Top 10 Places In Our Solar System That People Most Want to Go To

The Top Ten
1 Mercury
2 Venus Venus is the second planet from the Sun and the closest planetary neighbor to Earth. Known for its bright appearance in the sky, Venus is sometimes referred to as the "Evening Star" or the "Morning Star." The planet has a thick atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide, leading to a greenhouse effect that makes it the hottest planet in our solar system. Surface conditions on Venus are extremely harsh, with temperatures high enough to melt lead and atmospheric pressure far greater than that on Earth.
3 Earth
4 Mars

We all dream of finally terraforming the planet to make it like a second Earth. Well, that is, if we don't become extinct.

My mum loves mars. I want to build maglev trains on mars

5 Ceres
6 Earth's Moon
7 Jupiter

some of the Dragons of Jupiter are eyeless, there sense of smell dwarfs most earthling creatures, the skeleton of these dragons are unkillable, atomic nuclear weaponry can't break their armor. once they die the people of Jupiter utilizing their armor & skeletons for shelter & infrastructure, the people rarely visit other worlds because the planets superstorms keeps them partly imprisoned, the people have used the dragons armor to make their ships storm proof, the people of Jupiter usually visit Saturn since the people of Saturn are identical to the people of Jupiter when it comes down to their overall situation & survival

Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

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