Top Ten Newer Asdf Skits

The Top Ten
1 Everybody do the flop!

Asdf is losing its touch, but this was the last properly funny one.

I saw someone actually doing the flop once. Best. Dance. Move. Ever.

2 Hey, Steven!

It's a lovely day to walk down the road and if I ever stop singing I'm gonna explode

3 I got, older!
4 I'm afraid of backstories
5 I used to be a cow
6 Suicidal muffin

Who wants a muffin!... Someone KILL ME!

7 You have to pay for your food
8 Jimmy, take out the dog!
9 The Door!
10 You got a license for that?
The Contenders
11 Beep Beep Ima Sheep
12 If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands


13 Up the Stairs
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