Top Ten Reasons to Hate Taylor Momsen

This 16-year old Gossip Girl star is completely unstandable!!! GRRR!!! We'd love to state down ten things we HATE and DESPISE about her...
The Top Ten
1 She tries to be a 20-year old ADULT

How can you even hate someone without PERSONALLY knowing them, Have you listened to her voice?
All the reasons that whoever made this list stated is personal things that only Taylor can decide if she likes to do it or not, Instead of hating on her go get a life.

What does she and Cristine Reyes have in common? NOT BEING TEEN-FRIENDLY (in terms of image, I think? ).

She is just so self absorbed beso¿ides I hates her in gossip girl she just ruined everything and she looks stupid tryin to be hot and sh

Well now she actually IS a 20 year old adult.

2 She smokes

Smoking is a bad example to her fans, despite saying she's not a role model. She's just trying to be some hard rock chick who doesn't care what other people think. Poser.

Plus smoking is bad for you.

3 She's so self-absorbed

Completely self-absorbed and try-hard.
its pathetic.

I hope she doesnt come to the uk

Well unfortunately she is coming to the uk n I have to watch her as the support act for fallvout boy 'ugh'
On a plus side though, FALL OUT BOY 17TH MARCH 2014 MANCHESTER ARENA... Can't WAIT!

She is too greedy and self centred.

4 She doesn't care about Haiti

Haiti is a developing country. Come on, what if Missouri would be struck by earthquake!?

Oh, come on. At least Angelina Jolie helps, right?

5 She's never been a role model
6 She made Jenny Humphrey a complete (I mean, total) IDIOT

ı don't think that she ruined jenny humphrey but maybe she could have acted better

7 She's 16 turning 46

Actually she's 21 going on 22

8 She's too flawless

What's wrong with that

That's a good thing

Jealousy, I see

9 She's a poser

Yeesh, she tries SO hard to be this gothic/punk queen as if she's trying to be the next Siouxsie Sioux (she will NEVER make it their) the way she copies her dark eye makeup, provocative look and whatnot, she really fails to it

10 Come on, she's never been a Disney star

Okay, there is other stars that were never a Disney star. Examle: Ashley Benson from Pretty Little Liars never was a Disney star and people don't need to be one to be famous

The Contenders
11 She'll never be as famous as Dakota Fanning or Miley Cyrus

That's because she's not a pop star she's a rock star that's 100% better

Being more famous doesn't mean better.

She's better than Miley Cyrus!

12 She dresses terribly

Dressing like a skank/slut/hoe/slag/whore doesn't make you cool.

13 Her sister Sloane is way better than her

They're so different they can't be compared and why do you even think that and what does it matter if her sister is better at some things that's completely normal?

14 She does awful things in her videos

She always includes sexual things and also uses the religion in bad ways in her video clips.
m y ass is better than her face

15 Her voice
16 She’s a bad singer
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