Top 10 Things Most Children Hate/Worry About/Don't Want to Do but Can't Stop

The Top Ten
1 Going to School

Its a boring place. All the adults say, "oh, but it helps you learn." Or, "it gives you education." But in reality, the real education (like having manners or washing dishes) is taught by parents. Stuff like science and math, we have the internet, books, and stuff. We don't need to learn stuff we don't want to.

I hate: math I hate music I hate science I hate social studys I hate P.E I hate heath and wellness, I hate my math and science teacher. I like:art, dance, drama, friends, recess, lunch, morning anouncments. I love: my homeroom teacher, art, class meetings, field-trips.

I don't see of having tainted hate on IT but I feel quite dull of having no taste on it I wish I could have this conscience back- Kevinsidis

I like school because some classes are cool...and I get to see my friends.

2 Thunderstorms

I HATE THUNDER STORMS! Once I was at my grandma s house with my cousin Jane, we were sleeping and then we heard this big crash it sounded like a shotgun me and my cousin like at one another what was that!? I said lightning my cousin said and I didn't have a good sleep

When I was little I remember being kinda of scared of lightning but I wasn't scared of thunder, sometimes it would scare me if I saw lightning, especially at night time, I remember getting really scared by lightning in summer of 2006, when there was lightning outside at night, I went inside fast, I got over the fear now I enjoy seeing lightning and hearing thunder

I heard a story about a kid who though lightning was a camera flash, so he smiled his cheesiest grin when he saw it!

I actually hate thunderstorms. One time I was really scared and decided to lay on the couch.

3 Tornadoes

I was scared of them in second grade I regret it big time because I had such a bad fear of them I went to the nurses office like 8 times she had to call my mom 3 of the 8 times

A relieve for Australians and some other countries, because it's very rare for a tornado to come here.

I hate tornadoes

4 Bullying
5 Shopping

Like, when we go to only Burlington, whether it's in a mall or just alone, I feel like going somewhere else as well.

Unless it's shopping for toys

6 Dentist

My childhood dentist was evil!

7 Banging

I also found one of my daddys used condoms thought it was a balloon and tried to blow it up he took it out of my mouth and threw it away

I heard my parents banging when I was 5 and I thought they were moving the heavy fat T.V.

8 Hurricanes
9 Terrorism

Umm, any good parent? You shouldn't refuse to tell your child about dangerous parts of life, it will only put them at a disadvantage because of their ignorance.

I'm a kid and I have known about Terrorism for a while.

10 Parental limits

It is very annoying, takes away all the fun.

The Contenders
11 Tests
12 Having to close your mouth when eating

I started doing this when I was 3 I liked it I don't like annoying people

It's not that bad

13 Murder
14 Doctor

I screamed my head off during earwax removal as a toddler once

I thought I was gonna die at the doctors office once...

15 Their Friends Moving Away
16 Crime
17 Death
18 Shooting
19 No WiFi

All the kids in my class fear that as if No WiFi was a kidnapper.

20 Drama

This one they really can stop but are probably too immature to know how.

I live for drama


Roblox has gone too far over updates also I don't like Roblox anymore because it won't ban Online Daters bruh it needs to be Blocked so no one can play it, Roblox? more like Cringeblox and more, it violates Children's Safety and also I won't play it ever again because there's Online Daters Everywhere.

Roblox in a nutshell: ODERblox: Powering your mom's credit card.

Who put this on the list

22 Donald Trump

So basically kids are afraid of Annoying Orange's twin?
Top 5 resons Annoying Orange and Trump are twins
1 there hella annoying
2 there both orange
3 they have wrinkles
4 they have huge mouths
5 they both have no brain

Why did people vote for this dumb guy!?

Stop hating on him, He's a good guy...

23 Pornhub

I'm 17 technically a id and I go on pornhub

Why would a kid even be on pornhub?

I don't watch Porn

24 Dora Dora the Explorer (2000 - 2019) is an American preschool educational animated TV series created by Chris Gifford, Valerie Walsh, and Eric Weiner in which Dora goes on adventures with her friend, a monkey named Boots.

Dora: we need to call the map, say map
Me: map
Dora: louder!
Me: map!
me: MAP!
Dora's voice is so annoying, she has a head size of a football, most of all, WHY DOES EVERYTHING TALK IN THIS SHOW!

25 Their Parents Dying

I actully wished my parents died, they torture me so much, lie to me, make me loose hope in humanity and life, make me feel like a rock, make me wanna commit suicide, I can't express it, I just want them dead.

If this happened to me, I would do suicide.

I get scared of this a lot

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