Top 10 Dumbest Comments Ever Made
A dumb comment you have heard that makes no sense whatsoever, yet you can?t stop thinking about it.OMG, this is so annoying. If it's a guy that says this to me, I kick him in the shins and punch him in the arm!
So stupid! It's something my 4-year-old brother would say to me when I annoy him!
I seriously hate immature things, but this annoys me so much. It's so immature.
I agree. Most chart music has been god-awful since the beginning of this millennium. I was born in 1998, and I would have loved to have been born 20 years earlier - perhaps even 30 or 40 years earlier. Then I would have grown up with good music. Yesterday, somebody played some current music, and every single song sounded the same. Luckily, after a couple of years, these songs are forgotten.
These days, my friends say, "I don't know what you're listening to, but it is awful." I reply, "But this is (insert classic rock band here). They are brilliant." They respond, "No, it's crap. Turn it off."
Neither. It's my ass. Smart one. People these days... I really don't know.
I think Jesus might have been real, but all that magical stuff about him is fake. I think people just saw him as this all-powerful god because he came from a time period when very few people were actually nice.
Whoever made this comment is now a good friend of mine. Haha, I read it on number 18 and got mad. Seeing this later on was hilarious.
Actually, Jesus was a real person, but only Christians believe he's the son of God.
The dude was just a dimwit when he spoke. There's a whole different list of his various speaking gaffes somewhere on this site, I think. Obama, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon - even his own father - could actually say a solid paragraph without stuttering. The fact that #6 on this list was spoken by one of our own Presidents is just insulting to me.
So true for a lot of our Presidents. The one I can certainly place this with came after the second Bush. I will not say his name because I don't want to get on his bad side.
Are those people your "friends"? They annoy you, betray you, stab you in the back, and get some other "pretending-to-be-good-but-actually-bad companions" to beat you up in shame. They can't be trusted at all. Those dumb liars don't even feel what you feel. At least I'm saying the truth here, not them.
Yes, that's a potato tree, and there's a pear vine across the street. Oh, and there's also a carrot bush next door.
Oh my! I never realized potatoes grew on trees! Does cake too?!
It totally shuts down anyone's logical reasoning against you.
How would you know who's stronger?
No, not yo momma, not your mum, but simply...
Yer mom!
And this has gotta be the worst comeback ever. That's an excuse if you don't know anything better.
So. Annoying. Not to mention unoriginal.
It's the most ridiculously annoying comeback that I absolutely HATE.
The Newcomers
Until I talk to a Japanese guy and ask him for sure, I won't believe a word of it.
*Spots Japanese man* "Er, excuse me, can you spare a minute, please? I'd like to ask you something..."
Well, everything is easier when you're in charge. If I were in charge, I would wipe out all humans but my boyfriend and start over. But that isn't easy for you, is it?
NO GOD! NO GOD, PLEASE NO! Fall Out Boy is great! Make fun of me all you want, I won't mind. They don't suck! Whoever made that comment has bad taste in music!
They suck. They really, really suck.
That's actually true. Only Michael Jackson's pop is listenable. It's not dumb.
Islam is a religion, not a country, buddy.
What do they own? Certainly not music... Maybe some fan-girls that don't know real music, perhaps.
Me (Neutralist), the Turkish boys (Muslim), and the German boys (Christian):
Christians: Well, it's time for the Eighth Crusade, and this time it's 4 billion to 1.
Muslims: It's time for him to die, for ALLAH!
Me: I'm getting the Pz VIII and blowing his head off for his arrogance!
This phrase here led to the Crusades...
Hey... That rhymes...
That has to be the most dimwitted comment ever. It should be at the top for totally answering its own question.
Paul, can you please tell me your name? PLEASE?!
Paul: It's Paul.
Oh, that's what your name is...
I do this a lot just to see reactions.
"Hey, Ray, what's your name?"
His answer: "Uh... Frank? I'm stuck."
Well, I think I might be me, but I'm not entirely sure...
I love you, goodbye. Now I'm going out the door, getting into my car, and heading somewhere far away from here!