Top 10 Best Minecraft Story Mode Characters

The Top Ten

Petra is very well-written. Some say she's overrated, but I don't agree. She has the most character development and screen time (besides Jesse) and is in most of the episodes. She is hardly ever out of character and isn't one of those characters with a singular personality trait.

In season 1, we see her as a tough adventurer who doesn't seem to need anyone. In season 2, Petra is more exposed. We see her desire to be a recognized hero and be on the same ground as Jesse, her insecurities over her friends, and her bond with Jesse. She isn't just the tough hero. She's a flawed individual who doesn't want to be a sidekick or lose her friends. Yet, we all still root for her.

Petra's character development is excellent, especially for a game that is meant to be more about the plot than the characters. She will always be my personal favorite.


Aside from Lukas, I love how these descriptions and fan fictions of these characters show more depth and personality than the actual series does. (Not a hater, I'm someone who sees this series as a guilty pleasure and thinks its writing is awful. Totally different things. Even though I still love the scenery, Petra, Lukas, and Jetra. I said it. I don't think Story Mode is good, but I love Jetra. Don't @ me just because I'm complex.) It just shows how much wasted potential the series had.


Lukas has always been my favorite character. When he fell off Sky City in Episode 5, I cried. When he was chipped in Episode 7, I almost cried, and I (without hesitation) unchipped him first. In Episode 8 with the spleef incident, I cried. When Season 2 started, I wanted to know where Lukas was. I was relieved not to see him in the Sunshine Institute, but I was still worried about him. The after-credit scene of Episode 12 got me tearing up. In Episode 13 when he is covered by the bedrock, that made me furious. Telltale just ALWAYS shoves Lukas to the side, out of the way of the major boss battles.

I love how he is compassionate and very much a team player. He also has feelings for Petra (I ship Luketra). If you choose to save Petra from the Wither, she gets Wither sickness. Lukas is very concerned about her health in Episode 3. He even lists symptoms that prove Petra is sick.

Lukas is a great character that changes the way I play immeasurably. He is truly a fan favorite.


I don't like it when people call him/her a Mary/Gary Sue/Stu. Jesse started off as a humble amateur who just wanted to do what's right and became a hero. They gained experience along their journey, making them talented. I like to think of Jesse as a confident and curious individual who always thinks outside the box.

Jesse is a pretty difficult character to define personality-wise. The reason for this is that we play as him/her, controlling what he/she says and does. Despite this, people still see Jesse as a selfless person. Many people who don't like MC

(trust me, there are a lot of haters out there) call Jesse a blank slate, especially for a main character. But I think I can come up with some reasons why Jesse does have a personality:

1. He/she is clearly a fan of the Order of the Stone. He/she was sword fighting an armor stand, had a poster of Gabriel, and attended the building competition every year with friends. Jesse also came up with the building ideas. This proves Jesse is creative and takes inspiration from the Order. Plus, he/she admired that poster of Gabriel in the training montage with the 'I'm going to work hard and be just like you someday' look.

2. Jesse is kind of a nerd. Not exactly the scientist or bookworm kind of nerd (though in Season 2, he/she did say they used to read a lot). He/she was always the one in the group to come up with ideas quickly, no matter what the choice was. When they looked up to him/her to lead, there was a good reason for it. They either saw or knew they could trust him/her with anything, and he/she would be great and smart at deciding what to do. In this way, he/she is an intelligent and responsible leader.

3. Depending on our choices, Jesse either shows his/her heart or doesn't. But even if a player tries to treat other characters like trash, there are not many options to do that. For instance, when Petra asked for help with her trade, you don't have the option to reject her. Maybe there was a reason for this: to prevent the player's character from being too exaggerated and dependent on the player's choices. If you do that, the character wouldn't have much of a personality. For Jesse, however, the game limits any bad stuff he/she can do because he/she is pure of heart. If a choice makes a character mad at... more


I actually cried when Reuben died, while I didn't when Magnus did, because Reuben is so deep as a character in the story. He was cute, loyal, brave, friendly, funny, and lots of other things too. He's got everything that makes up a great main character. He made a huge difference in Story Mode and even saved the day when the situation was most dire for the protagonist.

The only thing that doesn't make sense about this character is that he has fallen multiple times and jumped from quite high heights but doesn't seem to take any fall damage until the really big fall at the end of Episode 4, which proved lethal.

You have been a huge contribution to the entire world of Story Mode. May you rest in peace.


Ivor is my favorite. He is smart, funny, and has a memorable personality. The ninja thing isn't really my favorite, but he's still great.

He is very funny and good at making potions. I forgive him for making the Wither Storm. (I mean, Soren deserved it, I guess.)

Ivor is just hilarious. I also like how different he is from the old Order of the Stone.


