Reasons Why Donald Trump is Better Than Attack on Titan

The Top Ten
1 Donald Trump is the president of the USA

Who cares if he is th president Attack on titan is WAY better then him. You are just a hater of Attack on titan.

He is, but he sucks at his job.

We need, to build a WALL!

2 Attack on Titan is an anime

It's a masterpiece. The medium doesn't have anything to do with it.

3 Donald Trump has an estimated IQ of 156, so that means he is smarter than all of Attack of Titan characters combined
4 Donald Trump is friends with many famous people

What does that have to do with anything?

5 Attack on Titan has unfunny jokes

It's not SUPPOSED to be funny.

6 Donald Trump is a billionaire
7 Donald Trump actually exists, unlike the other characters

It's a cartoon its not supposed to be real

8 Trump actually cares about his country, while the characters of Attack of Titan care for themselves
9 Attack of Titan makes you a weeb, unlike Trump
10 Trump is a republican
The Contenders
11 Attack on Titan is all about murdering
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