Top Ten Asinine Things That Can Happen to You at a Bowling Alley

The Top Ten
1 All of the bowling balls are too heavy
2 You get hit by a random bowling pin
3 You get no strikes
4 The place gets too crowded
5 You get all spares
6 The bowling ball drops your foot
7 People have the worst lane courtesy.

It's sad to say manners have become a lost art.

8 Somebody blames the bowler when it's really the lane that contributes to a poor performance

How about the non-bowlers walk in our shoes?

9 The roof falls apart
10 You lose by 1 pin
The Contenders
11 Teenagers on the neighboring lane are disrespectful

There were these two teenagers next door who had the worst lane courtesy--they would not stay inside their own lanes and gave the league bowlers a difficult time.

12 Open bowlers are rude and mess up your game
13 Creepy people are bowling on the lane next to yours

This happens a lot and it makes the women in my league uncomfortable.

14 Get hit in the face by a bowling ball
15 You die of a heart attack after getting a perfect game
16 Your trophy falls after you won the tournament

That happened to pete weber

17 Your turn skips out of nowhere
18 All your rolled balls go in the gutter
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