Top 10 Best Family Guy Characters

When it comes to Family Guy, there's no shortage of hilarious, outrageous, and downright memorable characters that keep fans coming back for more. Over the years, the show has introduced us to a wide variety of personalities, each bringing their own unique flavor of comedy to the mix. From the central Griffin family to the oddball neighbors and supporting cast, these characters have made Family Guy what it is - a comedy icon that pushes boundaries while still delivering laughs.

Who really stands out as the best of the best? Maybe it's one of the main characters who has become a household name, or maybe you find yourself drawn to some of the lesser-known but equally hilarious side characters. Either way, this is your chance to help decide which characters deserve to be at the top of the list.
The Top Ten
Stewie Griffin Stewart "Stewie" Gilligan Griffin is the youngest child of the Griffin family. He is highly intelligent, speaks with a British accent, and has a penchant for creating inventions.

He deserves the number 1 spot, but for me, either him, Peter, or Brian can be in this spot. I would have Quagmire at 4, not ahead of Brian. Everything Stewie does has meaning to it, but he is messed up in so many ways.

He is extremely funny, entertaining, whatever you want to call it, and no doubt is a big reason why this show has been on so long. The fact that he hates Lois all the time gets annoying, and sometimes they overdo it a lot. However, I have no problem with him being number 1. The scenes with him and Brian together are very humorous. Vote for any of Peter, Stewie, or Brian.

Peter Griffin Peter Griffin is the bumbling, often childish, patriarch of the Griffin family. He works at a brewery and frequently engages in absurd and reckless behavior.

Peter was the best character after Stewie in the earlier seasons, until they made him an unlikable douchebag. His stupidity used to be hilarious.

He is one of the funnier characters in Family Guy (until Season 4 at least) and he manages to make me laugh sometimes.

Don't get your panties in a twist, but he's a better father than Homer. He doesn't strangle his family members, and he did have a soft side for Meg in the older seasons, which is nothing more than air nowadays.

He and Patrick are the types of idiots that I like. They manage to make me laugh and show that sometimes a braindead character can make you burst into laughter.

Glenn Quagmire Glenn Quagmire is the Griffins' neighbor and friend, known for his hypersexual behavior. He works as a commercial airline pilot and often says his catchphrase "Giggity."

He's all about sex, but he's a great friend and really cares for his family. He protected his sister and is willing to accept his dad. He always helps Peter, Joe, and Cleveland when they need help.

He's a compassionate man who loves cats and is selfless. Not to mention, he's a cool pilot.

I would put Quagmire above Peter without a doubt. His character is very funny and brings taboo themes to the surface. I guess this is the reason why people of "good manners" hate him.

You don't need to be an astronaut to like spaceships, etc., so you don't need to be a necrophile or a pervert of some kind to like Glenn Quagmire.

Brian Griffin Brian Griffin is the Griffin family's anthropomorphic dog who speaks and behaves like a human. He is well-read, drinks martinis, and has aspirations of being a writer.

The first three (or four) seasons of Family Guy featured this character as the Only Sane Man of the show. He is one of my favorite characters in Family Guy, along with Stewie. It's best when the two characters are forced to work together in the "Road to..." episodes.

Sadly, Brian lost all his cool from Season 5 (or 4, depending on your opinion) and onward. He is now a hypocritical, obnoxious individual who thinks only of himself and nobody else. As a result, his two-episode-long absence from Kenny-syndrome (pretty much, the character is killed off, like Kenny in "Kenny Dies." The reason for that name is because Seth had probably taken the idea from that episode and thought it would be "original") would make you lose all sympathy for him, and you'd instead wish him dead.

He's still a great character nonetheless, and I hope that his original personality will return (unlike a certain show about a yellow-skinned family).

Adam West Adam West is the eccentric and unpredictable mayor of Quahog. He often acts irrationally and is based on the real-life actor Adam West, who voices the character.

He's not my favorite character, but I really think he should be higher up the list. He's really funny, and I like how he's so random and is his own character. He's awesome.

My name isn't Adam We... Or is it? Who am I? What number did you call? Don't ever call here again!

