Top 10 Most Annoying Holiday Trends

The Top Ten
Christmas Cards

Okay, I'm convinced that Christmas card companies are spawned from Satan because every year, no matter what, the pictures look ugly, cringeworthy, and terrible.

It's a thoughtful gesture, but first of all, who actually sends anything in the physical mail anymore? And second, what am I supposed to do with it? It's kind of a waste of space that's only going to be thrown away after Christmas.

Never Ending Commercials About Sales

Nothing quite screams Christmas like getting spammed with loads of ads talking about buying everything from cars to appliances to toys. The worst part is, these commercials are very annoying and repetitive.

Why do they have to be so loud and enthusiastic? Yes, we heard about your holiday sale ending soon the first time. Thanks for making it clearer and more obvious that it's ending soon. I never would have known otherwise.

Inflatable Decorations

Let's be honest, most of those inflatable decorations you see in people's yards look tacky and ugly. A light-up snowman or reindeer doesn't look too bad, but a 40ft blow-up Santa Claus or snowman is going too far. Just no.

Those have to be a nightmare to set up.

White Elephant Gift Exchange

I get it, it's supposed to be a fun thing to do with your coworkers or classmates, but it's all kind of a joke since most of the items are either gift cards or something cheap and impractical. Hence, the term "White Elephant."

In some versions, it can get complicated with multiple rounds of getting a present, and then people are allowed to steal from someone. It's too complicated for its own good. Also, nothing screams Christmas spirit like getting a gift under $20 for a coworker you barely know.

Making Christmas About Presents Instead the Birth of Jesus
Going Overboard with Lights and Decorations

We all know those houses that go way, way too far. There's nothing wrong with lights for the holidays, but there's a certain point where it becomes too much. Who are you trying to impress?

Just no. We don't need to be able to see your house from space. I'm not saying you can't do lights, but don't overdo it.

While there's nothing wrong with decorating in the holiday spirit, people who treat decorating like a competition just ruin the joy and fun of it.

The Elf on the Shelf

As if it wasn't creepy enough for Santa to know when you're sleeping and when you're awake, now he has a little helper to do more spying. I don't know if anyone else grew up with this, but it's only cute like once. After that, it's a little creepy to me.

Just the way that little elf smirks, like a peeping Tom, no thanks.

Christmas Trees that Aren’t Green

In the old days, people would actually cut down a tree from the woods and decorate it. Some people still do that, but now most people get a fake one. That's fine and all, but your tree should still look somewhat realistic.

I'm sorry, but red, blue, silver, pink, and white trees are just wrong. Christmas trees should look like they're from Earth, not a Dr. Seuss book.

Getting Socks and Underwear as Gifts

No, just no. Who actually likes getting socks and underwear? Even as a joke, this is too far. Let people buy their own underwear.

This is the laziest thing you could possibly give, and nothing kills the Christmas vibe quite like this does. This applies to toothbrushes and other grocery items like shampoo and body wash. Christmas should be special, not just receiving things you could get on a grocery run any time. It just says, "Oh, I'm out of ideas!"

The "War on Christmas” Argument

The Newcomers

? Eating Leftover Food on Boxing Day
? Adult Pantomimes
The Contenders
Matching Pajama Pictures

Okay, who thought this was a good idea? Sure, it's cute, but in the end, it's more awkward than anything. If I had to pick my least favorite Christmas traditions, this would be one of them.

Only "Facebook moms" like these pictures, and it's kind of humiliating for everybody else in the family. Nobody I know likes wearing pajamas for just one single picture. On top of that, we never wear them again.

These are actually kind of sweet, as long as you don't get roped into being in one of them.

Christmas Songs

It depends. Some Christmas songs are classics and pretty good, but some songs can be annoying.

I will literally lose my mind if I have to hear "All I Want For Christmas Is You" one more time.

Mall Santas

Honestly, if you think about it, Mall Santas are kinda creepy. No wonder kids scream when they're in his lap. I mean, after you're like 3, the idea of Santa isn't scary, but looking back, yeah, it's a little creepy sitting on some strange guy's lap for a picture.

Christmas Karaoke at School
Upside Down Christmas Trees
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