Top 10 Worst Birthday Dates Possible

The Top Ten
December 25th

This is the worst day ever to have your birthday. You just get cheated out of everything. Christmas present? Yeah, we'll count that as your birthday too. Oh look, a birthday cake! Yep, we're using that as the whole family's Christmas pudding. Not to mention that you need to wait a whole year for your birthday and Christmas. Most people have two special dates a year, we have one!

My birthday is 2 days before Christmas, which sucks. I get cut off on presents on my actual birthday, and people just give me the ones for Christmas. But the only thing that makes it better is that my parents are divorced, so I get twice the presents. It's not really a good thing, but all of my friends say I'm lucky for my parents being divorced.

February 29th

Yes! My birth year fell on a leap year, but my birthday is in December. I'd rather have that than this horrible day! Literally having your birthday every four years would suck. Imagine how many parties and gifts you'd miss out on.

I was born in March of 2004 (which was a leap year). If I had been born 26 days earlier, I would have been born on a leap day. And because 18 is not divisible by 4, it is hard to decide when a leapling should become legally an adult.

If my birthday was on February 29th, I would celebrate it on March 1st since that is one year later. Just my opinion. You would still be however old you would be if you were born on March 1st.

September 11th

I was born on 9/11 but not on the same year. Again, it's really awkward when it falls on a school day because everyone is feeling depressed. I'm usually just in the background trying to hold in a laugh and tear when the sad announcements about how 9/11 was a tragedy come on.

Born 9/11/1995, I was 6 years old when it happened. I was in art class, the only classroom with a TV. My principal runs into the room hysterical, turns on the TV, and the first thing we saw was the 2nd plane going in. People say you can't see them, but I swear I saw people jumping. I don't feel like it's because of that, but I have never liked birthdays.

April 1st

April 1st is my birthday, and it's both a blessing and a curse. I always have fun, but at school, people pull pranks and jokes. One time, my 6th-grade teacher made a really bad joke in class that made me so embarrassed!

I was supposed to be born on this day. Luckily, I was born early and ended up being born on March 13th. If I was born on this day, my surprise would be nothing because it's April Fool's Day. No presents.

This day would be a pain because people will think you're kidding when you say it's your birthday.

December 26th

This is far and away the worst day of the year to be born. Any other day is preferred to this day. If you're born before Christmas, everyone is in a festive, cheery, holiday mood. If it's on Christmas, the same: people are celebrating and generally having a good time with family, opening presents, watching football, etc. The 26th, however, is the hangover. Everyone hates their family, is broke, upset they didn't get what they wanted, etc., and are now expected to have all the birthday cheer for me.

What makes this day even worse for me is that my dad was an OB/GYN and my mom a psychiatrist, both medical doctors, who were fully aware of what would happen 9 months after having sex in March, and they STILL DID IT!

October 31st

This is my birthday and it sucks for the following reasons:
1. Everyone expects your birthday party to be Halloween themed or a costume party
2. You get Halloween decorations as gifts. Seriously, how many troll dolls and stuffed animals dressed as skeletons do people think I need?
3. Cards, cake, treats- all Halloween themed
4. Good luck going out for a drink at your favourite watering hole- it's filled with scantily clad drunken idiots
5. Not only are you expected to indulge in Halloween treats, but on top of that your friends will also have cake and a drink or four for you. Best case scenario = you're up all night with indigestion

July 4th

Yes, this is my birthday and you get no attention whatsoever. The only special part is that you get fireworks. You can't go anywhere because everything is closed for the holiday. Everyone is out of town, and it is always a million degrees out in July.

It's a summer birthday, so many will be out of town. Even if they're not out of town, this is a very family-oriented birthday so you can never spend it with friends... just alone in a dark corner crying yourself to sleep.

This is my birthday, and it's the worst because your birthday barely matters compared to America's. There is always that person who wishes you a Happy Fourth instead.

