Top Ten Mind Blowing Facts

Facts that are too dangerous for your brain to comprehend.
The Top Ten
1 Russia is bigger than Pluto

I bet pluto would crush the heck out of it though.-Bloom

Well, you can't get more mind blowing than this.

2 It's possible to die whiles laughing

Laughing can also kill you, you can't deny that. one time I was laughing so hard from a joke I've heard while eating a bowl of potato chips that I accidentally choked on one while laughing. the person who was telling the joke saved my life though. that just proves don't eat whenever you're watching or listening to something funny.

3 There is a planet that's both too hot, too cold and suitible for life in several months
4 There is a fear of fear: phobophobia

I'm afraid of fear because it controls my life!

5 You can turn to the colour of carrot by eating too much carrot

Hey look! I'm ornge. Now give me some scales and gills so I can become a fish.-Bloom.

6 The Dead Sea is so salty that if you were to face down on the sea, you wouldn't get up and drown
7 PewDiePie gains new subscriber every 1 second

PewDiePie probably has millions of subscribers then.
I have, let me check . . . negative 1 subscribers! How is that even possible.-Bloom

Sounds ridiculous! I don't think so...

8 Half the population of mobile phone users have a fear of losing their phone (Nomophobia)
9 There is a real life "Last of Us" fungus (Cordyceps fungus) that turns insects into zombies

I have no clue what to say here-Bloom

10 The creator of Pringles had his ash buried in a Pringles can

This is a weird but interesting item! Good list!

What? Laugh out loud

The Contenders
11 Seeing the color red makes your heart beat faster
12 12am is earlier than 11am

I have no clue what to say about this.-Bloom

13 Chewing gum makes your heart beat faster
14 Nintendo started out as a card trading company
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