I guess I showed him! Nobody messes with Adam We...

Adam: "I'm being a rascal and knocking on people's doors then running away!"
Lois: "Then why are you still at the door?"
Adam: "This is my first house. I'm not very good at this."

Joe Swanson Joe Swanson is a paraplegic police officer and one of Peter's best friends. He is strong, dedicated to his job, and often participates in physical activities despite his disability.

Way funnier than Quagmire, Joe's random outbursts are really funny, and he's one of the few characters who didn't turn into a totally obnoxious jerk. I like Cleveland too.

Joe: So sweetie, you ready to go get some new notebooks and protractors and slacks?
Chris: I want blue jeans.
Joe: You're getting slacks!

He's like Cleveland in the fact that he's not completely insane. He's one of the calmer characters on the show even with all he's been through.

Chris Griffin Chris Griffin is the middle child of the Griffin family. He is overweight, somewhat dim-witted, and enjoys drawing and watching movies.

He's so perverted, idiotic, and that's what makes him great! I love how he is often ignorant of the things going on around him. Seriously, I think he's better than Peter.

Say whatever the hell you want about Chris, but he's adorable. I really hate all the hate he gets. I think he's an amazing and funny character, and I love his and Stewie's brotherly bond.

I love all of the Griffin kids, except Meg. I think Chris still has his idiot charm, but he's gotten a lot smarter since his first three seasons.

Herbert the Pervert Herbert is an elderly man who lives in Quahog and is known for his inappropriate obsession with Chris Griffin. He speaks with a soft voice and often uses a walker to get around.

Laugh out loud, I love his musicals. They're so jacked up. I would hate to be around someone like that, but he is the best character, hands down.

I laugh my ass off whenever he shows up. I love every episode with him, and I try every day to imitate his voice.

I know what boys like, I know what guys want. I know what boys like, boys like, boys like me!

Lois Griffin Lois Griffin is the matriarch of the Griffin family and Peter's wife. She is a homemaker, generally the voice of reason in the family, and comes from a wealthy background.

She's not always funny, but when she is, she's hilarious! Her outbursts are gold, particularly when they're aimed at Peter. Despite being a mid-30s male, I find her the most relatable character. Probably because she's the most normal one, surrounded by idiots, until she goes crazy, snaps, and becomes a psycho herself.

On top of all that, for a cartoon, she's pretty hot.

Lois is so funny. Peter and Stewie are good too, but they have too much love already. Lois has raised Chris and Stewie. She loves Stewie so much, and I like when Stewie keeps saying mamma and Lois gets pissed.

She has a unique voice, but it is whiny...

Meg Griffin Meg Griffin is the oldest child of the Griffin family. She is frequently the target of ridicule and bullying, both by her family and her peers.

She's easily one of the kindest characters, and she takes absolutely insane amounts of abuse from everyone, every day. Yet, she still marches on. She takes the abuse from the world and refuses to give up.

She still looks for someone who will like her, she'll call out her family when they are being horrible, and more often than not, she's shown to be the one to offer kindness to her family when they are in need of it.

She's still flawed, for sure, but unlike many of the other characters, her flaws aren't a result of her own maliciousness. She's desperate for affection and attention, clingy, but all of this stems from the abuse she's forced to take.

The Newcomers

? Janet

Cutest character in Family Guy history.

? God
The Contenders
Cleveland Brown Cleveland Brown is one of Peter Griffin's close friends and neighbors. He is mild-mannered and was the focus of his own spin-off series, The Cleveland Show.

Cleveland is usually the voice of reason in Peter's friend group. He's a pretty chill guy. I don't get how he's still friends with Peter after falling out of his bathtub so many times thanks to Peter's shenanigans.

The black man who knows how to live an interesting life. In a good way, of course.

Cleveland is funny, and I think out of Peter and his friends, he's the best person.

Death Death is the personification of death in Family Guy, appearing as a skeletal figure in a black robe. He interacts with the Griffin family on several occasions, often behaving like a regular person.
Consuela Consuela is a housekeeper of Latin American descent who works in various locations in Quahog. She is known for her poor English skills and frequent use of the word "no."