December 24th

I hate my birthday so much - not exactly because of the date, so I guess I'm a little biased. But I despise my birthday so much - it's the worst day ever. The best day is December 25th because I have a whole year before I have to go through yesterday again.

I had a real party once when I was eight. When I was 26, my girlfriend threw me a party, and no one came. I have no enthusiasm for anyone's birthday at this point.

No one cares about you. They care about their own presents. Also: only one present.

January 1st

My birthday is on January 1st, and it is horrible. My friends are either out of town, too tired from holiday parties/gatherings, or too hungover to celebrate. It's freezing cold outside, and no one wants to leave home. They just want to stay inside and watch the Rose Parade or the college bowl games. I have never had a birthday party. My parents tried to throw me one when I was 8, and no one showed up.

The worst part about having a New Year's Day birthday is that it is still close enough to Christmas that I often get either combined Christmas/Birthday gifts from relatives, or they give me a really cheap birthday gift because they spent all their money on Christmas gifts. I hate when my parents tell me, "We got you a really nice Christmas gift, so you don't need anything big for your birthday." (sad face)

February 14th

It's my birthday as well, and it doesn't matter to anyone. Yeah, my friends all have to be with their others that day. But I was married for 13 years, and my birthday never got acknowledged because of Valentine's Day. Not a gift, card, dinner, or even a happy birthday. The day was all about her. I had to celebrate her on my birthday.

My birthday's on Valentine's Day, and I find it extremely embarrassing. Everyone in school laughs and tries to find me a lover. They say that my birthday present would be sex. The most embarrassing part is that I had a boy in my year who had the same birthday as me, and people used to call us the two lovers.

The Newcomers

? September 1st

My birthday is the 2nd, and it's honestly the worst. I live in Britain, so I usually end up going back to school on this day.

The beginning of September for birthdays is overall quite sad because it's the end of summer. On the plus side, it's nowhere near any special occasions or holidays!

? June 9th

This is my birthday, and though I love it, my dirty mind sometimes takes over when I write 6/9.

The Contenders
December 18th

My birthday is on this day, and I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! Your birthday is near Christmas, and you get cheated out of gifts! I used to get a lot of Christmas presents as a kid because of my birthday, but as I got older, I got so cheated out! It also sucks in school too. Sure, you can still celebrate it, but it's the last week before Christmas break, and everyone is trying to raise their grade. All of the teachers throw out tests and projects at you. Also, it's cold too, especially if you live in Michigan. I also get bad luck too.

Thanksgiving Day

My family always waits until Thanksgiving to celebrate and never on my actual birthday. You know, to kill two birds with one stone. I get a text or Facebook happy birthday on the day, never an actual phone call or visit. Plus, my brother's birthday is two weeks later, so they throw his name on the cake too and also plan a get-together for his birthday. Friends are always busy with their families. I don't care about gifts. I just want one day a year that's about me like everyone else.

My family always forgets that my birthday is around Thanksgiving. I once got a recycled birthday card in which they cut out the word Grandma and put my name on a piece of paper taped to the inside of the card. They left the signatures the same. I signed this card like 6 months earlier.

December 31st

No one has time for you because they are all busy getting ready for the evening. Tons of people forget your birthday. I never get to go out and party because I feel guilty leaving my mum all alone on New Year's Eve while my siblings are all out with their friends. It's generally just boring because I don't get to do anything fun and everyone is busy with other things.

This isn't my birth month, but just imagine having to wait an entire year just so you could get to your birthday. Then as soon as it reaches December 31st, it turns out nobody cares and everyone is too busy celebrating New Year's.

June 6th

I was born on the 12th, but I'm still in school on the 6th, so I celebrate it. Everybody is so worried about summer that I'm ignored.

April 20th

Hitler's birthday, the Ludlow massacre, Columbine, Deepwater Horizon explosion. And for those of us who don't smoke weed, the day becomes painfully surreal. But if I do have cake for my birthday, I know my friends will finish it at least.

