Top Ten Body Parts Some People Would Like to Have But Don't

The Top Ten
1 Wings

I believe I can fly! I believe I can touch the sky! And I can't remember how the rest of the song goes but I heard it in a spoof once.

Oh the romance of the thought of having wings! Argentina, I'm on my way!

2 Claws

Like really. To claw your enemies would be great instead of punching them

3 Tail

I would love to have a monkey tail like Goku.

I'd love to have a tail to slap people with it!

4 Gills

I'd like this for swimming! I would win all holding breath underwater contests!

5 Long Ears
6 Tentacles

I think we learned from slender man, that this would be flipping terrifying!

7 Fins
8 Teeth
9 Horn
10 Robot limbs
The Contenders
11 Breasts

There are some males that I know who make this claim. I just think they're immature.

12 Lynx-Like Ears

It would be so cool

13 Fangs
14 Extra Arms
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