Top Ten Most Elaborate Yet Worthy Ways To Find Out Someone's Secret

Curiousity killed the cat, but that never meant it wasn't daring. Use that as a motivational motto.
The Top Ten
1 For every time they don't tell you, put a spider down the back of their necks.

Yes. Just yes. I would say that this would count as overreacting.

Hehe...this sounds so effective, considering how many people are afraid of spiders

Haha nice way to discover something!

2 Implant a microchip designed to read brain activity.

As they walk around thinking strange things like "I like my coffee black. But nobody will know, as I can deal with white! Yowl! "

OK then Britgirl. My question is, if you know it's there, what the hell are you going to do?!?!

One for that mean brother.

3 Rent a spy satellite to watch them.

Means I won't be able to buy that Koenigsegg I wanted, but worth it if you're that curious.

Is that even legal?

4 Fill the water supply with truth serum and ask them when you next see them.

I wonder what the world would become if we put the truth serum in all the water supplies of the world...

But I suppose you'd have to get your water from elsewhere. Before cops ask anything.

5 Clone yourself and make your clone follow them everywhere.

This may actually work if you want to build on a relationship with them. But will eventually be awkward. Especially if there was a certain chemistry between them.

6 Follow them with a remote control spyplane.

This will look bizarre, and some might say kooky, I'm sure.

7 Attach a camera probe to their clothes.

If this doesn't discover anything, you probably don't want to know their secret.

8 Train yours or their pets to give you information.

Cats work best for this. Quick, agile flies upon the wall. But they charge you in bacon by the hour.

9 Form an army of random people.

You'll come across as a nutcase, but remember, they're strangers, and they don't know you, so don't care about what they think.

10 Challenge them to a boxing duel; if you win, they have to tell you.

This is the only reasonable thing on this list.

Wear a helmet. Always wear a helmet.

The Contenders
11 Pay their parents to spy on them and then tell you
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