Hitler, Columbine, Weed Day, Deepwater Horizon, Freddy Got Fingered's release in North America. So many bad things on one date! They didn't all happen on the same day of the year, exactly, but you guys get what I'm saying.

One of the worst days to be born on ever. Hitler was born on this day, and one of the first big school shootings happened on this day too. Not to mention it's Weed Day.

April 22nd
April 15th

Not only did the Titanic sink, Abraham Lincoln died after being assassinated the previous night, and the Boston Marathon bombing happened, but it was also the day that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was finally buried after dying three days earlier. The burial took three days since his death day.

The Titanic sank, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, and the Boston Marathon bombing happened. Wow! Three terrible events on that day.

The Titanic sank on this day, Abraham Lincoln died on this day, and the Boston Marathon bombing happened on this day.

December 7th

My birthday is on December 7th, and I hate it. I'm Catholic, so December 8th is a very important day for me. I was one hour and 30 minutes away from being born on December 8th.

Well, it is a shame for sharing a date with Pearl Harbor Day. I was predicted to be born on that day.

This is my birthday, and I get to watch really sad videos at school.


My birthday often falls on Easter, which my parents never celebrated, so I didn't have to compete with the 'egg' events. It's not terrible for parties or weather (although often things are closed for the holiday). As a kid, every birthday I got 'Easter' gifts (with zero thought). Usually, cheap Easter eggs and I can't eat milk chocolate. Other memorable gifts include egg cups (I had a whole collection), several Bibles, several Easter-themed VHS tapes, and even an actual living rabbit (I hate rabbits).

My birthday is on Easter this year, and it sucks. All everyone cares about is finding the plastic eggs.

January 2nd

I hate my birthday. Everyone always forgets it, and when they realize it, I have to make them feel better by saying it's fine.

Cool, so I don't get to celebrate it and have to make it about coddling other people's feelings because they forgot. I gave up celebrating it and get irritated even thinking about it.

When I find a birthday twin (I work in senior living, so it happens), I make it an extra big deal to celebrate with the resident because they feel the same way.

Everyone is fed up, feeling fat, hungover, back to work, and poor after Christmas. If you get remembered, no one wants to celebrate because they are fed up with drinking and eating, hungover and penniless, or they are still away for Christmas/New Year, or they have gone back to work. The weather is abysmal. One year, the only thing going on was a potato festival or Sandy Toksvig live (not kidding).

April 19th

This would stink for me because April 19th was my worst day in 2020.

March 1st

Any date in March is bad to be born on. This day is one of the worst, though. You are so close to being born in one of the best birth months, but then you get the worst. Also, you share this day with Justin Bieber. Ugh.

This is bad. This means you must share your birthday with the worst singer in history. Thank God I wasn't born on this day!

I was predicted to be born on this day in 2005, no kidding. Though, luckily, I was born on March 23rd.

December 30th

First, your birthday gets lumped in with Christmas, and then it gets lumped in with New Year's. Plus, it's not actually on a holiday so nobody even feels obligated to celebrate with you. Nobody really cares because, in comparison to everything else, a December 30th birthday doesn't matter. Also, I live in Minnesota and hate the winter. It's almost never above 0 degrees Fahrenheit on my birthday.

Post-Christmas, pre-New Year's. If you manage to keep your birthday separate from Christmas, it is nearly ignored because "we are going out tomorrow night."

December 16th

This is my birthday, and people are usually too busy to come to a birthday party. As a child, I remember one birthday where only two people out of ten showed up because they didn't have any money for a gift. I no longer put my birthday on social media.

This is my birthday, and it always falls during finals week. Nobody's around to celebrate, or they just forget. It's also close enough to Christmas that people lump the gifts together or don't want to do anything specific for the birthday since everyone's getting together for the holidays soon anyway.

It just sucks.

December 22nd

Not as bad, but most December birthdays aren't that good because you wait until the end of the year for your birthday.

I have the same birthday and it sucks since it's close to Christmas. My dad is getting me a phone, and on Christmas, he's giving me accessories.

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