Top Ten Reasons Why 64 Is a Great Number
The Top Ten
1 Nintendo 64
Danteem: Super Smash Bros and Mario Party 2 are the best games on N64!
This is my favorite Nintendo console.
2 It's near 69
69? My favorite number. (Just kidding)
3 It's interesting
64 is my favorite number. I don't know why
4 It's really random
5 It's fun to say
6 You might be 64 by the time you read this
You're kinda off by 51 years
7 The Black Eye Galaxy (M64)
8 Smallest number with exactly 7 divisors
That... I agree with it. This must be higher than others.
9 Base64 encoding
10 When I'm __ - The Beatles
The Contenders
11 Smallest number that is both a perfect square and cubic number
12 64 is an Erdős-Woods number
In the words of Paul Erdős, there exists a positive integer k such that every integer a is uniquely determined by the list of prime divisors of a, a + 1,..., a + K.
13 It is a Minecraft full stack
The signs and ender pearls are crying right now
I already knew that.
14 It's the answer to a math problem
Indeed it is. It is the same as 2 ^ 6 or 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2.
15 You love it
16 64 is the sum of Euler's totient function for the first fourteen integers
17 Atomic number of gadolinium
18 64 is the largest number of strokes in any Chinese character
19 It Is A Good Number To Have on Your NBA Jersey
20 You are a year away from collecting Social Security
21 Smallest positive power of two that is next to neither a Mersenne nor Fermat Prime
22 There are 64 squares on a chessboard
23 Super Mario 64
24 Robot 64
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