Best Pokemon Villain Teams
I just found out why Lusamine looks like Pheromosa, along with Lillie looking like Nihilego. From what I've read on the Internet, it's because of Lusamine's obsession with the Ultra Beasts. She actually tried to dress up like one of them since that's what she loves most, doing the same thing to Lillie. This is why they look the way they do.
Man, that's pretty sad when you think about it. After all, Lusamine only became obsessed with Ultra Beasts because her husband had opened an Ultra Wormhole and got lost in it. This probably changed Lusamine from being a kind mother to her children to an abusive antagonist who only cared about what she wanted. She likely wanted to reunite with her long-lost husband at any cost.
Those guys are some badass punk pirates! The moment I heard the main theme of their team in one of the new Pokemon Sun and Moon promotional videos, I already began to love them!
My only peeve is that there's a team with the same name from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series. Other than that, I can't wait until I battle one of those grunts! They're much better than those lame wannabe Team Flare grunts!
In my opinion, they may not have grand, evil goals like some of the other ones, but they sure do have a ton of charm and humor. I even grew kind of fond of them. Plus, they're really fun to battle, and their music themes are just so sick! I've seriously listened to their music on YouTube a thousand times.
Way better written than Rocket. Despite being in games called "Black and White," they really do seem to have a good motive, but lots of hypocrisy to balance them out. This shows that their story isn't so "Black and White" and is vaguer than that. Anyone who was picking Rocket is likely a Genwunner.
The idea that the organization split after the two different "sects" of the original Team Plasma went their ways was actually realistic in terms of what would likely happen to any group after massive internal turmoil such as in B/W. Some chose to follow N, and those who stuck with Ghetsis became Neo Team Plasma.
I wonder how their redesign would look if Diamond and Pearl ever got remakes. I would like for their outfits to be more appealing while still retaining what people liked about Team Galactic.
In Platinum, Cyrus brought out Dialga, Palkia, and even Giratina! In the anime, he nearly destroyed the universe.
Team Galactic is probably the most badass villains. They were capable of many things and could even achieve a new universe.
Team Rocket is very good. Everyone knows their motive, and they are funny. The best thing is that they never give up. They have done some pretty awesome stuff.
In the BW series, their Nimbasa City plot was marvelous, as was their capture of Meloetta and the Weather trio. They battled pretty well in Unova, which can be considered their golden time. In Alola, they have strong Pokemon like Mimikyu and Bewear. Team Rocket should be second as Team Skull is under the Aether Foundation and other things.
I may be a little biased when choosing Team Plasma over all other teams mainly because my very first Pokemon game was Black and White. This is not to say that I necessarily dislike the other villain teams.
The main reason why I love the original Team Plasma far more than any other villain teams is because of the people who encompass the team. Ghetsis is undoubtedly evil, but the members of Team Plasma have truly good intentions. They believe wholeheartedly that they are doing the right thing by "liberating" Pokemon from their trainers, who they believe are imprisoning Pokemon from true happiness, when in reality they are being manipulated by Ghetsis.
I kind of have a crush on Courtney from Team Magma, especially after seeing her in ORAS and Pokémon Generations.
What the heck is Team Cipher? Please don't tell me it's from Gravity Falls.
In Alpha Sapphire, Archie looks like a totally ripped badass captain! The same goes for Matt! That guy looks like he can lift one Wailord 100 times for his daily exercise routine!
Archie was really friendly to you in Alpha Sapphire. Much like N, he could actually understand why you wanted to stop him. He did not hold anything against you for that.
At least these guys have an actual reason for what they have done.
The only ones I liked were Lysandre and Xerosic. Those grunts were stupid and not even in a funny way either.
The Newcomers
Ooh, Dim Sun from the Pokemon Ranger game. They should be higher.
Team Vanillite is just plain weird.