Top 10 Ways to Make Christianity Look Better

I'm an atheist, but I decided to make a list of ways to make Christianity seem much more logical and reasonable. Think of this list as a way to help you guys out. If we actually did make these changes to the religion then it would be alive and thriving.
The Top Ten
Get rid of the idea that homosexuality and bisexuality are both sins

My male bird tried mating with another male several times. The other male let him flirt with his mate, even though he usually drove the other males away from her. I think they were in love. This is not heterosexual behavior.

God is supposed to love all living things. He made people with different sexualities. Even though the Bible presents Adam and Eve as man and woman, it should stop being proclaimed that being gay or any other sexuality is a sin. It's wrong to say so, since God loves everyone, and we can't change who people are. It should be accepted as it is because a large portion of people in our world are bisexual, gay, lesbian, etc. Besides, if it makes people feel terrible, then that's not really spreading love, which the Bible teaches us to do. Lastly, it doesn't say in the Ten Commandments that it's wrong.

Stop treating it like the true religion, but rather one of the true religions
Get rid of the idea that God remains hidden to test us

I think God is not hiding from us. He just wants you to believe in Him, accept your weaknesses as a person, and change your life to be worthy in His presence. Sins are the reason why we are separated from God, and Jesus is the bridge to help us reconnect to God's presence. Just like the saying that God never abandons His people, it is the people who abandon God. God is omnipresent in His creation, so He is not hiding. Everything in this world is proof of God's presence. If you doubt that, it means you have no faith in Him, and you are not worthy of His presence.

Write more realistic stories

The Bible is based on the Dead Sea Scrolls. If God is real and people find out everything they read was wrong, it would be quite far-fetched.

Abandon creationism in favor of science

This confuses me so much. When you really think about it, it's similar to the Greek gods, where they reproduced with their siblings. I don't like to think about it, but when Adam and Eve had kids, their children would have had to have more kids in order to keep the lineage going. I just don't know and would rather not think about it to keep my sanity.

It's like, if evolution is wrong, then how did the human race start if it was just Adam and Eve and their sons? There are no wives mentioned in the Bible. Then we have Noah's Ark - if the whole human race, except for Noah and his family, were the only humans who survived, how did the human race start again, like in the Adam and Eve era?

Stop using God's plan to justify bad behavior

People who commit crimes in the name of Christianity aren't real Christians to me. They just claim to be Christian to make the religion look bad.

Stop viewing non-Christian things as satanic

This one and number 6 are the only ones I agree with.

Get rid of the concept of hell

The concept of Hell makes God seem more evil than the devil. Harmless non-Christian people going to Hell, just because of some piece of fruit 6,000 years ago, doesn't seem right. The same goes for the Rapture.

God would be dead by now if Hell existed. Can you see people putting up with, "They sent themselves there for not being as nutty as a fruitcake"?

Demolish the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, and The Holy Land Experience

I have seen pictures of The Creation Museum. The most frightening thing was a door with the sentence "The World's Not Safe Anymore" carved on it, with about seven locks. It also looks like it's in an abandoned place.

Get rid of the idea that God is omnipotent

The Newcomers

? Get rid of the idea that suicide is a sin
? Get rid of the resurrection
The Contenders
State that Jesus isn't the Christ, but rather one of the Christs
View the Bible stories as metaphors instead of actual history

Some of them are like parables.

Get rid of Satan. He is a hijacked pagan god called Pan
Replace creationism with the idea that Adam and Eve were cave people and their ancestors were apes
Provide a description of heaven
Make people realize Easter was originally about fertility (Easter eggs & Easter Bunny)
Replace the Christian cross with a different symbol

What if it was replaced by the pentacle? After all, it's an actual Christian symbol, and some Christians even wear it to protect themselves from Satan.

Get rid of the Easter Bunny

What does a bunny have to do with Easter anyway? Was it just some commercial mascot like Santa is for Christmas?

It's a commercial advertising symbol, not a religious symbol. Anyone with a brain knows that.

Please learn about Ostara, celebrated from March 20-23. It is older than Easter, and you will understand the origin of the Easter Bunny.

State that other prophets will return alongside Jesus
Get rid of the idea that Jesus was also God himself
Get rid of the idea that cussing is a sin

Unless you are saying something like God damn it (just an example), which is using the Lord's name in vain and is a sin, cussing in general isn't a sin or shouldn't be. They are just words that some random person made up out of frustration or simply wanted to say. It's not a big deal, just disrespectful.

And let's not forget about how they should stop saying suicide is a sin.

Get rid of the idea that Jesus was crucified

Muslim here. We respect Jesus very much, but we don't believe he was the son of God, nor do we believe he was crucified.

Get rid of the idea that Jesus was the son of God
Get rid of the Ku Klux Klan
Get rid of the Westboro Baptist Church

I agree with this as well. Westboro represents Christianity horribly.

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