Worst Family Guy Moments

The Top Ten
Peter Disembowels a Beached Whale With a Forklift

How is this supposed to be funny? I don't want to see a two-minute scene of a whale getting ripped apart by a forklift in a gory and realistic fashion. At least with moments like Quagmire killing the Simpsons and "Horton Hears Domestic Abuse in the Next Apartment, and Doesn't Call the Police," we don't have to see the gore.

In most Family Guy episodes, the blood looks cartoonish, but in this scene, the whale and all its entrails are drawn as realistically as possible. Black comedy only works if the scene is over the top. This is why "Prom Night Dumpster Baby" works (nobody would have expected the babies to sing in smooth baritone voices and dance away from the garbage), and the whale scene fails. Mutilating an innocent animal is never funny, but the scene doesn't even try to be over the top. It just presents the graphic animal abuse itself as the joke.

In contrast, the joke in "Prom Night Dumpster Baby" is how the babies act in a way that's unexpected (performing a musical number), not about babies dying or parental abandonment. The song itself actually criticizes the terrible actions of women who abandon their newborns ("My fanny needs a blanket/And somebody to spank it/I miss my mom/But she's at the prom"), and the babies are able to fully walk.

The whale scene is too mean-spirited and realistic to be funny. Not to mention, there's no real joke other than the lame, unfunny pun at the end of the scene. I hate this scene!

Brian Dies

I don't care that they killed him off. He was becoming more and more unlikeable. What I do have a problem with is the way they did it. It was clear that it was a ratings trap. The way it was so gruesome and the fact that everyone seemed out of character in Life of Brian was just disappointing.

And all of that, only to bring him back 3 episodes later? Oh yeah, and let's not forget that Brian becomes a completely unlikeable douche when he does come back.

Truly depressing. Even worse, the Griffins get another dog, Vinnie, who just plain sucks as a character. They completely forget all about Brian, except for Stewie.

Peter Asks Lois Which Way to Slit His Wrists

I still can't believe this "joke" was allowed to air. Seth, come on now - you know your age demographic is teenagers and young adults. Why the hell would you think that was acceptable? I almost don't even consider it a joke.

There are bad and dark jokes, but this is in its own category altogether.

It's official - Seth MacFarlane doesn't care who he hurts.
Rape jokes? Ok.
Suicide jokes? Yep, ok.
Mocking religion? Well, duh, of course ok.
Mocking the disabled? Totally fine.
But nudity? Shame on you!

You should be ashamed of yourself, MacFarlane.

Screams of Silence: The Story of Brenda Q

The absolute worst episode in the series. You don't just suddenly take a serious tone on a sensitive topic when you've been joking about it for the entirety of the show.

It comes off as a disturbing episode that's not even a PSA about domestic abuse, and it certainly isn't funny.

MacFarlane's crew only wrote this just to cover their tails from the infamous Seahorse Seashell Party episode. Well, guess what, MacFarlane? It's not covering your tail. It's making you a hypocrite!

This was too hard for me. Not funny at all. There is real-life abuse in reality! I am happy that Brenda's boyfriend did die.

Boston Marathon Controversy
Meg Apologizes to Chris, Lois, and Peter For Letting Them Know About Everything They've Done To Her

She shouldn't have apologized. They all got what they deserved, and what Meg said was absolutely true. I bet Seth MacFarlane just wanted to keep making jokes about Meg.

Meg had every right to finally snap back at everyone. But why take it back? So the moral here is: if you're in an abusive relationship, stay in it because of the abusers' egos.

Pearl Gets Hit By a Truck and Dies

It was a sad scene until Dr. Hartman ruined it by shouting to everyone, "Who wants to see a dead body?"

I just want to point out that there was a time Peter told Chris to stop treating his girlfriend like a human and that he should treat her like crap.

Also, Pearl was a great character.

Brian Gives Stewie Herpes

This is Brian at his worst, in my opinion. He knowingly gave Stewie - an infant, by the way - a lifelong STD and had the nerve to act like it wasn't a big deal. And not only that, but he did the same thing to Chris too.

I really wish Brian was still dead because of this.

I'm sure it was justified. It was probably karma from all those years of Stewie trying to kill Lois.

Quagmire Rapes Marge Simpson and Murders the Simpson Family

Oh, Seth MacFarlane still can't admit or accept that The Simpsons is and always will be better than Family Guy. Sad, sad man.

I love The Simpsons and hate Family Guy!

Remember to never talk bad about Family Guy because they will kill your characters.

This is why I prefer The Simpsons over Family Guy any day.

A Raccoon Chews on Stewie’s Exposed Brain

That is uncomfortable to watch.

The Newcomers

? Peter Hits His Family With a Whip
? Quagmire Sleeps with a Minor
The Contenders
Peter Tries to Marry Chris

Let's just forget that, OK? Because that was one huge reason why Peter is so stupid.

This was officially going too far for Family Guy.

Everything about this episode is wrong. Everything.

Quagmire Speech for Brenda in Screams of Silence
Brian Not Caring That He Gave Stewie Herpes
Lois Makes Out With Meg's Boyfriend

This was just awful. Needless to say, this family is going to give Meg a mental breakdown.

Jillian Breaks Up With Brian

Terrible. It's even worse at the end when Peter and everyone rub it in his face.

Quagmire's Dad Gets a Sex Change
Stewie Makes Brian Eat Poop from His Diaper

I have a feeling that he tells the dog that his poop is chocolate and his pee is apple juice, and then the dog falls for it or whatever.

Aquaman Refuses to Help the Woman Being Raped
Brian Hallucinates on Magic Mushrooms
Joyce Reveals the Lois Was a Former Porn Star

A hard lesson learned by Lois: Never tell anyone that you used to be a porn star, especially a news reporter.

The Brian and Stewie Episode with No Cutaways
Meg decides to continue to be the "lightning rod" for her family by letting them continue to abuse her

This Meg abuse thing needs to stop. I love Meg, but I hate how she's abused.

"Horton Hears Domestic Abuse In The Next Apartment, But Doesn't Call The Police"

Seriously, how did MacFarlane think anyone would find this funny? Why can I see Seth being a wife beater?

There is no way to make domestic abuse funny.

Joe Gets a Leg Transplant and Acts Like a Total Jerk to Everyone

Why must a character always have to be a jerk after he or she is cured from something they had for a long time?

Three Tough Guys Take Peter, Quagmire, and Joe's Booth and Don't Get Punished for it

Because Andrew Goldberg, the writer of the episode, is an awful person and a stupid moron. Also, Breadwinners was airing at the same time this episode aired. He also forgot that Joe is a cop, so he could've arrested those soldiers.

More like Seth MacFar-lame. The entire episode (Herpe the Love Sore) in general was terrible. Too many of them were out of character. Doesn't everyone hate mean-spirited episodes where a character doesn't deserve it?

Here's how I would've solved it: They can stay at the bar, but they could create a VIP seat for Peter, Quagmire, and Joe since they fought in the war.

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