to college, he tries to find love and get married. He is trying to better himself; which is more than what can be said for the rest of the cast.

Meg Griffin Megan "Meg" Griffin is a character from the animated television series Family Guy, voiced initially by Lacey Chabert, thereafter by Mila Kunis.

Alright... If I wasn't already concerned that Glenn Quagmire wasn't in this spot, seeing Meg Griffin here, only confirms that there is SOMETHING wrong with people now a days.

I admit, that Meg serves little to no purpose other than being the Family Guy Punching Bag. But I honestly do not know how you people justify voting a Victim of Child Abuse as the Worst Character the show creates. By doing this you are ADVOCATING her Abusers and telling the world that She is the Problem. Yes... I am saying it. To those of you who voted for Meg; you are NO better than Peter Griffin.

Meg doesn't do much and hasn't had an episode centered around her for a while - not since Seahorse Seashell Party - but that does not make her the worst character. This list should take in more what the characters do to determine their negativity and not just their role in the show. The idea that you guys can put Meg at the top of the list, while characters like Peter and Quagmire don't even break top 10, is sickening.

Just let me ask you this... If your parents hated you for no reason, if your father constantly abused you to the point of shooting you in the arm for saying hello to him - if your mother constantly put you down, and even tried to assist you in committing suicide - if your Brother mistreated you simply because your parents do... Would that make YOU the worst character in your life?

Glenn Quagmire Glenn Quagmire, often referred to as just Quagmire, is a character from the animated television series Family Guy.

Some people like Quagmire because he called out Brian on his arrogance and hypocritical actions, but Quagmire is even worse than Brian. He's a selfish rapist who has no respect for women. He's had several illegitimate children (most whom he never even bothered to see), and he's a complete ass who couldn't even bother to show sympathy when Peter lost his friend and pet, Brian Griffin. He tried to have sex with Meg when she turned 18 despite the fact that Peter was uncomfortable with him dating his daughter. When Peter asked him not to have sexual relations with Meg, what was Quagmire's response? "I want to help you, Peter, I really do, but it's-- it's like you're asking a fish not to swim.
She's legal and I'm going in."

What a selfish bastard. He also lusts after Lois and tries to have sex with her. How could he call himself Peter's friend with how he acts toward him? He's a terrible character with no redeeming qualities.

Peter Griffin Peter Griffin is the main protagonist and titular character of the American animated sitcom Family Guy. Peter is known for being foolish and doing random things for the sake of comedy. His wife, Lois Griffin, often nags him. It is implied that he didn't pass the third grade, and his father is an Irish... read more

Everyone keeps saying he's a rip off of Homer Simpson. The difference is that, even though Homer is a doofus and can at times be rather ignorant, he's a caring man who loves his wife and children. Peter has none of these qualities. He's one of the most despicable characters I've ever seen in T.V., movies, and books. How could anyone laugh at a person treating their wife like that? Their CHILDREN, who are immature and defenseless due to the fact that they rely on this terrible excuse of a human being for everything? He should be #1, but of course everyone will vote Meg, possibly the only likeable character in Family Guy. As if his cruel abuse doesn't make me nauseous enough, the fact that people LAUGH at it does the trick, along with the fact that somewhere in some studio a person thought seeing a person mistreat their children was hilarious and justifiable, just because it's a cartoon. Guess what? It's not.

Chris Griffin Christopher Cross "Chris" Griffin is a fictional character from the American animated television series Family Guy.

Chris has not only gone up on the Stupidity level, but also on the Creepy Level as well. For the one hand, he's dumb enough to let his Father Marry him, just to spend more time with him. He's also incredibly cruel to his sister Meg - presumably because everyone else does it.
But... Recent episodes have painted him in a rather disturbing light. Chris Griffin is sexually attracted to his Mother Lois. Admittedly, this was used as a joke from previous seasons where he wants her to entail her previous lesbian experiences to him... And where he allegedly began masturbating to her picture...
But in recent years, he's dated a girl who looked and acted just like her, he's openly kissed her on the lips, and even got excited at the promise of seeing her naked...
Dear Creators of Family Guy... Please gain a sense of Morality. Just because you can do something Taboo in your T.V. shows, doesn't mean you should.

Herbert John Herbert is a fictional character in the animated television series Family Guy Herbert is an elderly man who lives in Quahog and is known for his inappropriate obsession with Chris Griffin. He speaks with a soft voice and often uses a walker to get around.

