Top 10 Pieces of Advice for Parents If They're Gonna Raise Their Kids to Be Theists

If you're going to raise your kids to be theistic, then here are some really important things you should know before you do teach them about God.
The Top Ten
1 Tell them that God is impotent
2 Teach them to respect different beliefs
3 Know that you don't necessarily have to teach them religion in order to be theists
4 Don't teach them about creationism

DarkMatter1997: There are plenty of scientists that believed in the existence of a god.

5 Let them choose what they want to believe once they get older
6 Don't scare them into thinking they're going to hell
7 Know that kids don't have to get their morals from religion
8 Don't teach them that every story in the Bible is literally true
9 Tell them that things just happen and that there's no supernatural consequence
10 Don't read them the more graphic Bible stories

Well there has always been the Children's Bible.

The Contenders
11 Tell them that God just appeared out of nowhere
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