Top 10 Most Overrated Media Types and Genres

The Top Ten
1 Reaction YouTubers

Those square-headed creatures just love to sit on a mushy couch and feed on the fruit painstakingly prepared by someone and yet, don't give them the due credit. All they give is some robotic eyeballs movement and artificially stretched lips throughout the course of their obnoxious deeds.

How is any of these overrated, sure there are terrible reaction channels that don't even react to what their watching making it essential just a copyright violation channel, but there are plenty of good reaction channel that are informative or just bring up clever observations

I don't like the ones that just sit there and laugh. The ones that actually make comments, share thoughts, and make jokes about videos are the ones who are actually entertaining. If you're gonna make a video that requires such little effort, then the least you could do is that.

PewDiePie, pretty much anyone that I Hate Everything has ranted about, ChadTronic (still good though), etc

Technically, I Hate Everything and iDubbbz also count as reaction YouTubers, but in an actually sophisticated way

2 Indie (Independently Developed) Video Games

Cave Story (good game but greatly outclassed by many of the newer offerings to it's so-called indie "genre"; hell, even its Jenka's Nightmare hack is LEAGUES better than it was overall), Minecraft (due to focusing itself around being a tool for creating games rather than an actual, proper game), Radiation's Earthbound Halloween Hack (horribly unbalanced difficulty that is the absolute DEFINITION of "Hard Levels, Easy Bosses", far-too-short length, badly written plot that tries WAY too hard to be edgy even without the player having to do a Genocide Run like in Undertale, final boss music that is good but incredibly generic, et cetera), Five Nights At Freddy's (like Courage The Cowardly Dog, it's good but is made out to be WAY scarier than it actually is), Undertale (objectively a pretty solid game but is also cloyingly pretentious, far too short, and really only worth playing for the Pacifist Run and the Undying Undyne / Karmic Retribution Sans fights), et cetera

3 Superhero Movies

With the possible exception of the original Incredibles (EASILY the crown jewel of Pixar), Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (still extremely overhyped, but an absolutely perfect example of what a comic-to-movie adaptation of a character like Spider-Man, as well as a social justice movie, SHOULD be nevertheless), and The Iron Giant (if I really need to explain why this is as great of a movie as it is, you seriously need to learn the concept of taste)
In other news, I would have to say that the genre's top three most overrated films are probably Avengers: Infinity War (good-tier film but FAR from god-tier, mostly due to its EXTREME over-reliance on fancy CGI visuals and the fact that Thanos' involvement in its otherwise nonexistent "plot" is really the only memorable thing about it), Black Panther (decent film but wouldn't know what a subtle anti-racism message is if you drew a giant marker-board diagram of said thing and shoved said diagram directly into its smug, pompous face), ...more

Marvel/DC movies need to die. They're cliched, boring, and predictable. The Incredibles and My Hero Academia are 2 exceptions because they don't always talk about fighting evil. The Incredibles talk about the struggles with family and having to deal with it, and My Hero Academia talks about friendship (sort of) and getting to know interesting backstories (Todoroki being a great example)!

I don't particularly despise Marvel/DC, in fact I respect it because it was the Golden Age of superheroes, and I understand if people love these movies. But compared to movies like the 2 others I mentioned above, they are heavily overrated, cliched, and lame. And it doesn't help that I am not a fan of live-action or real life movies in general (I'm more of a animation lover). If they want to keep Marvel/DC, fine, do it. But tone down the hype a hundred notches and focus more on the more underrated ones like MLP, Salad Fingers, My Hero Academia, and To Kill a Mockingbird.

Does people getting into their favorite universe automatically make it overrated. People like to talk about what they enjoy is that so wrong?

People make tons of theory videos about new Marvel movies that haven't even come out yet, most of which spoil the anticipation of the films.

4 Mainstream Pop Music

I respect the opinions of those who think this but I just want to say "mainstream" pop isn't a separate genre from more obscure pop.

Just because Shape Of You is a good song to make fun of doesn't make it a good song to listen to

5 Battle Royale Video Games

Fortnite isn't even that good, and the fact that literally everyone I knew was obsessed with it and wouldn't shut up about it last year made me hate it even more. The most overrated video game of all time.

It's so annoying! These games aren't even the gods of video games and people act like they are!

Crap like Fortnite and Fallout 76!

6 Pseudo-Intellectual Action Movies

The Matrix, The Dark Knight, Minority Report, most modern superhero films, et cetera

7 Metal Music

ESPECIALLY on this website in particular

8 Disney/Pixar Animated Movies

Sorry, not the unbeatable god of cartoon film franchises that it is made out to be (many of its sequels are also blatant proof of this as well, such as Beauty And The Beast 2, Incredibles 2, and Ralph Breaks The Internet)

Disney is actually overrated

Disney movies are overrated.

9 Fighting Video Games
10 "Let's Play" YouTubers

I probably can't say much since I mostly watch people playing the sims but a lot of people who make LPs for sims are boring and I easily fall asleep within minutes into their LPs

The Contenders
11 Classic Video Games

SNES is still better than virtually every modern video game from the past 5 years.

12 Gaming YouTubers
13 Role-Playing Video Games
14 Rap Music
15 Massively Multiplayer Online Video Games
16 Nintendo Video Games

Well, except for the fact that they made Super Metroid all the way back in 1994 (along with Mario 3 and Zelda 1 on the NES, among countless other incredible achievements)

17 Primetime Comedy Cartoons

South Park is preachy and pretentious beyond belief, Family Guy is sadistic and unfunny, The Simpsons is basically a pop-culture corpse that Fox keeps on life-support because it makes them money, Spongebob Squarepants is pretty okay overall but COMPLETELY pales in comparison to Rocko's Modern Life before it (let alone Courage The Cowardly Dog or the actually good portion of Ren & Stimpy), Rick & Morty is highly entertaining indeed but is often called "smart" by the Internet just because its main character is smart, et cetera

18 Japanese Animated Shows

If there was such a thing as show racism, the way that anime purists talk about western animation would easily qualify as an example (cough, the constant complaints about western animation being childish even though Japanese humor often tends to be one of THE most insufferably baby-ish things on the planet, cough)

Why can't you just call it anime?

Why is this not number 1?

19 Reality Shows
20 Simulation Video Games
21 "Life Hacks"

99% of the "life hacks" I've seen look completely ridiculous. People will stare at me with confused or disgusted facial expressions if I ever do these in public.

22 Horror
23 "Wannabe Filthy Frank" YouTubers

Ironically, pretty much everyone that Frank's collaborated with qualifies

24 Nickelodeon Cartoons

Even at their best, they are INCREDIBLY overrated and pretentious and don't even remotely hold a candle to the REAL god tier of western animation (Rocko's Modern Life, for example, which is objectively merely good rather than actually great)

Especially Spongebob. And that's saying from a Spongebob fan.

This has Spongebob's name written all over it

25 Sitcom Shows
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