Top 10 Signs that Someone Could Be a Bully

Bullies are one of the worst types of people of all time. A lot of us really hate them whether they pick on us or we see them picking on other people. Since we have social media nowadays, bullies are even more confident in harassing people by taking advantage of the internet being anonymous, hiding behind a computer screen, and insulting people because they know that most of the time they can get away with it. Whether it's in person or online, bullying is horrible. Here are some ways you can get an idea if someone is a bully.
The Top Ten
1 They enjoy seeing you in pain
2 They try to push you around
3 They mess with you just to get a reaction out of you
4 They only act good when authority figures are around
5 They give you hate you don't deserve
6 They laugh at you when you make a mistake
7 They pretend to hate things you like just to annoy you
8 They make fun of your appearance
9 They support bullying themselves
10 They post hateful comments on your social media posts
The Contenders
11 They spread rumors about you just to start drama
12 They try to act tougher than everyone else
13 They exaggerate things you do wrong to make you feel more guilty than you should
14 They mimic you when you talk

This is one of the reasons why I hated roll call in school, because some of your immature classmates would do this on purpose just to annoy people and because they think it's funny, and of course your neglectful teacher wouldn't do anything about it, which could encourage the bully to do it even more.

15 They only talk about you when it comes to hate
16 They give you a nickname that sounds offensive
17 They put you down just to fill superior
18 They try and turn your friends against you
19 Their username has something inappropriate in it
20 They only mess with you if they think you're an easy target
21 They think that just because they're big and tall no one can out fight them
22 They trip you to make you fall down
23 They throw things at you
24 They always have a unpleasant look on their face
25 They give you a lot of verbal abuse
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