Consuela is awesome. Get Death, Adam West, and Herbert the Pervert out of the way, otherwise, I'll get Consuela herself to argue with you until you agree.

I'm really surprised that I was the first one to put her up here. Remember when there was a cop party and they left her in charge of traffic! Funny!

Consuela is like no... no... no and has a good accent. She goes 155 instead of 1125, get it? One 1 and 2 fives! Consuela is also funny in the Valentine episode where she says ci, ci! Also, in Bigfat, where she goes to the curling Olympics.

Ollie Williams Ollie Williams is the local news station's weatherman. He is known for delivering very brief and intense weather reports, usually shouting a few words.

Tom Tucker: Diane can't be with us today. Where is Diane, Ollie?
Ollie: She's dead!
Tom: Thanks, Ollie.

The black news reporter who shouts everything fast.

I find him to be one of the most underrated characters in the show. He is a good character.

Ernie the Giant Chicken Ernie the Giant Chicken is Peter Griffin's nemesis, with whom he engages in lengthy and destructive fights. Their conflicts often appear randomly and with no clear resolution.

Come on, Family Guy, one more fight! Peter vs. Ernie. Maybe they can use him in the series finale.

Dr. Hartman Dr. Elmer Hartman is the incompetent family doctor in Quahog. He often gives questionable medical advice and seems unconcerned about his patients' well-being.

He's hysterical. He may often be incompetent and goofy as hell, but a lot of his scenes and one-liners, no matter how short, are great.

Relax. I'm a doctor. His trial was one of the funniest scenes of the show!

Do you know how expensive medical school is? No? Well, it's probably pretty expensive.

Kool-Aid Man The Kool-Aid Man makes sporadic appearances, crashing through walls and shouting "Oh yeah!" in various scenes. He is a parody of the iconic mascot for Kool-Aid beverages.

I like the time in the Simpsons Family Guy crossover when they are in the courthouse, and after everyone says Oh no! it takes like a minute, and then Peter gets a call, and Kool-Aid Man says Yay, wrong Springfield.

Jillian Russell Jillian Russell is Brian Griffin's former girlfriend, known for her extreme naivety and lack of intelligence. She is cheerful and kind but often oblivious to obvious situations.

I love dumb blondes in cartoons! Jillian for the win!

Laugh out loud, she is so dumb, but that's what makes her hilarious. Plus, she's hot.

Evil Monkey The Evil Monkey is a character that lives in Chris Griffin's closet and frequently points menacingly at him. Despite his frightening demeanor, it is later revealed that he is misunderstood and not actually evil.
Connie D'Amico Connie D'Amico is a popular and mean-spirited high school student at James Woods Regional High School. She often bullies Meg Griffin and other less popular students.
Tom Tucker Tom Tucker is the main news anchor at Quahog 5 News. He is known for his professional demeanor on-screen and his eccentric, often arrogant personality off-screen.

He's a pretty main character. He deserves to be higher!

Whoa, such an underrated character! No character has a mustache like his.

Carter Pewterschmidt Carter Pewterschmidt is Lois Griffin's wealthy and ruthless father. He frequently disapproves of Peter and the rest of the Griffin family.

Say hello to one of the best characters on Family Guy! A rich old man, always terrible to Peter in hilarious ways (such as making him eat a pinecone before he'll help him), and trying (and failing) to be a good dad.

He's definitely my favourite character.

Bruce Bruce is a soft-spoken and effeminate character who works various jobs around Quahog. He often provides comedic relief through his distinctive voice and frequent appearances in unexpected places.

He's such a happy-go-lucky kind of guy. Easily one of the nicest characters in the show.

The purest and most enjoyable character on the show.

I like lots of things, including ginger ale.

James Woods James Woods is a caricature of the real-life actor, who appears in Family Guy as a narcissistic and erratic character. He frequently antagonizes Peter and the Griffin family.

He is stupidly funny whenever he falls for the trap with the candy. Twice!

Greased Up Deaf Guy The Greased Up Deaf Guy is a recurring character who appears in various cutaway gags. He is always covered in grease, making him impossible to catch, and shouts incomprehensibly.
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