Gabriel is strong, brave, and just a nice person in general. At first glance, he only asks Jesse and the gang to help him because they're the only ones who didn't run away from the Witherstorm. He puts so much trust in them even though they just met, and provided Jesse with encouragement before they split up towards the end of episode one. He's skilled in sword fighting and has a great sense of humor! He's always playing his ego for laughs. For instance, when Jesse said, "You don't look so good" when he had Wither sickness, Gabriel responded with, "Because I look great." He even ran (or at least tried to run since it was the wrong direction) straight into danger when he rediscovered the Order's lie to help his friend, despite knowing what he was doing and that he was going to do it without the command block. I bet he's trying to make up for the Order's past mistakes and become a real hero, since Ivor said he was doing the wandering warrior thing in Season 2. Gabriel was a great mentor for Jesse, and he's definitely my favorite character out of the five Old Order members.


Olivia is decent. I can fully see where she had a character arc with her idolizing Elleguard and seeing engineers as supposedly better than her. However, I feel like they should have given her more screen time to demonstrate her insecurity. At some points, she just comes off as a Negative Nancy. She's constantly too negative about everything. I get it's a showing of insecurity, but if they had just given Olivia more screen time to evolve around that, I would have fully called her a great character. It's a shame, really.


Friend of Jesse and a member of the New Order of the Stone. He is a good griefer and fights with TNT or his fists.


I think that Radar is Reuben's reincarnation, whether it was intended by Telltale or not. When you think about it, they actually have a LOT in common. To name a few:

1. They both get black eyes (determinant)
2. They're both adorable
3. They are both surprisingly courageous
4. Both of their names start with R
5. Jesse says in Giant Consequences that Reuben would have loved Radar

And that's only a few! There are probably plenty more that I don't know. Either way, Radar is a fun character with an amazing, unique personality.


The Newcomers

? Lluna

I CAN'T be the only one that likes Lluna more than Reuben.

? Romeo (The Admin in S2)

Still cool with his powers when he literally copied Jesse and the golden gauntlet!

Jesse also tried to help Romeo escape, but he let them go!

The Contenders

The engineer of the Order of the Stone, who makes machines and leads Redstonia.


Nell is awesome. She's the only reason you get your friends back, and of course, her amazing surfer dude accent. I mean, what's not to love?


Why is he so low? He's one of my favorites.

The Admin

Season 2 was a blast with this guy.


Leader of the Order of the Stone and Master Builder, Soren is a powerful and wise man but turns out to be a liar.


Leader of the rebels in Sky City. He wants to let people build.


I watch Stampy's YouTube channel, and when he reacted to himself it was hilarious! He was the "bravest character" by far, lol, and he is funny. They brought him back along with Stacy in season two, which was a good choice. I love Stampy!


"Greetings, my friends. You will all be made useful. Then I will get to your homeworld and make everyone there useful, including your good friends Axel and Olivia. Yay. Your running makes me sad."

Oh yeah, something doesn't make sense about Episode 7. The primary source of "deaths" is being captured by mind-controlled people and mobs and being "made useful." But one big question - after the player is made useful, isn't there still the possibility that Harper is going to save them?

He's just a delight. Episode 7 had to be the most interesting of the four episodes in the portal arc. Just put his character in a short summary:
"I am P.A.M.A., which stands for whatever it stands for. I am a computer that doesn't understand how human brains work in reality. So I'll overdo my programming to make living things useful and brainwash all of you! Yay!"

Also, Episode 7 is the perfect episode for memes thanks to that last line.


He is better than all the villains combined. I just remembered most of his lines, and his last scenes are fun.


I thought that there was no one in this lonely Minecraft world for poor Ivor. If you were like me and thought that, then you were right. Nobody seemed just right for Ivor in the story mode series. I bet if Ivor decided to look far and wide, he would never find someone just right.

But there are many worlds beyond just this one. When Ivor joined the New Order of the Stone and found the portal hall, Petra and Ivor convinced Jesse to go through a redstone portal to find someone to help them get back to the world they called home. And they did! They found Harper, who made the biggest impact on the Order of the Stone by helping them escape the portal hall.

But she was something more to Ivor. Yes, that's right - sweet, sensible Harper caught his eye as "intriguing." I hope they make a season three of the story mode series. In that season, I hope they give us fans a little more detail on Ivor x Harper.

LDShadowLady Online as LDShadowLady or Lizzie, is an English YouTuber known for producing YouTube video content on her YouTube channel called LDShadowLady.

She is a cool character and very powerful. I think she could easily take down a member of the Order of the Stone and is a good leader.

I disagree with Milo. She only tried to do what was right, and she took down a ghast in mid-air in a second. She built the whole Sky City and a palace. She should get more credit.

Also known as the Founder, she is the leader of Sky City and does her best to save her people.

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