At first I saw the humor, it was some dark take on how vulnerable kids are and how anyone could be preying on them. But then they started using him more and more and they started trying to give him some redeeming qualities. That's where I started truly hating this character because now is pedo desires are fairly well known to the other characters, and it's never really addressed. Its almost like the show is telling us it's okay to look the other way. It's time to get did of Herbert, his character crosses lines even this show should stay away from.

Francis Griffin

I'm going to say this as bluntly as I can; Francis is the reason why Brian's character needed to be an Atheist. I have a feeling that both he and Brian represent the two sides of the extremes.
While I don't explicitly know if Brian FORCES his Atheism onto people, some commenter's below believe so.
Francis is a Devout Catholic who DOES FORCE his Beliefs onto people; shoves them all the way down their throats. Which is frustrating.

In the few episodes that he was in, he berates everyone for such minor things; he calls Meg a Harlot for walking home with a boy and he convinces Chris that Pooping is a Sin because he assumed the boy was masturbating.
The simple fact is, breaking a Bible over someone's head is just wrong; Atheists don't try to FORCE their Atheism onto people; they merely try to encourage Rational thinking, because they're tired of seeing people get away with crap like this!

Jeffery Fecalman

What kind of sick abuses their girlfriend? This duzz, he abuse quagmire's sister for a long time. Don't to live, thank God that quagmire killed that womanizing bastard his personality starts to piss my off.

I hate Quagmire and think he's the worst character on the show but I'm so glad he killed this guy. That's the first time I like him in a long time. But he still sucks.


- Physically beats up his girlfriend.

- Doesn't care what she wants and needs.

- Made his girlfriend's life a living HELL.

- A huge alcoholic bastard.

Neil Goldman


- Has a huge creepy crush on Meg.

- Lied to everyone about Meg liking him just because he tricked her into kissing him.

- Turn Meg into a slave and NOT paying her enough.

- He's unattractive like his father Mort, Peter Griffin and Francis Griffin.

Did he marry his cousin? Or sister? He annoys the crap out of me. In real life, I'd love to punch him.

Weird Voice, weird looks, just weird in every way. Most of the time he ruins the jokes for me in the show :c

The Newcomers

? Kate

Brian's blind ex-girlfriend who hates dogs for some reason. Nothing's worse and repugnant than a woman who hates dogs.

? Tricia Takanawa

She is so annoying. And her voice is awful

The Contenders
Carter Pewterschmidt

This dude is nothing, but an arrogant jerk in every way. He treats Peter badly for basically NO damn reason at all

I'm actually glad his wife, Barbera likes Peter & appreciates him. Carter Pewterschmidt is bossy and rude towards everyone.

I also cannot believe that he PUNCHED his wife in a flashback. Her & another friend were playing catch and the ball ACCIDENTALLY hit Carter. Causing him to lose it and literally PUNCH 🤛 his own wife! It's not like she did it on-purpose!

I also did NOT like the fact that he cheated on her with an Asian woman. That was just NOT cool at all.

The worst thing about this psychopath is that he has a strong hatred for Peter and I don't know why! JUST WHY?!

James Woods

I thought his first appearance was actually quite funny, yet he has worn out his welcome. The second time he appears felt too much the same. I was happy when they killed him off but then they just magically bring him back in such an unfunny way.

I want this bastard gone, he is so annoying and should be at least the top 5. Like I cannot believe joe didn't let Peter have his identity back when this dickhead stole it because he knew who Peter is

He ruined Brian's show, made him look like a sellout, and pretty much ruined his dreams.

Connie D'Amico

I personally think Connie deserves better character development rather than being Meg's stupid plot device to make Meg better in comparison. I hate characters like Meg that are simply used as a punching bag to make the other characters around them look bad and themselves look better by comparison. It's lazy and pathetic. I'm no longer a fan of Meg Griffin.

How come Meg, Stewie and even Peter are ABOVE Connie? Connie is an awful character! All she does is being mean to Meg and for no reason!

I want Meg to kill Connie and kick her ass.

Bonnie Swanson

I used to think she was a good person. Hell, I even liked her mainly because she's voiced by Jennifer Tilly. But if I were to do this list myself AND do it PROPERLY, Bonnie would be high on the list - possibly even beating out Peter in how unlikable she is.

