10 Stupidest & Painful Ways to Get Circumcised

We humans has always find a way to become dumber in a second and who knows people will try out these methods for circumcision.
The Top Ten
1 Hump a can opener

That sounds painful.

What who does that

This is great

2 Slamming it on a door when being naked
3 Disguise your penis as an hotdog on an hotdog eating contest

That's just nasty.

4 Receive a really bad papercut on your foreskin

I remember this rite in my country called "tuli" where you use a bolo or a knife to cut it off.

5 Stick your foreskin into a guillotine
6 Use C4

You'll lose something more than your foreskin

7 Slam the door with the foreskin between it

This is the right of passage in North Korea. Please spare me oh great leader!

8 With a butcher knife
9 Strand yourself and other hungry men on an island and have the hungry men bite off your foreskin for foreskin soup
10 Call a tree logger to cut your foreskin with a chainsaw

I swear honey, it's an logging accident

The Contenders
11 Call the devil himself and have him cut your foreskin with his pitchfork
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