Worst Things About "Cancer" and "Autism" as Insults

Many people use them to describe fandoms and they don't know that cancer and autism are a serious thing
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 It is very disrespectful towards people who have autism and/or cancer

That's true. I have autism and it makes me upset when they use the word "autistic" as an insult.

To be honest, you just plagiarized the entries on this list from the “autism and cancer as insults” page on the Toxic Fandoms and Hatedoms wiki. Why would we want to see the same thing with the same entries?

Nowadays, Flower's page is just a relic of TF&HW

2 They are very defensive over their usage of these words
3 Despite their belief, people with autism are not stupid. In fact, some reports show that those with autism might actually have a higher average IQ
4 Those who use these words as insults use them constantly, spamming it almost everywhere
5 People who do this are part of what killed the meme community
6 They'll attack anyone who rightfully calls them out for the usage of these words. They'll wrongfully call them SJWs and call them out for being politically correct. Political correctness may be bad, but not to a certain degree
7 They are almost everywhere on the internet

That is something wrong when it's everywhere. Especially for cancer, I see it everywhere! These insults are no longer effective! Ugh!

8 They find autism and cancer funny when people in real life are suffering from these disorders. Not that they care anyway
9 They use the Internet as an excuse to justify using cancer and autism as insults
10 They are even on YouTube