Top 10 Interesting Things About the Pokemon Primarina

People have a problem with Primarina because it's "overly feminine". I personally don't mind due to how the Pokemon is like.
The Top Ten
1 It's the perfect example of Be Careful Who you Call Ugly in Middle School

Lol! Great point

2 It's a very suitable final evolution for Popplio
3 It's based off a Siren and a Mermaid

Yeah the first Pokemon to be based off that. It looks part seal/part mermaid.

4 It keeps the performing aspects with water balloons like Popplio

A great contest Pokemon.

5 Primarina has various songs to change the motion of balloons

So it sings like a siren? Awesome.

6 It can move water balloons with its voice
7 The water balloons can explode
8 It has the fairy typing

That's fitting and it is beautiful!

9 It's very beautiful

It's more than beautiful. Primarina is a goddess in sexiness.

10 It has its own Z-move
The Contenders
11 It's sexy
12 It looks like it will be very bulky
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