Top 10 Family Guy Season 10 Episodes
This is the best episode of Season 10 ever, It's so interesting, It went all the way back to the first episode and it wasn't boring and stupid like I Take the, Quagmire.
This episode is AWFUL. Truly insulting about everyone who died in 9/11 and wasted plot.
I've always been partial to "Lottery Fever, " but "Back To The Pilot" takes the cake.
GREAT EPISODE! Best of the season.
Peter falling down the stairs always made me laugh.
Stewie is hilarious in this episode!
That's the first Family Guy episode that I've watched.
It also shows a teen giving birth at the TCA and swinging her baby like a lasso
Wilford Brimley killing the band at the teen choice awards was pretty hilarious.
The Newcomers
Peter is such a jerk towards Lois!
This is a good one. It get's my vote as it should be much higher
I'm very proud of Meg for standing up for herself.
I love this episode, well the first half at least