For the one thing; she openly states how dissatisfied she is with her marriage to Joe. Y'know, you'd think that an actual wife would stand by her husband's side if he was horribly disabled. But no, the only thing Bonnie cares about is the fact that they can't have sex - to wit, they CAN!

I honestly cannot believe that she was not only planning to cheat on Joe, but actually went through with it in one episode. I find it so despicable that she would betray and abandon him like that. Frankly, it revealed to me that the only reason she was even still with Joe is because she was still pregnant with Susie. Now that the kid is born, it's only a matter of time until she completely steps out on him.


I think it's more of a voice thing than a character thing, but I still want to wring his wormy little neck. Bastard.

Hate him...
Only character on the show I actually do HATE. Well, him and carter maybe...


Bad character, but great actress!

Mother Maggie

Arrogant and selfish wihtout end, plus etremely narcissistic, she don't care but anyone else but helrself and everyone should worship her and that makes her truly disgusting,revolting, repellent, repulsive, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, stomach-churning, stomach-turning, off-putting, unpalatable, unappetizing, uninviting, unsavoury, distasteful, foul, nasty, obnoxious, odious...


I hate this dumb ugly guy that just ruined some of the episodes.

Vern and Johnny (Vaudeville Act)

Never liked them their bits were completely pointless Thank god Stewie kills them both that way we never have to see them again.

Come on now, how can you hate Vern and Johnny?
They were hilarious. They need to make a come back

Mr. Conway Twitty

I know this is for the disliked characters but I love the Conway twitty cut aways! I've learned the whole song "I see the want to in your eyes" I think it's hilariously unique that he puts the whole song and video in the episode, even if it is just to fill time.

I don't even know his full name, but he's been on enough cutaways in some episodes to be considered an annoying character. I swear I can't stand listening to him on my television for 5 minutes, it feels like an eternity!

At least it's just him. So far. Soon it will be,
" Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Justin Bieber"

Cleveland Brown

Cleveland Brown is just a follower. Has no personality what so ever. He isn't even relevant to the plot most of the time. Nothing he says or does is even funny or interesting, and the only thing people will remember from him is when he used to say "No no no no! " or "Oh that's nasty". Which after a short period of time, isn't even funny anymore. he doesn't even add any value or purpose to the show other then to be there to say something completely irrelevant.-Most boring character on the show.

Seriously has no personality. He's only slightly more relevant than Token from South Park. And he turned into such an ass near the later seasons of Family Guy. Why the hell does this guy have his own damn show? Nothing he says is funny or even interesting.


Most boring character ever. Do people in America ACTUALLY find the 5 minutes long scenes where he mentions names of movies funny? Pathetic waste of time.

Stewie Griffin Stewart Gilligan "Stewie" Griffin is a main character from the animated television series Family Guy. Obsessed with violence and matricide, Stewie is the youngest child of Peter and Lois Griffin, and the brother of Meg and Chris Griffin.

Stewie used to be a fun character. An evil baby hellbent on world domination, and wanted to kill Lois, was very intellectual and had highbrow cultivated tastes.

Now, he acts like a lowbrow, vulgar, college fratboy hippie. Since when does Stewie go back in time to the 1960s and watch and enjoy shows like MTVs Jackass? In all the missions he's been on with Brian, he always ends up saving the world instead of destroying it like he used to want.

It seems like Stewie also has become a humanitarian of some sort. Like he saves his family from danger when he professes to hate them for being intolerable morons. And he feels sorry for people who are suffering and now Stewie helps and heals people? It's like the writers have turned Stewie into Bono or John Lennon.

Loretta Brown

Loretta was just AWFUL. She bosses Cleveland around, physically abuses him, and worst of all, cheated. Also, Loretta has been spiteful during the divorce process, as mentioned in the pilot episode of Cleveland Show, driving him out of town when she got Cleveland's house.

Along with James Woods, this woman was annoying. Loretta just cheated on Cleveland with Quagmire and didn't have any feelings for Cleveland despite they were WIFE AND HUSBAND. Thank god she's dead

Greased Up Deaf Guy

This is why Family Guy isn't even funny anymore. They just bring weird characters into the show to see if people will laugh at them, but I didn't even get a chuckle out of this guy. It's literally like they just picked three random words and mashed them together to get some sort of result.

Not that funny. We want more Bruce.

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