Top 10 Gaming Franchises That Need to Be On Archie Comics

This is not at the least bit joke. It is hard to know what is with Archie Comics, but I think that Ian Flynn are way too random & stubborn about what they put on Archie Comics. What's with that, huh?! Of course Nintendo currently does not want there to be any Archie Comics series currently. They might like it later. Also, it is unfair for there to be a Sonic/Mega Man/Sonic & Mega Man (Archie) comics.
The Top Ten
1 Pac-Man
2 Ice Climber
3 Mario

Nintendo refused that the series should be on the comics

4 Metroid
5 Kingdom Hearts
6 Kirby of the Stars
7 F-Zero
8 Beavis & Butthead
9 Donkey Kong
10 Super Monkey Ball
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